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8 October 2010 11,789 views One Comment

Manson’s Guitar Shop has announced that  John Paul Jones  will be appearing at this year’s show which takes place on  Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th October 2010.

Here’s the  info:

The 2010 Mansons Guitar Show is set to be both the biggest and best show yet with a record number of exhibitors confirmed including virtually every great guitar company on the planet. Manufacturers will be bringing their best model examples to exhibit at the prestigious weekend with several UK exclusive launches confirmed. A great mixture of the small independent guitar companies are rubbing shoulders with large corporates, and the presence of guitar legends such as John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin means Manson’s Guitar Show is undoubtedly the UK’s premier guitar lovers event. A full list of exhibitors and artists can be seen below.

Manson’s Guitar Show also has some unique prize-winning opportunities this year. For 2010, Ampeg is giving away a bass rig signed by its roster of bass artists that includes members of The Rolling Stones, Peter Gabriel, Black Sabbath, King’s-X, Alice In Chains, The Smashing Pumpkins, and many others. Marshall will be offering a signed amplifier by one of their legendary artists and Avid Distribution is giving away one of their Eleven Rack systems worth nearly £800. Acoustic players are equally well looked after with Faith and Freshman Guitars offering mouth watering prizes. You can win these prizes through the charity raffle at the show, charity auction or through an exclusive Express And Echo giveaway.

Manson’s clinic, demonstration and performance room will be running flat out throughout the weekend. Martin Barre (Jethro Tull), Walter Trout (Blues Legend), Jerry Donahue (The Hellecasters), Jan Akkerman (Focus), Alex Hutchings, Jas Morris (Guitarist Of The Year Winner), Stuart Clayton (Carl Palmer Band), Chris George (Marshall Official Demonstrator), and flying in exclusively for the Manson’s Show US bass artist Michael Manring (Zon Guitars) will all be appearing at the show.

Tickets are available now in-store or online, with concessions for students and under 16’s.


Here’s the full list of artist appearances:

John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin/Them Crooked Vultures)
Martin Barre (Jethro Tull)
Jan Akkerman (Focus)
Jerry Donahue (Fairport Convention/ The Hellecasters)
Michael Manring
Alex Hutchings
Walter Trout
Jas Morris
Alex Bershadsky

Mansons Guitar Show 2010 Exhibitors:

Alan Miller Guitars
Aria (Seymour Duncan)
Aristedes Instruments
Avid Distribution (Digidesign)
Bad Cat Amplifiers
Bare Knuckle Pickups
Barnes And Mullins
Bassline Publishing
Blue Rock (Godin)
Creative Guitar Player
D’Addario (Planet Waves, D’Addario Strings)
Diezel Amplification
Fender (Fender Custom Shop, Taylor)
Freshman Guitars
Gibson USA
Gremlin Music (Blueridge, Gitane)
Headline (Paul Reed Smith)
Helen Foundation
JHS (MXR, Vintage, Dunlop)
Korg (Hartke, Vox, Korg)
Line 6
Loud Technologies (Ampeg, Mackie)
Manson Guitars
Marshall Amplification
Oasis (Huss And Dalton)
Orange Amplification
Oyster House Media (Bass Guitar and Acoustic Magazine, Guitar Buyer)
Patrick Eggle
Peavey (Budda, Trace Elliot)
Shure (Shure, Monster Cable)
Source Distribution (Jet City, Eventide)
Strings And Things (Music Man, Hercules)
Tanglewood Guitars
TC Electronics
Vanquish Guitars
Westside Distribution (Martin Guitars)
Zon Guitars

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One Comment »

  • Marcel said:

    Jan Akkerman!! Once voted “Best Guitarist in the World” a long time ago…in same line up with John Paul Jones!!! Very cool!

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