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22 January 2020 2,048 views 16 Comments

TBL Archive Special: 

TBL Led Zep 1975 Snapshot: Number Two

Snapshot Notes:

Set: Rock And Roll/Sick Again/Over The Hills And Far Away/When The Levee Breaks/The Song Remains The Same/The Rain Song/Kashmir/The Wanton Song/No Quarter/In My Time Of Dying/Trampled Underfoot/Moby Dick/How Many More Times/Stairway To Heaven/Whole Lotta Love – Black Dog/Communication Breakdown.

Robert ‘s flue is now in full effect and Jimmy is struggling with an injured finger. How Many More Times’ was recalled to the set to allow space for guitar improvisation. As Page told Chris Charlesworth of Melody Maker: “We’ve had to cut ‘Dazed And Confused’ from the set and substitute ‘How Many More Times’ which we haven’t played for four years. I’m still doing the violin bow routine but we’ve had to alter even that and I can’t do it as well as I’d like to. I can tell it’s not as good as it usually is but the audience don’t seem to notice.

In addition to these problems, the sound system was a little defective, ensuring that press reviews were not all entirely favourable.
“Led Zeppelin: malfunctions reduce power,” reported Al Rudis: “Led Zeppelin is alive, but not well. Robert Plant’s ‘flu-ridden voice hurt the British band in its concert Monday. Jimmy Page was nursing a broken finger too. What was worst of all was the old bugaboo of rock and roll: defective sound equipment. In Zeppelin’s case, it’s understandable that the group wouldn’t want to be burdened with maintaining its own sound system if it only tours every year and a half; but they’re the ones who rented the system used Monday night, so they must be held responsible.”

“Kinky Led Zeppelin still king of the funky,” wrote Jack Hafferkamp: “For its part, the band played a new variation on its standard heavy-heavy, super-loud, bare-chested, Victorian decadent, fingernail polish and lipstick, kiss-me-because-I’m-really-funky, cartoon performance. Two hours worth.
“Still there were a few surprises. My companion, for example, noted she owns a blouse just like the one Robert Plant was wearing. John Bonham played what must have been the longest drum solo in the history of mankind. And Plant revealed over, and over, and over again that he has the flu. He said that almost as many times as he mentioned the title of the band’s new record. In fact, I think the final score was New Record 8, Flu 5.”

chicago tick

Set: Rock And Roll/Sick Again/Over The Hills And Far Away/When The Levee Breaks/The Song Remains The Same/The Rain Song/Kashmir/The Wanton Song/No Quarter/In My Time Of Dying/Trampled Underfoot/Moby Dick/How Many More Times/Stairway To Heaven/Whole Lotta Love – Black Dog/Communication Breakdown.

The second night in Chicago was a marked improvement, as Lisa Robinson famously reported: “Fifteen seconds onstage and everyone knows it’s going to be HOT. They’ve been truly depressed and confused all day about the first Chicago show. No matter, tonight they’re playing with that old black Zeppelin magic again, and the audience go wild. It sounds as if The Beatles battled the Stones in a parking lot – and Zeppelin won!”

Snapshot Listen – how it sounded today:

Led Zeppelin Live On The Levee (Silver Rarities)

The January 21st Chicago show is available on various CD releases – It’s actually made up of mainly the 20th night with fourteen minutes from the 21st. I have it on the Silver Rarities purchased from the Victoria Record Fair in the early 90s. The tape is a fairly clear if noisy audience recording but suffers at times with tape drop out and fluctuations.
”I’ve got a touch of flue” admits Robert early on and his vocals are certainly suffering. For his part, Jimmy battles on regardless of the finger problem. Over The Hills is already extending in length with that wonderfully lyrical solo. Jimmy is also well animated for When the Levee Breaks and In My Time of Dying played back to back – instrumentally both are pretty awesome deliveries – what a thrill it must have been to witness this rare double dose of bottleneck bravado live on stage. Levee is particularly menacing.

Kashmir (”Jonesy on mellotron – saves all the bread for the orchestra people”) works well despite Robert struggling at times. The Wanton Song (”from the long awaited album even by us”) is a definite highlight, Page attacking the riff with strong intent. It’s a real shame they did not preserve with this and keep in the set. No Quarter is still in a state of transition before it became something of a marathon, Trampled Underfoot is a fairly standard delivery while Moby Dick is back with usual Bonham aplomb (”One man’s got the flu one man’s fit as a fiddle!”) and then to How Many More Times.

A compact eleven minute delivery that features the bow episode and then switches into the Oh Rosie segment and on to the home straight. Stairway To Heaven is an epic performance and from this point, Robert rallies well vocally. In fact, on any given night in 1975, Stairway was performed with immense dedication. Encores – something of a unique arrangement for Whole Lotta Love with Plant going straight into the ”keep a coolin’ baby, I wanna be your backdoor man” usual closing refrain and then they hit Black Dog head on and boy – after all the physical drawbacks, the power of Led Zeppelin in 1975 is clearly in evidence.

It would be awhile before they were back to 100% fitness on this tour but already there was indication of the onstage embellishments to come.
To be continued…

DL – January 22, 2020


Robert Plant at Leicester University – It was 32 years Ago …
32 years ago yesterday January 23 1988, I travelled to Leicester with the good lady Janet and friends Kam and Julie and Alan on a tip off that Robert Plant would be performing a secret warm up gig at the University for his forthcoming UK tour
After a set by Shadows look a-likes The Rapiers, on walked Robert with a completely new band. He proceeded to weave a rich tapestry of both old and new in a quite astonishing performance.
The new came via tracks from his forthcoming album Now And Zen including the Zep sampled Tall Cool One, a right old rockerbilly tear up Billy’s Revenge and the then just released chorus filled single Heaven Knows.
The old came courtesy of his former band in the guise of In The Evening, Misty Mountain Hop and Trampled Underfoot. After previous warm up dates in Folkestone and Stourbridge, this was the third occasion in his solo career that he had performed numbers from the Led Zeppelin catalogue live on stage.
In an era of no ‘Led Anything’ it was simply cathartic. As can be seen by this review I wrote at the time in the weekly column I did for the local Bedfordshire Citizen newspaper, I was mightily impressed. 32 years, on that night in Leicester University remains vivid in the memory.
It was the night I first saw Robert Plant successfully reconcile his past with the present. Being there to witness it all unfold was awe inspiring.
It kicked off a great year of Now And Zen appearances which for me included gigs at Colchester University, London’s Marquee club (where I first met Gary Foy) Warwick University, Oxford Apollo, London’s Town and Country Club and Astoria Theatre and twice at Hammersmith Odeon (the second night featuring a surprise and simply amazing Jimmy Page cameo).
Brilliant as they all were, it’s that first night in Leicester all of 32 years ago this week that still resonates the most – it’s right up there in my top ten list of all time favourite gigs…
Dave Lewis, January 22, 2020
Danny Barnes new album:

Executive Produced by Dave Matthews

Featuring John Paul Jones, Bill Frisell, Matt Chamberlain

John Paul Jones appears as a guest on this forthcoming album…full info here:
Led Zeppelin News Update:

In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.

This one via LZ News:

Jimmy Page will interview his girlfriend, poet Scarlett Sabet, at an event in London on February 11:

February-March 2020 – Jimmy Page’s new book, “Jimmy Page: The Anthology,” will be released.
February 28, 2020 – Robert Plant’s vinyl singles box set “Digging Deep” will be released.
March 26-29, 2020 – John Paul Jones will perform as Sons Of Chipotle at the Big Ears music festival in Knoxville, Tennessee.
September 25-26, 2020 – The next John Bonham celebration event will be held in Redditch, UK.

Many thanks to James Cook.

The complete Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:

Led Zeppelin News Website: Check out the Led Zeppelin news website at


John Bonham signature re issue drumsticks:

Here’s a preview of the John Bonham signature re issue drumsticks sticks as displayed at the NAAM National Association of Music Merchants show in California. Photos  via John Bechtold-Pittsburgh Guitars with thanks to Ken Winovitch. Details of their availability have yet to be announced.







Deborah Bonham at the Stables Milton Keynes Tuesday January 28:

Deborah Bonham and her band are lined up for an appearance at the excellent Stables venue in Milton Keynes on Tuesday January 28

See forthcoming gig details below:

Deborah Bonham new album and tour dates for 2020:


Deborah Bonham and her band have a new album lined up for 2020 and have announced the following tour dates for the new year as follows:

23 Jan WIMBORNE Tivoli Theatre UK
24 Jan LONDON BLUES FESTIVAL, Under The Bridge Chelsea, UK
28 Jan MILTON KEYNES The Stables
07 Feb FRANCE L’Espace Culturel , 7 avenue de Villeroy Mennecy (91)
08 Feb TBC France

21 Feb BEWDLEY St George’s Hall, Worcs
22 Feb TBA23 Feb KINROSS The Green, Scotland 03 Apr FRANCE La Puce a l’Oreille Riom (63)
Carol Miller Q104.3 New York – Get the Led Out  ‘Deborah Bonham -The best female vocalist and tightest band we should have been hearing for the last 20 years —An arena- worthy show in a club- all hail the Royal Bonhams!!!’
Paul Rodgers  ‘I’m not surprised by DeborahBonham’s’ brilliant reviews. I warned you, she’d blow you away! As a side note, her amazing voice is matched by her amazing heart.’
TBL Led Zeppelin Magazine  ‘Guitarist Peter Bullick constantly showed why Paul Rodgers touted him as a replacement for Kossoff should Free ever reform. His bluesy but always economic fills and solos lit up the stage.’
Elmore Magazine USA – ‘Strong voiced, personable and quite the rock & roll singer. This woman, Deborah Bonham (the sister of the late Led Zeppelin drummer) earned a standing ovation at the end of her set, clearly a welcome addition to the tour.’  (Stars Align Tour, Paul Rodgers, Jeff Beck, Ann Wilson, Deborah Bonham, Holmdel New Jersey)
BBC Radio 2 ‘The Rock Show with Johnnie Walker’ ‘Wow is all I got to say after that, and boy can Deborah Bonham sing’
Dennis Morgillo‘The stars sure did align on this hot steamy night in NJ. Three Mega Stars sharing the same bill!? What could be better? To my surprise, Deborah Bonham, the sister of Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham, opened the show. Who knew he had a sister!? Who knew she could sing like an angel!? Bonham has a powerful voice, and put on a great set. She was well received by the crowd who gave her a standing ovation. Bonham then came and sat right in front of me to enjoy the Ann Wilson set. ‘Stars Align Tour, Jeff Beck, Paul Rodgers, Ann Wilson, Deborah Bonham at PNC Bank Arts Center, New Jersey Aug 12, 2018.

Deborah Bonham Auction details for Australians Wildlife:









VIP RECORD FAIR – Victoria, London  – January 25, 2020:

The firstl London VIP Record Fair of the year and decade is staged at the Horticultural Halls, 80 Vincent Square, Victoria, London this Saturday, January 25.

I will not be attending as looking after Janet is my priority at the moment

Here’s all the info;

The UK’s premier event! The best selling opportunity this winter.  Large
airy hall and a café in the venue. Tube nearby and good parking. Only a
handful of sellers tables left.
This event opens later than other fairs – 12 noon to 5pm £5, 10am to 12
noon £10


My thoughts on…

Led Zeppelin Transmissions 1969 (Audio Vaults 2 CD set)

What we have here is one of those semi legal or not so legal packages of Led Zeppelin material. In this case as the title suggests radio transmissions recorded for the BBC in 1969 issued here on the Audio Vaults label whoever they may be. These Led Zep BBC recordings have of course already much bootlegged over the years and are also available in various configurations on the Jimmy Page compiled official Complete BBC Sessions releases of 1997 and 2016.

Over the years I have enjoyed massive affinity for these BBC sessions – going right back since I first heard them on muffled old cassettes circa 1972/3 and then in much better quality after they were aired on the iconic Tommy Vance Friday Rock Show in February 1979.

Being lucky enough to work with Jimmy on the 2016 Complete BBC Sessions release in 2016, when I was liaising with him compiling the sleeve notes ,I witnessed at close proximity exactly what these vintage recordings meant to the guitarist himself.

So to Transmissions 1969:

The packaging is fairly unadventurous – a standard blimp image on the front, fairly detailed track details, one solitary black and white 1969 group photo and some superfluous sleeve notes. The flimsy essay type round up of their early career bizarrely manages to not mention the actual BBC sessions at all. Hey fellas, you could have cribbed my notes from the aforementioned official 2016 release. The sound quality is very good with clear separation.

As for the material spread across the two CDs, well this is a clear case of what’s not to like.

It’s no understatement to say that these performances spread the Zep legacy on their home soil almost as much as the debut album. Over 50 years on they still sound utterly remarkable. There’s a unique vitality about these sessions – it captures a band on the crest of a wave – a band who knew they were good and knew they were breaking new ground with every visit to the various BBC studios during that year.

Pleasingly the five sessions represented here are in chronological order and for that reason the extent of that progression is more than evident. Disc One takes in the four BBC sessions recorded between March and June of 1969. The musical journey that goes from the epic blues covers of You Shook Me and I Can’t Quite You Baby, through to the pure invention of Whole Lotta Love and What is And What Should Never Be with so many diversions along the way is still an absolute blast to travel on  – no matter how many times I’ve heard it all before.

The big plus on CD One is the inclusion of Alexis Korner’s introduction from the March 19 Rhythm And Blues session broadcast on April 14 – this was edited out of the 2016 official release , and the quite hilariously inept interview conducted by Chris Grant for the tasty Pop Sundae session recorded on June 16  and broadcast on June 22. This is the first semi official release of this clip.

Disc Two presents the live Playhouse Theatre recording of June 27, 1969. Again there are bonus points to be had for the inclusion of the Page and Plant Interview with DJ Alan Black plus the sketch featuring Liverpool Scene’s Adrian Henry Andy Roberts and Mike Evans.

In effect this is the Radio One presentation known as One Night Stand broadcast on August 10,1969.

None of the above was used by Page for the official BBC releases. Also of note are the versions of Communication Breakdown and How Many More Times. Communication Breakdown has the refrain from The Isley Brothers hit of the time It’s Your Thing intact –for copyright reasons this was edited out of the officially released cut. How Many More Times retains Alan Black’s intro and Plant’s introduction of the band members – both of which were also edited form the officially released version.

In summary: The packaging is no great shakes but the content on Transmissions 1969 is highly recommended –not least as it presents more complete versions of some key performances. This is therefore an opportunity to invest in a catch all double CD set of virtually the entire BBC 1969 output –and all for under a tenner. Get it before it becomes rather elusive…

Dave Lewis – January 22, 2020

Order via Amazon at this link:


DL Diary Blog Update:

On Monday it was a real tonic for Janet and I to have a visit from Gary Davies.

Midlands based Gary as many of you will know, is one of the foremost authorities on the subject of Led Zeppelin on film and video and a long time contributor to all things TBL. He also co – organised the 2005 Zeppelin Express Convention with Graeme Hutchinson. Gary and I were first in contact by letter (does anybody remember letters?) in 1978 when Gary was 16. Our bond therefore goes back many decades. We had a lot to catch up on and he was incredibly supportive about our situation here. The good lady was also very pleased with the flowers Gary kindly brought along. All round it was a real inspiration to see him. It was also a  pleasure to hand over a copy of the Led Zeppelin Live 1975 -1977 book while he was here as the pic shows.

As mentioned above, I am not able to get out to the Victoria Record Fair or much else right now. My priority is looking after Janet. Though she can get around a bit on her walker frame and crutches there is a lot I need to be on hand here to help her with. There is no bandage now but there can be no weight bearing on her right leg for at least a couple of months ahead.  We have a couple of hospital appointments coming up for check ups which we are a bit nervy about.

It’s been a struggle still mentally for me but I am trying to get stronger. I did have a wellbeing phone screening earlier in the week that may lead to some help though the waiting list  I am told is likely to be months which is not so good.

Aside from Gary’s visit, can’t say it’s been much of a week here – even the good lady’s positive resolve has been tested – the dull January weather does not help.

Winterlude Playlist:

Some more winterlude record selections providing comfort for the cold dark days and long nights here:

Frank Sinatra – A Man Alone

The Who – Who’s Next

When The Day Is Done – The Orchestrations of Robert Kirby

David Crosby – If I Could Only Remember My Name…

Phil Collins – Face Value

Marianne Faithfull – Rich Kids Blues

Dave Lewis – January 22, 2020

Until next time, have a great weekend

Website updates written and compiled by Dave Lewis

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The TBL/DL Facebook page has regular updates and photos – be sure to check it out

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  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Many thanks Ervin

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Many thanks Chris

  • Ervin Grecl said:

    Dave, sorry to hear about your and Janet’s recent experiences. We just got back from an overseas trip and I am only now catching up with everything. I hope Janet continues to recover quickly and that all is well with you. You do so much for the Led Zeppelin community, with your updates on the latest happenings with the band, your great books, the TBL mag (always of high quality) and your overall enthusiasm for the music.

  • Dave Hendry said:

    Thanks Dave. My apologies for missing that. Cheers

  • Chris said:

    Hi Dave, I’ve read and really enjoyed your stuff since 83 with “The Final Acclaim”, and have enjoyed various other Zeppelin books you’ve brought out. I’m really sorry to hear of your bad luck and struggles in the last few months. Hang on in there mate; what you do is really great and lots of us Zep-heads really appreciate it! Thanks for all the positive stuff you put out there. Wishing you all the best.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Dave -thanks for your kind comments – I did mention Neil’s passing in last week’s TBL update

  • DAVE hendry said:

    Hi DAVE,

    Love your webpage and commitment to THE band. I have been following your site for awhile now and have two of your books. The Concert Files from some time ago and the recent Evenings with LZ. We in Canada have had our own recent let down with the passing of Neal Peart from Rush. Drummer extraordinarie and lyricist. Would really appreciate if you could acknowledge this on your site as you see fit.


  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Ed thanks so much for your very kind comments

  • Mr Edward W Bliss said:

    Hello Dave

    Apart from all the great Zep related info., I just wanted to say thanks for posting stuff about your mental health. As someone who suffers the occasional mild dose of depression, it’s heartening and inspiring to read about you coping with your struggles.

    Also, please keep listing albums that you’re currently listening to – there are usually one or two albums that I haven’t heard of and that I go and search out. Anybody that loves the often overlooked ‘Who By Numbers’ album has got to be worth paying attention to!

    All the best and get well soon Janet.

    Edward B

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Alessandro many thanks

  • Alessandro Borri said:

    Thanks Dave again and again for your great weekly TBL Updates. I’ll hope you will get also last issues of FREE APPRECIATION SCOCIETY which whom David Clayton celebrates 50 years of FREE music ! Best Wishes to Janet too ! All The Best, Alessandro

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    great memories Phil

  • Phil said:

    I was at Roberts Folkestone show Dave. I was living in Canterbury at the time and the local paper had dropped through door. Upon perusing it I saw that the Band of Joy were playing in Folkestone in about a weeks time. Unlike most of the East Kent population, I knew who it was and rocked up with the ex on the night in question to witness a sublime Plant performance with his new band and sans the three Zep tunes. The Leas Cliffe Hall holds about 1500. There couldn’t have been more than 400 there. As it’s predominately a standing venue, I was able to plant myself right at the man’s feet. Fabulous night indeed.

    Stay strong Dave.

  • Graham Rodger said:

    Another one of those “grey area” 2CD sets is released on 21st Feb 2020. It’s simply called LIVE IN EUROPE and features some of the famous 1969 Scandanavian broadcasts.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Andy great times indeed – and thanks for all your kind words and support

  • Andy Adams said:

    Great stuff my friend. Top memories of the Now & Zen ‘secret shows’. Remember being in the Queue at Colchester Essex Uni on the 30th when I was handed a tape of the Leicester show! Great to see the pic of you and Gary and hope things are coming together for you and Janet. Rooting for you as ever my friend…

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