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1 February 2010 3,281 views No Comment


Now that I have undertaken the administration and distribution of the Tight But Loose magazine, here are a few admin details to note – plus a summary of TBL web site activity. This is the first in what will be regular bulletin updates to inform you of what is happening with the TBL site and magazine looking ahead. Take time to have a look at this as there are some important points and information to soak up. (DL)


TBL 2010 Magazine Subscriptions:

Many thanks for everyone who has subscribed to the TBL 2010 magazines so far. All subscriptions run from issue 26 which will be published in late April, to be followed by isssue 27 published early September and issue 28 published December. In the final issue of the year we will remind you to re subscribe for the three 2011 issues. 

If you have yet to subscribe details are on the site now – past subscribers may well have received a reminder email recently. Please make sure you subscribe. Subscriptions are the lifeblood of the magazine and web site. We have some great features lined up over the next three issues, so be sure not to miss out.


Back Issues:

If you missed out on issue 25 published last December this is in stock now.

We also have limited stocks of issue 17 to 24.  See the Orders link for more details.


Pay Pal Payment Procedure:

Overseas buyers please note – the relevant pricing for Europe, USA and

Rest of the world appears in drop down menus on the pay pal click to pay  

Buy Now boxes for all items. The first pricing shown is the UK price.


Subscribers Details:

Should you change your mail address or change your email address can you please advise Dave Lewis at so we can update our records and ensure your orders reach the correct destination. 


Cheque Payment:

If you pay by post/cheque please make sure your address is clearly written

in block capitals to ensure we get your address logged correctly. It would also be beneficial if you can put your email address as well.




The Tight But Loose web site and magazine is managed, marketed and distributed by Tight But Loose Publishing which comprises of the following team:

Dave Lewis – Editor and Publisher

Gary Foy – News Editor

Graeme Hutchinson – Consultant

If you would like to become involved in the running of the TBL site and magazine we welcome input and feedback. This could take the format of

assisting with mail outs, leaflet distribution web maintenance advise,

to contributing news, reviews of features for the magazine. Let me know if you can help in any way.  


TBL Contact Details:

Please note ALL future correspondence for the Tight But Loose web site and magazine should be directed to


IMPORTANT Past email addresses including and  are now not applicable.


Please note Tight But Loose now has no association with XYZ Promos      





TBL Web Site:

Our objective is to update the TBL web pages as regularly as we can.

The web site incudes the following content:


Latest News:

News updates covering relevant Led Zep related news topics including up to date news of Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones    

We will also endeavour to cover related artists news such as Jason Bonham, Debbie Bonham, Sons of Albion, Justin Adams etc. if you can assist on this in any way let us know.


Dave Lewis Diary/Blog:

My weekly personal observations and Zep related recollections and reflections.


TBL Archive Extracts:

Periodical publishing of archive content from the TBL back issue library. This kicked off with the Jimmy/Jonesy birthday special and the Prelude To Earls Court piece.  Look out for more captivating content from the TBL archive soon.


Tribute Band News:

Coverage of Led Zeppelin tribute bands from around the world with relevant tour date info.


Tour Watch Log:

Set list/reviews and details of the touring activity/performances involving Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones. Most recently this has centered on the touring activities of Them Crooked Vultures – Gary has extensively tracked their tour dates from the US to the UK and Down Under. This section relies on first hand input – so feel free to send in your reviews/photos etc. Full credit provided.     


TBL Publishing titles/Merchandising:

We will make available TBL Publishing titles to order online as published. This has already included the Then As It Was – Led Zeppelin At Knebworth book which is still available.  The next planned title will be Led Zeppelin Feather In The Wind – Over Europe 1980 which is due for publication in September.

Look out also for one off exclusives such as the recent Classic Album Cover Stamps first day covers. We also plan to have available a series of TBL exclusive T. shirt designs following on from last year’s Still The Only Way To Fly design.


So as you can see, there’s a variety of activity to make the Tight but Loose web site an essential interactive Zep browsing experience.


TBL On You Tube:

Tight But Loose also has a You Tube clip presence which includes coverage of the Knebworth book launch at the Lytton Arms, various past Led Zep Convention clips and interviews with Dave Lewis, Howard Mylett, Luis Rey, Brian Knapp etc.



TBL Magazine:

Fundamental to all of the above is the Tight but Loose magazine. This is the must have Zep printed word chronicle to be read and re read and stored as a lasting collectable. Don’t miss out on the essential Zep physical reading experience – subscribe now.


Site/Magazine Feedback Comments:

We welcome feedback comments on the site and magazine. Tell us what you like and don’t like, but please keep it constructive.

We will publish relevant comments with follow up where applicable.



This is a new era for Tight But Loose and we feel there has never been a better time to be served by the TBL experience.

So make sure you visit the site regularly, subscribe to the TBL magazine and invest in the limited edition books to enjoy the full benefits of what Tight But Loose Publishing has to offer in 2010 and beyond.


The objective we will be working towards is to extend the original TBL remit originally formulated over 30 years ago – that is to form a platform of communication between Led Zeppelin fans the world over and take every reader back to the music with fresh perspective.

To that end we will be working continually to make Tight But Loose in all its formats, synonymous with being a Led Zeppelin fan.


Ever onward – ever essential.


We thank you in advance for your support.

Watch this site for further updates

Dave Lewis/TBL Crew

February 1st 2010

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