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24 November 2012 14,650 views 9 Comments


Celebration Day looks set to enter the UK album chart at number 2 this week – which is a very credible sales performance for a band who split 32 years ago and given the current seasonal competition – Rihanna’s Unaplogetic is at number one, Zep at two, One Direction at three, Little Mix four and Susan Boyle at five. (Above pic thanks to Kevin Turner)


The new issue of Rolling Stone has Jimmy on the front cover and an interview inside which has had plenty of coverage on the rock sites this week:  Here’s an extract:

It turns out that Led Zeppelin fans weren’t alone in thinking the group’s 2007 triumphant reunion concert at London’s O2 Arena would lead to a tour. “Some of us thought we would be continuing, that there were going to be more concerts in the not-too-distant-future,” Jimmy Page tells Rolling Stone Senior Writer David Fricke in the new issue, on stands Friday. “Because there was a lot of work being put into the show.”

Ultimately, Robert Plant had no interest in carrying on. “He was busy,” says Page. “He was doing his Alison Krauss project. I wasn’t fully aware it was going to be launched at the same time. So what do you do in a situation like that? I’d been working with the other two guys for the percentage of the rehearsals at the O2. We were connecting well. The weakness was that none of us sang.”

See more at:

In a Supersilent way with John Paul Jones at the London Village Underground:

Great night last Sunday in the presence of one of the esteemed Celebration Day four.  It was once again a pleasure to be up close and personal with John Paul Jones in the guise of full on avant garde improvisation unit Supersilent. In fact this was beyond improvisation as with Ståle Storløkken on keyboards, Helge Sten on guitar and Arve Henrilsen on trumpet, drums and electronics, they cooked up a mighty noise. Livin’ Lovin’ Maid it certainly wasn’t but what emerged was a captivating balance of musical intensity and subtlety – most impressive of which was their final piece that echoed moments of Miles Davis seminal In A Silent Way. I was positioned right next to the speaker and as the bass lines pummeled away I could actually feel the speaker pulsating in front of me.

It was great to hook up with Kevin Hewick,(the Leicester based musician I had not seen in years)  Mick Bulow and his friend Jim (who had a fantastic tale of how he got a ticket for the 02 reunion –it will be in the book!) , Tony Crowley and Paul Stevenson. I had a quick chat with John afterwards –this was his comment on the release of Celebration Day:

”We are of course all very pleased it’s finally out there but what I’m really pleased about is that to capture it on film and live on stage with all those close ups, now everyone can finally see what we did on stage and what makes all that magic – so that’s really the best thing for me. It’s four people on stage playing together intensively – that’s what it’s always been all about”

He will be joining Jimmy and Robert for the Kennedy Honours award reception on December 2nd in Washington and then has a gig lined up with Robyn Hitchcock at Cecil Sharpe House, London, Kennedy Hall on Thursday December 6th (incidentally I know of two tickets going spare for the gig if anyone requires – get in touch via my email). Ahead will be more work on his opera project.

Here is a link to a review of the London Village Underground show:

DL Diary Update:

Thoroughly enjoyed the Pink Floyd Dimension show at Bedford’s Corn Exchange last Friday ….note perfect renditions of the whole of Wish You Were Here and Dark Side of The Moon and vocalist Tiffany Britton was superb….this week it’s been back on with various TBL projects notably TBL 34 in between checks at the hospital and docs re health stuff here amongst us but we are rockin’ on…. Playlist: Along with Celebration Day (again))on the TBL record deck this weekend – Led Zeppelin Coda (30 years gone), Joni Mitchell Hejira, The Hollies Sing Dylan , The Beatles White album and  Ramsey Lewis Mother Nature’s Son – jazz versions of the White Album tracks …plus a couple of Family albums Song For Me and Family Entertainment – Roger Chapman’s vocals ever effective and the Robert Plant Belo Horizonte gig download CD (thank you Alessandro)…..Sad to hear the news of the passing of Larry Hagman today  -an iconic actor – brilliant in Dallas and I recall his great role in the David Essex movie Stardust as a rock star manager..

Enjoyed seeing The Rolling Stones interviewed on BBC’s One show last night. You get the feeling their two O2 gigs are going to be something special with Jeff Beck, Mick Taylor and Bill Wyman rumoured to be making guest appearances –just a shame the tickets are so mega priced…anyone know of any spares going?……Football: Spurs are decidedly erratic so far and tomorrow’s match home to West Ham will be a tricky one. I would say bring back Harry but he looks QPR bound…

Can’t believe that Christmas has sneaked up on us so soon –talking of which here’s another TBL gift idea…


It’s that time of year again and if you are fed up with receiving the same old tired gifts for Christmas each year, why not give your loved ones a nudge in the direction of the TBL ordering page and get them to invest on your behalf –let them really know what you want for Christmas or you may well end up with novelty socks and boxers yet again. Alternatively of course you can just treat yourself!

Here’s another recommendation for those perfect Celebration Day companions…



If you have yet to indulge in the TBL magazine this is another great TBL Christmas gift idea…

If you are new to TBL or have missed out on previous issues, now is the opportunity to catch up. The Five Issue TBL Starter Pack for just £8 –plus postage and packing. You can purchase TBL 26(May 2010), TBL 28 (Dec 2010) TBL 29 (May 2011) TBL 30 (Sept 2011) and TBL 31 (January 2012)  just £8 plus postage and packing – this is the ideal introduction to the world of Tight But Loose at an amazing bargain price.

This is a great value way to get acquainted with the TBL magazine – 160 pages of prime Zep reading all for just £8 plus postage.

Here is the ordering link:


Here’s a bit of fun -a link to a very clever mix of Led Zeppelin samples and more…

And finally….

Jimmy Page in Japan

A you tube clip of Jimmy’s Japan press conference:

Have a good rest of the weekend….

Until next time…. keep reading – keep listening…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

November 24th, 2012

Don’t forget that you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783

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  • Kurt said:

    As always, nice work. I’ve been on your site since the beginning, never get tired of it. Yes, I believe that we can finally say that the run is at an end. By that I mean I give very little chance that the three Amigos will be playing together live again. It is OK (for me), I’ve let it go. Zeppelin will stand forever, and I will never get tired of their music. Ok, before I blather on too much, my wish list: 1. John Paul Jones goes back out with Zooma/Thunderthief material, 2. Robert revists some of his early solo material and gives the country/bluegrass material a break, and 3. Jimmy gets out there and rocks out like Beck has been doing. cheers!

  • Ed- Washington DC said:

    Today I read Pagey’s interview with David Fricke in Rolling Stone, and while I’m delighted with the expanse of the piece and iconic cover photo, the emphasis on drinking and narcotic abuse is a bit much.

    Page has limited tolerance for this sort of nonsense, and he cuts to the quick more than once when desrcibing his own excesses, tartly advising his inquistor that he was “trying to enjoy himself” back then, as indeed were most of us ourselves at the time.

    At another point, Pagey simply refuses additional comment.

    When Bonzo’s habits of drink comes about, Page points out that he should be remembered for his immense talents and influence of his craft.

    And on and on it goes.

  • Łukasz Mazurek/Kielce/Poland said:

    Hello Dave and all!!! I am Led Zeppelins fan from Poland. Led Zeppelin is the greatest Band ever were in our world…I love Robert Plants solo career too!!! “Celebration Day” is led Zeppelins greatest concert since 1977 USAtour and precious finally history of Led Zeppelin!! In my heart Led Zeppelin still was and will be playing forever!!!

    Łukasz Mazurek (32years old) from Poland/Kielce.
    Ps. Dave thanks for all and good bless you!!!!

  • lukas said:

    Hello Dave and all!!! I am Led Zeppelins fan from Poland. Led Zeppelin is the greatest Band ever were in our world…I love Robert Plants solo career too!!! “Celebration Day” is precious final history of Led Zeppelin!! In my heart Led Zeppelin will be playing forever!!! /Lukasz 32/Poland/Kielce. Dave good bless you!!!!

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Kristine great comments and Greg thanks for BBC tip

  • Greg Purling said:

    The DVD got it’s first airing last night (Saturday), and as I watched I thought of all those watching for the first ever time (I was there, and also saw the cinema screenings) – Hats Off to you all, it must have been truly special.

    A word of notice to all Zeppheads – BBC Radio 2 has an hour long doc on Zep at the Beeb, next Thurs 29t Nov, at 10pm. Essential listening !

  • Kristine said:

    Love the only and one Jimmy Page…dancing off the stage,very cool.
    Received ‘Celebration Day’ on Friday but with all the fun the weekend brings have just managed to watch the rehearsal DVD today,Sunday.Wasn’t expecting too much but was pleasantly surprised.You get to see all the lovely backdrop stuff that was going on behind them but don’t get to see much of in the movie.And of course all those knowing smiles to one another,great to see.The music is just powerful,so beautiful…loved Kashmir and Since I’ve Been Loving You.I’m charging up my Ipod as we speak and the CD’s are going on as the soundtrack to my drive to work next week.Now all I have to do is find the time to watch the movie…Rolling Stones Doco on tonight so another time it will have to be.
    Just started reading through the Rolling Stone collectors edition and last night I kicked off Barney Hoskins’ ‘Trampled Underfoot’.It’s a fine time to be a Zeppelin fan.

  • Tim C said:


    I purchased “Celebration Day” this past week, and after watching it a bunch of times, I’m totally amazed they conjured up the power they did that night. But I’m also aware of how difficult it would be at their age to conjure that power up four nights a week if they were to tour again. The great thing about “Celebration Day” is it’s proof they got together after 27 years and once again found the joy and the rush of playing together. And for me, that’s good enough. We’ll always be able to watch it time and time again.

    That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was another one-off down the road.


  • John Thomson said:

    Love your work Dave, and love Jimmy”s walk/strut/dance move as he walks off to Rock”n’Roll

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