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Home » Robert Plant

Festival de la Foire aux Vins, Colmar, France

13 August 2006 2,377 views No Comment

Win My Train Fare Home, Freedom Fries, Seven And Seven Is, Black Dog, Let The Four Winds Blow, Friends, What Is And What Should Never Be, Tin Pan Valley, Four Sticks, Gallows Pole.
Encores: The Enchanter, Whole Lotta Love.

This was the last concert in a long run of17 months on the road for mr. Plant, hmm what a pity.
It took too long for the concert to start, due to the first act of mr. Jean Louis Aubert whom got welcomed by his audience and only “let him go” after the 3rd encore!
Finally it was mr. Plants turn, a lot of Aubert fans stayed for his gig, it was a full house.
The enthusiasm was still in the air and the show started of with “Win my train fare home”.
He basically carried on where Aubert finshed, with a lot of “heavy” numbers.
In between the songs he told us in French (mostly) about the ending of the tour and how he was looking forward to going home, about the passing of Arthur Lee, wearing a “Love” t-shirt and dedicated a song to him.
However the show appeared different, maybe because it being the last in a long line of excellent gigs.
I did miss the lovely “29 Palms” and “Going to California”.
But the choice of songs made up for it, and especially the emotion in and happiness he was showing in the Arabic part during a “Whole lotta love”.
We all went away satisfied yet a bit sad for it being the last of this tour!!!!!
Thanks To Karen Clapton for this reveiw

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