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19 May 2011 5,768 views 13 Comments

As previously advised here are all the details of the TBL product frenzy to set you up for the late spring/early summer.

Here is what’s on offer:


Led Zeppelin Feather In the Wind –Over Europe 1980 -Compiled by Dave Lewis

In the summer of 1980, Led Zeppelin undertook what would be their final tour –a low key 14 date trek taking in Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria and Switzerland. With a radically streamlined stage presentation and set list, the aim was to get back to being a working band after all the lay offs of recent years and grand scale of their 1979 Knebworth appearances.

This air of rejuvenation would inspire plans for a full scale tour of America in the autumn that would be sadly curtailed with the untimely death of John Bonham.

Vastly under reported at the time, the Led Zeppelin Over Europe 1980 tour has taken on something of mythical status over the years. It found the band anxious to stamp their authority on a changing musical landscape as their reputation tethered like a feather in the wind.

This book brings a fresh perspective in chronicling this final era, setting the scene with the build up to the tour, combining on the spot reports of the gigs from the time and retrospective views from those that were there both out front and backstage. The book includes an in depth gig by gig analysis of the 14 shows full bootleg, memorabilia and statistic appendix section and is illustrated throughout with many rarely seen photos and images.

The book also offers a unique up close and personal fans eye view of the era as re-told through my diaries of the time and his experiences of being in close proximity to the action during the tour.

* Full colour design throughout with over 250 rarely seen photos and memorabilia images.

*  The follow up to the much acclaimed  Dave Lewis book Then As it Was -Led Zeppelin At Knebworth 1979. Same dimensions as the Knebworth book –a perfect addition to the TBL bookshelf.

* Limited hardback first edition –each book individually numbered, certified and signed by the author

Here is some initial reaction from early recipients of the book:

‘’Leafing through the book on the train…it’s UNREAL!!! What a labour of love…tremendous…can’t wait to really get stuck into it….makes me think I was there!’’  (Carl Swann – Glenn Hughes manager)

Glenn Hughes and DL with TBL product – London, Thursday May 12th 2011

‘’Just picked up the book from my post box. Had a quick look through and read some of the text and mate… it is fantastic. The full colour throughout and the sheer quantity of the images has made this a huge step-up from the Knebworth book (as good as that was). You should be massively proud. I will read through over the next couple of days  …I can’t wait to get into the interviews !’’   (Graeme Hutchinson)

Here’s what Ross Halfin had to say on his May 13th diary entrant after being in receipt of his copy

Ross Halfin with TBL product – Surrey, Thursday May 12th 2011

It all adds up to an illuminating volume that offers clear light on the final days of Led Zeppelin as they attempted to rejuvenate their career by doing what they did best – performing live on stage.

This is the Led Zeppelin tour that time forgot…until now – remembered and re-assessed in greater detail than any other single rock tour.

If you weren’t there then…you can be now


Special Offer Price for a limited period only! The book’s cover price is £30.00. For a limited period the book is on offer at £26:

Full pricing details as follows:

UK: £26 plus £3.95 postage and packing – total amount to pay = £29.95

Europe: £26 plus £7.25 postage and packing – total to pay = £33.25

USA: £26 plus £12.75 postage and packing – total to pay = £38.75

Please allow 2 to 3 weeks delivery time UK/Europe-  4 weeks USA/Rest of World)

Go to the ordering link here: Feather In The Wind  Over Europe 1980 The Book



Led Zeppelin Feather In the Wind –Over Europe 1980: The T-Shirt

Read the book…wear the T-shirt!

Be seen on the coolest Led Zep t shirt around

Sam Lewis and Janet Lewis wearing TBL product -Bedford, Sunday May 15th 2011

Unique design – strictly limited edition

This special TBL T shirt is a Fruit of the Loom quality black shirt with the artwork replicating to the the Led Zeppelin Feather In the Wind –Over Europe 1980 book cover.

The T shirt is available in the following sizes:

Small: Medium: Large: Extra Large

Note size quantities are limited so please order now to avoid disappointment.

Price including postage and packing is

UK: £10.00 plus £2 postage & packing = total amount due £12.00

Europe: £10.00 plus £2.60 postage & packing = total amount due £12.60

USA/Rest of World: £10.00 plus £4.50 postage & packing = £14.50

Please allow 2 to 3 weeks delivery time UK/Europe – 4 weeks USA/Rest of World)

Go to the ordering link here: Feather In The Wind Over Europe 1980 T – Shirt



Tight But Loose issue 29

Another packed affair featuring: Led Zeppelin Feather In The Wind Over Europe 1980 Book preview/Led Zeppelin Back To The Clubs 1971 Phil Tait – I was there at the Newcastle Mayfair Plus Mike Tremaglio’s March to July 1971 log/Stairway To Heaven At 40 Still causing a bustle in your hedgerow? John Paul Jones: A Night At The Opera/Bob Harris The TBL Interview/BCC Exclusive: Jason Bonham & Glenn Hughes talks TBL through Black Country Communion 2/Plus Robert Plant & The Band Of Joy tour latest, Jimmy Page book feedback, CD reviews and more.

This issue kicks off the 2011 TBL Subscriptions – subscribe now to receive issue 29 now to be followed by TBL 30 (late September 2011) and TBL 31 (January 2012).

Go to the ordering link  here: Tight But Loose One Year Subscription

Note: If you have already subscribed TBL 29 will be dispatched in the next 2 to 3 weeks (UK & Europe.) 4 weeks (USA)

You can also order issue 29 individually at this link: Tight But Loose Issue 29


The book – the T- Shirt – the magazine – essential TBL products to set you up for the summer.

All guaranteed to enhance your experience and enjoyment of the world of Led Zeppelin.

Invest and be enlightened!


Sincere thanks for the overwhelming response to the Zep Fest Cancellation statement. I have been humbled and moved by the response and support in light of the difficulties incurred. It means a lot to us all here and has been a massive inspiration.

Thanks again…

Dave Lewis

May 19th 2011

PS: Be sure to catch John Paul Jones appearing with Seasick Steve on the Jools Holland show BBC2 this Friday May 20th


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  • Michael Brazee said:

    Got my T-Shirt yesterday in the USA.
    Looks cool, but not as cool on me as it does on the two fine Lewis Ladies.
    Now the triumverate is complete (TBL, Feather in the Wind, and the T-Shirt).

  • James Rimmer said:

    Hi Dave … recieved “Feather In The Wind” way down here in New Zealand in perfect condition … once again! This is my 5th book of yours and the 52nd in my collection … what pocesses me to spend $$ on this band?
    I’m planning a trip to the UK in September 2012 and would love to buy you a pint! Seriously!
    Thanks heaps and take care.

  • Kathy Urich said:

    I ordered my copy yesterday looking forward to a great read as always. I received my TBL #29 in the mail great issue. I was surprised to see my comments about Jimmy’s book included. What an honor to be included in such a fantastic publication. Thanks again Dave for all you do.

  • AA said:

    Hi Dave!

    Congratulations! I do believe this will be a superb addition to the Led Zeppelin history. I cannot wait to get my own copy and start reading this superb book.

    All the best,

  • Dave Linwood said:

    Ha Ha – agree with Mark’s comments re political corrrectness there Dave – thought you would have put your Percy Plant wig on and got Foy Boy to pose with the Gibson double-neck. And love that picture of grumpy old Ross!
    Order done and on its way in mate.

  • pedro said:

    me again,i nearly forgot, your team can send us down today.
    don’t put to many past us.

  • Mark Harrison said:

    A superb addition to the Dave Lewis catalogue. Easily the best chronicle of any tour they ventured on. A better book than the Knebworth one for sure. This is Quality from front to back. ANYONE calling themselves a fan/follower of Led Zeppelin MUST buy this book!
    I say this with absolutely no bias at all.

  • Hong Kong Damian said:


    What a star! A great way to bounce back after the Zep Fest debacle. You are too generous with your discount offer which I call on all the TBLers to forgo. My full price order for book and T-shirt is on its way. Please use the ‘massive inspiration’ to keep on doing what you do so well.

  • Mark Harrison said:

    AND What with TWO young lovely GALS to model it all
    How can you go wrong mate?
    Alright not politically correct but it’s got to be said!!
    You will be sorely missed Stateside!

  • Melbourne Michael said:

    A done deal! 2 shirts and 2 books: Rush me now!!

    Go to it TBL fans. Order you copies and make Dave’s day.

  • Michael Brazee said:

    Shirt ordered as well.
    Dave, I did not mention the size. It needs to be X-Large.

  • Michael Brazee said:

    Just placed my order!
    Can’t wait to get it.

  • RichardG said:


    Looking forward to it…

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