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6 June 2010 9,083 views 18 Comments

Led Zeppelin were offically voted the nation’s favourite  band on the BBC’s “I’m In A Rock ‘N` Roll Band” grand finale on Saturday night beating fellow finalists The Beatles and Queen in a phone-in vote. The show also featured Best Singer, Guitarist,  and Drummer live phone-in votes.  Remarkably  Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Bonham were all nominated in their catagories.  John Bonham was crowned top drummer ahead of Dave Grohl and Keith Moon, whilst Jimmy and Robert were runners up  to Jimi Hendrix and Freddie Mercury respectively. The Best Bassist catagory was not subject to a live phone vote but had been previously voted for in the online poll – this was won by Red Hot Chilli Peppers bassist Flea – John Paul Jones was one of the nominated runners up.

During the show various guests were featured making the case for the various bands/artists nominated. Comedian Al Murray made the case for Zep as Best Band and John Bonham as Best Drummer , music producer Mark Ronson got up and did the same for Jimmy and then Texas singer Sharleen Spiteri canvassed for Robert. There was an hilarious moment when Spandau Ballet ‘s Martin Kemp standing for Queen, commented Zep’s album’s had a few great songs but were then made up of filler tracks. A rather sweeping statement!

The show also featured UK tribute band Boot Led Zeppelin who performed  Whole Lotta Love and then a rousing Rock and Roll after the Best Band result was announced.

Immediatly after the show in recognition of their win,  BBC2 screened for the first time an edited version of the 2003 official Led Zeppelin DVD.  This featured  We’re Gonna Groove, I Can’t Quit You Baby,  Communication Breakdown and Bring It On Home from the Royal Albert Hall, Stairway To Heaven from Earls Court, Rock And Roll, Nobody’s Fault But Mine, Kashmir and Whole Lotta Love from Knebworth.

All in all a triumphant night for UK Led Zeppelin fans – and another emphatic example of the esteem Led Zeppelin are held in.  Britan did indeed have taste…(DL)

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  • Shayne said:

    Martin Kemp from Spandeau Ballet?? Never heard of him. He said Zep had “a few great hits”? No wonder I havent heard of him. Reminds me of the way all those punk and new wave guys used to criticize bands like Zep. Seems insecure to me. They new they could never match Zeppelin so they tried to bring them down by critizing them.
    Where are they now?? Is there a magazine and website dedicated to Spandeau Ballet that tons of people subcribe to? Are people fascinated with Spandeau Ballet like they are Led Zeppelin? What a joke.

  • Mat Martin said:

    That last comment really made me laugh. I spend most of my time looking at how Bonzo does stuff rather than looking at what anyone else is doing. Hey, at least we weren’t wearing wigs. I’ll have a word with him though and try and convince him to start dressing to the other side too.

  • shelfsidemark said:

    I don’t want to be critical…..but….Boot Led’s ‘Jimmy’ plays left handed out of necessity but surely ‘Robert’ could manage holding the mike in his left hand !?

  • gill said:

    I missed the extra hour long programme of Led Zeppelin concert footage…and to add further misery, it’s not available on i-player. S**T!!

  • Tony Butler said:

    It was a forgone conclusion….! Best band ever “what is and what will always be”

  • jim said:

    top result , simply the greatest rock outfit of all time. Love other groups , but these lads were unreal.

  • abdul butt said:

    I saw the first of the two shows Zep did at Knebworth in 1979. It was the best 3 and a half hours of live music I have ever heard.
    The music Robert Anthony Plant, James Patrick Page, John Paul Jones and John Henry Bonham produced is timeless and long may it remain so.

  • russell ritchin said:

    THE cream allways rises to the top !!!

    nice to see compilation of zep concert footage (although everyone
    probally have) but any zep on tv ok with me,also enjoyed boot led zep numbers.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Thanks David (no relation!)and to the many comments received here and on Facebook. I’ve said it many times before but they are,were and always will be the best …we already knew it – now Britain does.

  • david lewis said:

    for me it could only be zeppelin as best band i have never bought into who is the best guitarst etc for me it has always been about the sum of parts and for that reason zeppelin are streets ahead also they have so much range and also wrote songs from another plannet from the rock of rock and roll to the amazing rain song they never stop blowing my mind how good a band they were as a budding songwriter myself at first i tried to rip zeppelin of but whats the point instead i tapped into the spirt of the band never being afraid to play what i felt at the time am sure this has been the same for many other folk fro me zeppelin is a way of life i love there music so so much they have been such a huge part of my life and always will be and its great that so many people out there fell the same old and young for us the song will always remain the same

  • paul aspey said:

    When i was young i tried to keep it secret just how good Led Zeppelin were.
    I guess it’s out now!!!!!!!

    thirty five years and worth the wait

  • Benn Kempster said:

    Flea above John Entwistle as a bassist – he was robbed!

  • Chris Wright said:

    Another absolutely triumphant result for the Zeppelin camp. Their star continues to rise as people increasingly recognise what a uniquely talented group of musicians they were/are. To finish ahead of the Beatles in any poll is always a real achievement, but it’s something that Zep has regularly done, almost since birth.

  • Colin Sheil said:

    Superb result & some great advocates for the boys – nice to see Mark Ronson pitch for Jimmy – shows the breadth of influence of the great man – thought Sharlene from Texas did Robert proud too – as for Gary Kemp ??!! Hope he’s embarrassed about that one but doubt it

  • John Webster said:

    Well done the pub landlord. What I also enjoyed was that throughout this series apart from a show featuring Bonzo next to nothing about Zepp/Page & Plant but they still all came through either as winners or top 3

  • Jim Sloane said:

    What a night – let the ROCK ROLL !!!

  • Gary Davies said:

    Get in!

  • Gerry M. said:

    Oh how I laughed when the goon from Spandex Clotheshorse said that Zep had a lot of filler!!!

    Should have had Al Murray doing his bit praising Page and Plant as well as Bonzo – has he got a TBL subscription yet???

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