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9 November 2010 4,346 views 4 Comments

Photo copyright  Christie Goodwin

Black Country Communion, the critically acclaimed rock supergroup featuring vocalist/bassist Glenn Hughes, Joe Bonamassa, Jason Bonham and keyboardist Derek Sherinian have announced details of two long-awaited UK concerts for December.

Fittingly, the first concert will take place right in the heart of the Black Country at the legendary Wolverhampton Civic Hall on Wednesday 29th December, followed by a concert at London’s 02 Shepherd’s Bush Empire on Thursday 30th December.

Planet Rock Radio will launch an exclusive 4-day ticket pre-sale from Monday 15th November, for full details visit Tickets will then go on sale to the general public from 9.00am on Friday 19th November, via the National 24 Hour Box Office – 0871 230 1101,,

The band played an intimate private gig at John Henry’s Ltd Studios in London to launch their debut album on September20th – since then Glenn Hughes, Joe Bonamassa and Jason Bonham have been involved in their own individual touring commitments.  These two shows will at last provide the opportunity for UK audiences to see and hear Black Country Communion live on stage.

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  • Shayne Smith said:

    Are they coming to the U.S.?? Last saw Jason in ’88 playing with Jimmy on his Outrider solo tour in California.

  • Lee Henley said:

    Ticket sorted for the Civic, looking forward to it, saw Joe earlier this year, a real great player and really enjoying the BCC album, so with Wolves just 5 miles away it had to be done, a bit steep at £49 with the booking fee’s and postage! Still should be good as the Civic is a small venue and one I like.


  • Jim Sloane said:

    Hope they do some more UK dates – opp narth especially !!

  • Andreas Stocker said:

    would love to see them, but i rather enjoy the snow back home…hope they come back for more in the new year.

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