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TBL magazine issue 39: 

Another packed edition!

Here’s a summary of the contents of TBL issue 39

Jimmy Page – on the companion disc audio contents:

Jimmy Page talks Dave Lewis through the companion disc audio content of the final three Led Zeppelin reissues.

Presence/In Through The Out Door/Coda Olympic Studios Playback Event:

On the spot report from the June 16 unveiling.

Unstoppable Ascendancy: Led Zeppelin IV/Houses Of The Holy/Physical Graffiti Reissues:

Richard Grubb provides a perceptive overview of the second and third batch of Zep reissues.

The Reissued Graffiti:

Dave Lewis on a monumental reissue.

In Through The Out Window:

Bucks Burnett tells the story of how he secured the ultimate Physical Graffiti collectors item.

Tea For One:

Neil Jeffries takes tea for one at 96 St. Marks Place.

A Teenager Succumbs To the Graffiti of the Physical:

Bucks Burnett on his first exposure to the epic 1975 double album.

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss back together for the Lead Belly at 125 Tribute:

Larry Bergmann Jr reports from the Kenendy Center.

Led Zeppelin At Earls Court – 40 Years Gone

Rikky Rooksby remembers the opening night.

Led Zeppelin at Earls Court – 40 years Gone – The Tape Analysis:

Andy Croft’s tape analysis of all five Earls Court shows.

The Making Of Five Glorious Nights:

Dave Lewis on how the new Earls Court photo book came to fruition.

The Vibration of Sound Tracks:

Larry Bergmann Jr. explains why the new Jimmy Page Sound Tracks set is one of the most important of his career.

Nick Anderson Collectors Column

Led Zep reissue promos round up, Led Zep eBay -o meter, and more

From The Underground: CD’s Reviewed & Rated:

Scott Heck contributes a new CD review column.

My First Ever Music Interview with Led Zep:

Chris Charlesworth on his first encounter with some advanced pop exponents in 1969.

Plus Robert Plant and John Paul Jones Latest News Round Up

Joe Jammer album, History of JB’s Book, Deborah and Jason Bonham latest, book round up and more.

This is another epic issue –don’t miss out – order now!

Remember – websites are for browsing – the TBL magazine is for reading time and time again…


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One Comment »

  • Roger Berlin said:

    Super, Dave
    We see us in the summer?
    Roger Berlin

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