this issue is now sold out
this issue is now sold out!
TBL 41 –
The cost (by Cheque or PayPal) including postage is as follows
UK: £5 plus £1.75 postage and packing – total price £6.75
Europe: £5 plus £4.50 postage and packing – total price £9.50
USA/Canada/Japan/Rest of World : £5 plus £5.75 postage and packing – total price £10.75
Australia/New Zealand – £5 plus £6.00 postage and packing – total price £11.00
You can order via the pay pal link below –or pay by cheque in the UK price £6.75 including postage. Cheque payable to D. Lewis –send to TBL 40 Offer,14 Totnes Close, Bedford MK403AX
Important Note: When ordering below for Europe and USA/Japan /ROW – you need to drop down the price menu below to the correct location ie USA is £10.75 and then click on Buy Now
If you need further advice on ordering – email davelewis.tbl1@ntlworld.com or call 01234 267515 /0794 126 0997