Articles tagged with: Eddie Kramer
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The new issue of Record Collector magazine (March 2010 issue) has a lengthy eight page interview with Jimmy Page by Jonathan Wingate in which he discusses the It Might Get Loud film and Zeppelin legacy. There’s also a four page interview with Eddie Kramer by Dave Lewis. This is an extended interview from the one featured in the current Tight But Loose magazine (issue 25). It’s a career overview in which Eddie recalls his work with The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin.
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…On JPJ, Bonzo and Led Zep 2 40 Years On…
In an exclusive interview conducted by Dave Lewis, Eddie Kramer the director of engineering and mixing on Led Zeppelin 2, reflected on the making of the album 40 years on.
Eddie was quick to give due recognition to John Paul Jones and John Bonham
for their contributions to the album:
‘’Something like Thank You with the long fade was down to John Paul Jones. He was something of an unsung hero of the band.
Foe me Heartbreaker is a stand out. The solo was …
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In an exclusive interview conducted by Dave Lewis, Eddie Kramer the director of engineering and mixing on Led Zeppelin 2 reflected on the making of the album 40 years on.
Talking about mixing What Is And What Should Never Be, Eddie had this to say:
‘’Id done a lot of that panning and phasing with Jimi Hendrix on Are You Experienced and Axis Bold As Love. I was a leading component of that, I loved doing it and still do. That track had all the phasing and panning which Jimmy also …
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Last Monday the grey drizzly streets of London in autumn seemed a long way from a summers day in Berkshire back in 1972. However the events of the latter came into clear focus when I spent an evening listening to Eddie, to paraphrase that famous bootleg title. The Eddie in question being Eddie Kramer the renowned veteran studio engineer who worked on a variety of Zep albums.
Eddie was in town to relay some of his personal stories at Metropolis Studios a part of his ‘’Kramer Archives & Waves Signature …
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TBL Exclusive Interview With Eddie Kramer On Led Zep 2 40 Years On…
In an exclusive interview conducted by Dave Lewis on Monday in London, Eddie Kramer the director of engineering and mixing on Led Zeppelin 2, reflected on the making of the album 40 years on.
Eddie took time out from presenting his ‘’Evening With Eddie Kramer ’’ event at Metropolis Studios to talk about the album for TBL. Looking back to the mixdown session of Whole Lotta Love, he described it as ‘’A happy mistake’’.
‘’I was living in New York …