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Jimmy Page at ‘It Might Get Loud’ premiere in Los Angeles

23 June 2009 5,590 views 2 Comments

It Might Get Loud

Jimmy Page was in attendance at the Los Angeles premiere of ‘’It Might Get Loud’’ on June 19 at the Main Festival Theatre in Westwood California.

This report by Stephen Humphries from Los Angeles for TBL:

The film, which gets a cinema release in the USA on August 21, documents the summit meeting of three guitar legends: Page, White, and The Edge.
In the film, the three icons sit on couches in a massive movie studio soundstage and lean toward each other in intimate conversation about their approach to playing the guitar. Occasionally, they jam together on songs such as The Band’s “The Weight,” U2’S “I Will Follow,” and Led Zeppelin’s “In My Time of Dying.”

At the Los Angeles press conference at the Beverly Wiltshire Hotel , I asked Jack White whether Jimmy Page might guest on his upcoming solo album.
“Jimmy needs to practice a little more first,” White wisecracked.
Page, sitting next to the White Stripes guitarist in a room full of journalists, Jimmy broke into laughter. “Well there you go, he said it,” grinned Page.
At the press conference, which was attended by Page and White, director Davis Guggenheim (“An Inconvenient Truth”) talked about why he and producer Thomas Tull chose these three particular guitarists as their subjects. “You could find other guitarists that were virtuosos, and you could find other guitarists that are legends, but you may not find three that are all searchers. Each one of them is still searching and still trying to figure out what it means to make music.”
Page added, “What was really fascinating about this was that we were all really self-taught guitarists so we’d all have interesting characteristics. It’s not like where you’re part of an orchestra, where everyone has been taught the same way. There are varied areas of interpretation. This is really strong with character.”
The documentary spends time with each of the guitarists as they tell their individual stories about their childhoods and how they discovered the guitar and made it their own. Page, for example, visits Headley Grange and points to where John Bonham set up his drum kit at the top of the entrance hall stairway to record “When the Levee Breaks.” There’s also rare archival footage of the band in a playful mood next to the recording van parked outside the mansion.
The guitarist also plays “Ramble On” in a studio, emphasizing the “light and shade, whisper to thunder” aspect of the song. Most exciting for Led Zeppelin fans, though, is footage of Page in a studio playing part of a new riff-heavy composition titled “Embryo #2. (Another instrumental, “Embryo #1” plays over the opening credits.)
Jimmy did not give much away regarding his future plans, but did comment there was a ‘’big project I’m working on’’. Asked about musicians he’d still love to collaborate with, Page was similarly vague, saying only that there are so many that he’d have to write them all down and put the names in a hat. He did offer, though, that he is currently listening to a lot of rockabilly again and, later, he described the impact of rock ‘n‘ roll on his ears in the 1950s. “They were really onto something unbelievable – and they knew it! It must have spread like wildfire, what they were doing. That whole excitement and urgency of the movement just took me with it. It wasn’t just one main person or one main thing — though there are shining lights — it’s just really the overall movement.”
The topic of the popularity of the Guitar Hero and Rock Band videogames also came up at the press junket.
“There have obviously been overtures made to Led Zeppelin,” Page said, “but, start with the first track on the first album, ‘Good Times, Bad Times,’ and you think of the drum part John Bonham did there. I mean, how drummers in the world can play that, let alone dad on a Christmas morning.”
White wasn’t enthused by the game, either. “I do know that it’s depressing to have a label come and tell you that this is how kids are learning about music and experiencing music,” commented White. Later, White half jokingly advised that the best way to introduce children to music is to, “take them to see live music. Put them in a position where they physically can’t get away.”
Two nights previously, Page attended the first Los Angeles concert by Jack White’s latest band, The Dead Weather. The two guitarists also walked the red carpet for the Los Angeles Film Festival screening of the movie on Friday night. Page, credited as a producer on the movie, seemed genuinely thrilled with the whole experience.
“All guitarists have a different character that comes through,” said Jimmy “So there was a lot to learn, a lot to experience.”

Some other links to 1-on-1 interviews with Page and White after the press conference:

And footage on youtube:

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  • mike said:

    well Alan

    the hard rock theme park has a led zeppelin ride. so if they agree to that, which seemed tacky to me, then how worse can a game be?

  • Alan McGiveron said:

    Heres something that I feel needs raising: Jimmys dislike of Guitar Hero/Rock Band

    I personally think it would be fantastic to have a Led Zeppelin game developed for these games. I have read the reviews and watched the previews of the forthcoming Beatles game and it is fantastic.

    The dream sequences are brilliant and the game itself has stayed absolutely true to the band. The images of John Paul George and Ringo are excellent – the venues even better. Everything has been done with the full co-operation of the Paul, Ringo, Olivia Harrison and Yoko Ono

    Just imagine what dream sequences could be created for Kashmir or No Quarter, what about The Battle of Evermore, Achilles Last Stand, the list is endless.

    I honestly don’t believe that it will harm or tarnish the name of Zep, in fact it will open up the magic and wonderful songs to a new and eager audience. I really don’t believe it prevents kids form learning to play real guitars/instrumnents either, the opposite in fact. My son took up the Bass as a direct result of playing this game and is now rehearsing with a local band.

    If we can’t have a reunion or any other DVD/CD releases then maybe Jimmy can receate a virtual concert for us from MSG or Earl’s Court.

    I’ve convinced myself it is going to happen just writing this!

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