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40 Years Gone / Croydon Convention / John Lennon

10 October 2008 2,315 views No Comment

Forty years ago this month Jimmy Page’s new group were ensconced in Olympic Studios recording their debut album. Reason enough to dig out that Zep 1 vinyl (my favourite version is an original US pressing on Atlantic SD 8216 with heavy duty cardboard cover).

I’ve also had on that amazing outtake session on the Olympic Gold bootleg CD with raw versions of Babe I’m Gonna Leave You and You Shook me. My they were rocking back then…

The 40th anniversary celebrations culminate here at the November 7 Convention at the Fairfield Hall Croydon. This is shaping up to be an excellent day with tribute band Boot Led Zeppelin headlining, Mick Wall confirmed as guest speaker talking about his new Zep biography and the ABC auction set to raise some serious cash. It’s an ideal opportunity to get out of our dens once more to celebrate a milestone anniversary and toast 40 glorious years. I look forward to seeing as many of you that can make it.

I type this early on October 9 – always a poignant date as it marks John Lennon’s birthday. He would have been 68 today. Couple of Lennon/ Zep references – around ‘77 word came that Lennon had heard and loved Stairway (‘’What, he’s only just heard it!’’ was Robert’s tongue in cheek reply) and during Lennon’s famous Phil Spector produced sessions for his Rock And Roll album I have a bootleg of the New York rehearsals where they jam briefly on Whole Lotta Love. A new biography by Philip Norman John Lennon The Life will be on my Christmas list and I’ll be digging out some Lennon to play on the pod to accompany me to MK this weekend (Mind Games/Instant Karma/Jealous Guy/How/Oh My Love/ Imagine/Nobody Told Me/Starting Over/Watching The Wheels/Whatever Gets You Thru The Night etc the man was a genius…)

He is the one rock star I would have most wanted to meet (I did meet his famous Beatle songwriting partner in a toilet once but that’s another story)

Elsewhere it’s been full on with text for TBL 22 – some great stuff in from collector Cliff Hilliard and the man who saw Zep more times than most in the UK Steve Jones.

I’m off to the 31st  Bedford Beer Festival tonight (and yes I’ve been to most of them!) – I’m a lager drinker myself (just find it more refreshing – apologies real ale fans) but drank the old ale for many years in my 20’s and always enjoy lining up in front of the barrels for the dark and mysterious auld roger and the like. It’s always a special event in the social calendar here and I’m sure I’ll be fending off ‘’Are Zep touring or not?’’ enquiries from friends and acquaintances at the bars.

I seem to recall they had a brew called Black Dog on last year. I’ll have a look for that again. It’s work tomorrow and all weekend so wish me luck with the hangover…       

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