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23 August 2010 8,009 views 10 Comments

The long awaited Jimmy Page pictorial memoir will be published by Genesis Publications on September 27th.

The large format book is over 500 pages and reproduces more than 650 photographs and illustrations, making it the biggest limited edition that Genesis has produced to date. Pre orders are still being taken for the 2,500 limited edition copies – all of which will be personally signed by Jimmy.

The book spans Jimmy’s entire career including pre and post Zeppelin.  Many of the photos have been personally captioned with relevant comments – a superb shot of Zeppelin on stage at the Bath Festival in 1970 is accompanied by the comment ‘’ Bron-Yr-Aur to Bath with the addition of various degrees of stubble, we hit them hard with ‘The Immigrant Song’ to open our set.’’ While the photo of Jimmy at the Olympic Games Closing ceremony with Leona Lewis is simply captioned ‘’ “I’m told that it was the most watched guitar solo in TV history.”

This book is going to be something very special indeed.

More  details at

Jimmy was featured on the cover of The Sunday Times magazine August 22nd issue. In a new interview with Tony Burrell, Jimmy spoke about the book. ‘’I’ve been approached on quite a number of occasions to do an autobiography which I’ve never really wanted to do’’ he revealed. ‘’Because to sell a book you can bet your life that it’s stocked up in a sensational furnace. But I’ve had a substantial career, and I thought it would be interesting to do a photographic autobiography. I wanted to do a book that would show the career, rather than concentrate on lots of hearsay and people’s colourful stories’’ . The feature was a companied by several previews from the book including a shot of Jimmy at his boathouse in Berkshire and a fantastic early shot of him with Red E. Lewis and the Redcaps. There’s also a new photo of Jimmy taken by daughter Scarlet at Abbey Road studios.

Visit the Sunday Times web site for further info – the site includes exclusive Jimmy Page interview content.

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  • Kathleen Ford said:

    As Russell Ritchin stated in his posting, all books from Genesis are extremely expensive, but you have to look at it as you’re purchasing a work of art, because you really are. These books aren’t your usual bookshop stock, which is why you can’t really lop off a zero so they’re more affordable. Genesis puts books together by hand with old-world craftsmanship and I, for one, as a collector, don’t find that often enough. According to Genesis, Jimmy spent months of his time getting this right to tell his story properly and I really believe it’s worth the investment. Yes it is a hefty price tag but happily we can pay in three installments, which was the deciding factor for me.

    Lastly, Jimmy mentioned in the NYT interview (I believe) that down the road there may be a version of this book available at bookstores that will be more affordable, obviously without all the trimmings but the content would more than likely be quite similar.

    I’ll cross my fingers for the O2 DVD as well. It’s tempting to purchase the bootlegs but the band gets nothing for it and who knows what the production quality is like. Can’t wait for the release of this wonderful book. Thanks to Genesis and Jimmy for all the time and love put into it; it’ll be a treasure for his fans!

  • ledhed58 said:

    Jimmy, please, for Howard Mylett and the rest of us, The 02 dvd before those of us in poor health and advancing years are not around to witness the Glory of the Hammer being swung for the last time. I am so ready to hold my book in my greedy little hands…..

  • steve schmidt said:

    After thinking this over for a day or two, I deceided to buy this book. A huge zep/page fan here. Yes it is incredibly costly, but I just had to have it…..before its gone. A beautiful book hand signed by Jimmy himself, I cant wait to get it. Thanks Jimmy, for doing this for your fans!
    Steve Schmidt

  • Andreas Stocker said:

    what a birthday. First 2 nights in a row with the Golden God and then THE Book as a gift from my lovely family….not bad. bring on September 27…

  • russell ritchin said:

    HI ALL a lot of valid comments here & i along with all zep fans wish that jp would get tour ideally with remaining members of zep or if that is not possible by himself (he has hinted he wants to do something & has music ready & waiting) as for THE BOOK well jp has been critisized for the price (but then all books from this publisher are very expensive) like many people unfortunatelly it is way out of my price range but there we go although i would love a copy standard or deluxe would do me but if people have the money then good luck to them.1 of the comments i saw on a certain rock magazine’s web was a
    lot of money for a photo album !! but bottom line is no one is forcing you to buy it i just hope the glimpses everyone saw on IT MAY GET LOUD of jimmy’s god given talent gets to SEE IT LIVE me included.


    After loving the 60’s guitar music featured on it seemed fate that the magical musical ingredients that I enjoyed from Dave Berry to Rolling Stones and now he reveals he played on Ringo’s Theme from Hard Day’s Night, it reveals how stand out his contributions were-it’s like an I was told by a guy, Colin Trotter, at one of London’ Record fair he knew of a 38 page list of all the artists and songs Jimmy featured on!
    I’ve spent the last 15 months in hospital for heart/lungs and breathing problems I need oxygen overnight to prevent my lungs filling and have to sleep with 8 pillows upright and the latest problem is the loss of vision in one eye and part vision in the other eye. My wife and some friends have put together and sent in May, for a copy before my sight fails any more. I hope September comes around soon.
    Of the 20 hospital problemseach time I get home I go straight to the Zepp CDS and love them for the joy they all bring.
    Please release the O2 DVD before my eye-sight fails anymore.
    Love to all the Jimmy Page and Zepp fans around the world. Howard Mylett, August 26th 2010.

  • steve hurd said:

    Bank say NO

  • andrew johnson said:

    book looks great but waaaaay outta my price range and i bet it wouldnt fit in the cd player. music Jimmy we need music

  • No Quarters said:

    Life long Zep fan here, love the idea of the book, but take a zero off at the end and maybe.
    Agree with Ledhed58, let’s get that CD out now! And if I’m going to spend that much, it would be to take my son and daughter to see you play somewhere so they could get a taste of the joy your music has brought to my life for 40 years.

  • ledhed58 said:

    I know most people are put off by the spendy price of this book, but to actually own some thing that Jimmy has put his hands on and sign and to see these photographs and read in his own words the events behind the pictures is priceless to the true fan. I have been following Pagey’s career since 1968 and am thrilled that this book is finally coming out…I ordered mine the day it was announced and while I could not afford the deluxe edition, I am most pleased about my purchase and consider it money well spent.That being said, Jimmy !! I want to hear that guitar army and see you play live again and for gods sake, release the O2 dvd already!! Some of us won’t live forever, you know…Peace…

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