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All You Need Is … Onward

7 January 2007 2,076 views No Comment

One of the most welcomed Christmas presents to be found under the Totnes tree was the 5.1 audio version of The Beatles much acclaimed (and controversial) Love album. George and Giles Martin’s 78 minute remix of the songs we’ve known for all these years is simply stunning in 5.1 – and a recent quote from an interview with the Martin’s therefore set me thinking.

Asked if he had any thoughts on doing a similar project on another artist’s back catalogue Giles Martin said ”Well I’d love to have a go at Led Zeppelin. Think of all those sounds available! It’s a completely different way of doing a band’s history. Instead of their biggest hits you’re doing an anthology of their times. All the emotions and textures on one album.”

Now in the light of that statement it strikes me that a Led Zeppelin ‘Love’ type remix release would be a fitting way of celebrating their 40th anniversary next year. In fact Jimmy was actually ahead of the game here when he merged Moby Dick and Bonzo’s Montreux into one track for the 1990 box set.

Based on the meticulous results of the Love album the scope to re-position the Led Zeppelin catalogue with the aid of the original master tapes into one seamless celebration of their greatness is absolutely limitless. Some purists may deem such a move sacrosanct, but I for one would be all for it – I’d be interested in any thoughts readers of this diary might have on such a notion (for or against) – and indeed the potential mix ups / track listing that could be pursued. (email

For example how about Candy Store Rock merging into South Bound Saurez … The Ocean back to back with Royal Orleans … The drone from In The Evening cross fading into the intro of Achilles Last Stand … Dancing Days dovetailing into Houses of The Holy etc etc. If you’ve heard The Beatles Love album you will know how startlingly effective such juxtaposition can be.

If I were Giles Martin I’d be eager to search out Jimmy’s phone number. In my view such a project would once again take their music ever onward. In fact Led Zeppelin Onward would be a most appropriate title.

* Anyone having trouble scrolling the full contents of my 50 At 50 lists – click on the individual subjects DL 50 Songs/DL 50 Albums/DL 50 Gigs to be found under Recent Posts.

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