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15 September 2022 1,290 views No Comment

Evenings With Led Zeppelin Revised & Updated Edition: One Year On..…

The Evenings With Led Zeppelin book has now been available for a year following it’s publication in September 2021.

This is a timely moment to reflect on the overall response to the book and it’s current availability.

Here’s some feedback from satisfied readers…

The book arrived today. It is a thing of beauty!  I’ve just had a glance through – and it looks wonderful.  I can’t wait to immerse myself in this incredible piece of work, with all my unofficial Zep recordings, and just chill out to the live history of the greatest rock band ever. Dave and Mike should be very proud indeed of this incredible tome.  

John McBride

Congratulations on making the best book on Led Zeppelin even better.

Tom Cory

This revised edition has landed and it’s an amazing read . Well worth the cost considering the amount of detail , knowledge and many hours that must have been dedicated towards its publication. It’s by far the best ever Zeppelin book on the market.

Chris Richardson

I am absolutely floored by the amount of research you must have done. It exceeds my (already high) expectations in every way.

Craig Noble

Anything and everything about the history of this band and all of the key people, are in this well-researched, brilliant book. Richard Cole has a wonderful foreword in this edition as well. This is so very, very fine. A reasonable price for all of the tremendous hard work that was put into this work of art!

David Freshman

This is the ultimate reference book, of Led  Zeppelin’s  live activities. I don’t believe there can be a publication which is more reliable and compelling than this.

Koki Mizutani

Just got the book today. WOW! Fantastic in every way. Love the attention to detail and especially the memorabilia. Highly recommended! 

Tony Leon

Here’s a summary of what the new revised and expanded version offers…

The expanded edition is extended by 48 pages bringing the total to 624 – including a brand new 10-page concert bootleg CD discography appendix

Dozens of additional concert ads, handbills, ticket stubs, press reviews, venue photos have been added – many images updated and improved.

More on stage photos have been added, including many never published before.

If you bought the first edition you already know that it is a thorough and complete chronicle of Led Zeppelin’s concert history – it achieved a 95% five star rating on Amazon reviews.

The updated edition is a major upgrade over that highly acclaimed first edition – and even if you have the first book – this new edition adds so much more -and will be a very worthwhile re investment…

Here are some statistics on the additions to the revised & expanded edition:

Now includes over 300,000 words and 3,100 images!

55 Concert entries have been expanded in length with new text, images, and information

55 Concert entries include new press concert previews & reviews (many with images)

100 Concert tickets added

75 Concert adverts added

25 Concert photos added

22 New Led Zeppelin (11 unconfirmed or cancelled gigs) & pre-Zep 1968 concert listings (11)

20  Handbills/Posters images added

20  Miscellaneous images (Programs/Membership cards/press releases/contracts/venue pics, etc.) added

10  Page concert bootleg CD discography added to the Appendix section.

If you have yet to invest, be prepared to be amazed – this is essential reading for every Led Zeppelin fan…


This summary from Mike Tremaglio:


It’s been a year since the Revised & Expanded Edition of Evenings With Led Zeppelin was released in the UK on September 9, 2021 (followed by the US release on October 14, 2021). Amazon ratings for both editions combined are quite impressive and humbling, with 98% of the reviewers giving it either a 4 or 5 star rating (including 89% giving it a perfect 5 star rating)!

We’re both thrilled that the book has been so very well received. We’re also very grateful to so many people in the Zep community who were more than willing to contribute towards the success of the book by sharing their great collections and expertise with us. Thank you!

If you have yet to indulge… 

For US customers, right now there are just a “baker’s dozen” books remaining at US Amazon for a “best ever” price of just $34.45! Here’s the link

For UK customers, there’s also a “best ever” price of just £29.05! Here’s the link:


The promo Interview:


In the early summer of 2021 we liaised with the late much missed Andy Adams on a promo interview for the book. Andy as ever was right on the ball coming through with some perceptive questioning that allowed Mike and I to explain our intentions with this revised and extended edition.

As a tribute to Andy I am presenting the whole interview again here:

Evenings With Led Zeppelin – The Complete Concert Chronicle -Revised & Expanded Edition – making a good thing even better…

An Interview with the authors Dave Lewis and Mike Tremaglio

In this exclusive interview with the renowned Zep chronicler Andy Adams, Dave Lewis and Mike Tremaglio explain how they have made a good thing even better with the publication of a revised and expanded edition of their much acclaimed book Evenings With Led Zeppelin – The Complete Concert Chronicle. We made sure Andy got an advance copy of the book and Mike and I are very thankful that he got to see it before he sadly passed away in the Auugst of 2021.

Andy Adams: So the obvious question is why an expanded version – wasn’t the first edition the last word on the live history of Led Zeppelin?

Dave Lewis: While we were both very happy with the end result of the first book, it became evident that there was scope to improve it. Like any volume of this detail there were one or two typos and errors that crept in that we wanted to put right. More importantly, Mike’s quest to find yet more information, add new facts and significant findings was relentless.

By the end of 2019 Mike already had a substantial amount of new info.

For various reasons that first edition did not have the availability in the US that it deserved – we were both hugely frustrated by this. When the first print run ran out we went back to Omnibus to seek out their plans for a reprint.

The standard practice is to merely reprint the book as it was in the first edition. Given the amount of material Mike had built up, we emphatically did not want that to be the case. So the task was to convince them to extend the book and produce a revised and expanded version. After a fair bit of deliberation, thankfully they saw the scope and agreed to extend the book by 48 pages.  Mike had a very clear vision of how this all might look and then undertook the mighty task of revisiting every page of the book to improve upon it.

Mike Tremaglio: It’s been three years since the first edition was released. While that may not seem like a very long time, quite a number of additional archives have since become available to add to the Zeppelin story. Also, several audio and video bootlegs have also surfaced to add to this new edition.

The additional page count along with some tweaks to the design not only allowed us to expand many concert entries, but was essential in being able to enlarge the size of countless images throughout the entire book.

AA: So can you explain what exactly has been expanded and revised?

DL: Some of the key statistics are as follows: The book now consists of over 300,000 words and 3,100 images and has been extended by 48 pages. 55 Concert entries have been expanded in length with new text, images and information,55 Concert entries include new press concert previews & reviews (many with images),100 Concert tickets added,75 Concert adverts added,25 Concert photos added,22 New Led Zeppelin (11 unconfirmed or cancelled gigs) & pre-Zep 1968 concert listings (11),20  Handbills/Posters images added,20  Miscellaneous images (Programs/Membership cards/press releases/contracts/venue pics, etc.) added,10  Page concert bootleg CD discography added to the Appendix section.

AA: Can you elaborate  on some of these updates and revisions – Firstly tell me about the bootleg appendix pages?

MT: A 10-page bootleg silver CD ( i.e. factory pressed) discography has been added to the appendix. Since bootleg recordings are such an important part of Led Zeppelin’s legacy, I thought a discography would be a much welcomed addition. For each concert recording there is an associated bootleg title, label name, and running time (for each source). It’s basically a handy reference to see what bootleg silver CD titles are available for a specific concert date.

For the particularly maniacal fans out there, there are approximately 568 unique recordings covering 296 shows (of the confirmed 516 concerts). It would take 45 straight 24-hour days to listen to all 1,071 hours of recorded Zeppelin bootlegs in a row!

AA: In terms of additional gigs and information what have been the significant finds?

DL: Firstly, it’s worth noting how many new sources of film footage and tapes have come to light in the last few months alone. From 1969 there emerged a superb audience recording of their July 5 Atlanta Pop Festival appearance, a more complete and higher quality tape source of their Winterland November 7 appearance (which includes the first known live performance of Bring it On Home). There’s been a shorter, but complementary version of their April 9 1970 Tampa show, providing previously unheard songs from the show.

From the 1972 Australian tour some excellent close up 8mm cine film of their February 25 show at Western Springs Stadium in Auckland  – this had been found in the shed of the guy that took it and was transferred and synced up Live in Auckland, New Zealand February 25th, 1972. From the same tour a new and more complete tape source emerged for the February 27 Sydney Showground appearance.

Then there are various finds form the 1975 US tour – a new audience and partial soundboard recordings of their January 18, 1975 performance in Bloomington, Minnesota, a short 8mm film clip from the Indianapolis, IN January 25 show, plus some previously unseen cine footage from the Detroit January 31 show – this material owes much to the diligence of the Dogs of Doom and LedZep film online guys.

Other key additions include the new July 12 & 13, 1973 Detroit bootleg recordings, March 24, 1975 LA Forum soundboard, and April 27 & 28, 1977 new video and audio sources.

What it illustrates is that the quest to log fresh information goes on – once again Mike has been right on the ball here and all these new finds have been duly logged in the revised book. No doubt more snippets will come through – this journey goes on.

MT: Even though the first edition was released in 2018, that did not mean the quest to continually document the band was over. There was always the hope that we would have the opportunity to go back and release another edition. As a result, close attention was always paid to anything and everything that could possibly be added to the Zeppelin concert story. In particular, keeping a close eye on all bootleg releases was important, especially since a bootleg appendix was something we’d hoped to work into an updated edition.

AA: In what way have some of the previous gig entries been extended upon?

MT: In a number of different ways. The additional page count allowed for expanding entries that may have been edited in the first edition due to space constraints. Additional background information, press concert reviews, bootleg information, and especially images were all expanded where applicable. Also, many of the images in the first edition were increased in size.

AA: What about pictorial images and photos that you have unearthed this time around –what can readers except to see?

MT: As previously mentioned, there are so many more concert memorabilia images added such as tickets, handbills, posters, programmes, and newspaper pics. Fortunately, we were also able to source another 25 more concert photos, including several that have never been published before. Marshall Bohlin, Richard Borg, and Sam Rapallo provided some of these outstanding concert photos.

We’ve also managed to track down several excellent photos from their concert at the Oakdale Music Theatre from August 17, 1969, courtesy of Trevor Davis. A two-page spread is devoted to these unpublished photos, which have particular meaning for me since I attended my very first “concert” at the venue – an appearance by Tom Jones (!)  a month before that Zep gig. I had been searching for any pics from that show for ages and I’m excited to include them in the book. At the time my cousin Angela actually attended the Zep concert as a “consolation prize,” as my uncle refused to let her travel to the Woodstock Festival!

DL: Of the new photo finds there are a couple of fantastic additional photos from their August 2, 1969 appearance at the Civic Auditorium Albuquerque in New Mexico  – these feature John Bonham using a double bass drum set up. Another great shot is a full page black and white photo of Jimmy with the violin bow taken on September 6, 1970 at the International Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

AA: Has the overall design of the book changed that much ?

MT: The overall design of the book is generally the same; however, there are some subtle differences which opened up a significant amount of additional space. This, in turn, not only allowed for increasing the size of existing images, but also provided room for more images to be added.

For example, by modifying the design of the concert setlists, more room for images was opened up. Also, individual song titles are mainly contained together on one line wherever possible, rather than splitting them over two lines. This greatly improves the readability of the setlists.

AA: What have been your primary sources in revising and extending the book  ?

MT: One of the key sources this time around was Brian Knapp and his incredible collection. He provided countless rare ticket stub images, handbills, posters, concert pics, etc. His generosity in providing all of this material has significantly improved this edition of the book.

DL: I’ve known Brian for many years and have been aware of the depth of his collection. I think Mike and I would both agree that Brian has amassed the largest collection of Zep memorabilia in the world – so to have Brian on board with us is a fantastic coup. His contributions from his incredible archive have greatly benefited the visual look of this revised edition.

It is also worth mentioning that in the first edition we also took inspiration from previous scholarly Zep chronicling by the likes of Howard Mylett, Luis Rey, Robert Godwin, Hugh Jones,  Eddie Edwards and of course yourself Andy. Along the way, in collating the book we would like to acknowledge the tremendous support we received from Scott Baker, Cliff Hilliard and Chris Selby.  Their generosity in sharing both their expertise and memorabilia cannot be overstated. All their contributions are retained from the first book – as is Richard Cole’s enlightening Foreword. We would also like to acknowledge again Chris Charlesworth for editing the original text and allowing us to do this book in the first place when he commissioned it for Omnibus when he was editor in chief back in 2014.

AA: What criteria were used for being absolutely sure of your information concerning uncertain dates?

MT: Any uncertain dates were thoroughly researched to determine if the gig was actually played. If tangible, hard evidence was found (newspaper ads, articles, etc.), along with supporting anecdotal fan accounts, it allowed us to nail down certain dates.

AA: How important was it to confirm the gigs they were billed to play but for one reason or another were cancelled?

MT: Very important, as it is a vital part of the Zeppelin story. For this second edition, we were able to identify another 11 cancelled or unconfirmed gigs. Over 100 hundred concerts have now been identified as either being cancelled or unconfirmed. Not only were most of these announced or promoted in the press via concert ads/handbills/listings, but tickets were actually sold for many of these shows (such as the cancelled 1975 US summer tour, curtailed 1977 US summer tour, and cancelled 1980 US fall tour).

What we typically avoided including were the proposed gigs that were talked about, but never officially announced  for one reason or another. For example, in some spring 1969 music periodicals it was announced that Zeppelin would play Woodstock (which was never a part of any plans). There are actually quite a number of such tentative gig plans during their career, but since they were never nailed down they were not included.

While it was not included as a concert entry due to lack of any documentation, we did include an anecdote about Led Zeppelin potentially playing a gig in Oslo, Norway during September 1968 (as The Yardbirds). Despite the lack of evidence, four Norwegian fans insist that they saw them perform.

AA: Just remind me where does the title originate from?

DL: We had been looking for a title for a while –  I remembered something Peter Grant had said to me when I interviewed him in 1993. He explained to me how he had come up with the tag line ‘Evenings With Led Zeppelin’ – it was a throwback to how they billed the old music hall acts he remembered from seeing in his youth.  When we saw how many of the gig adverts and flyers carried that name it seemed a really obvious title for the book – these are the ‘Evenings With Led Zeppelin’ over 500 of them – oh and a few afternoons too…

AA: Has the cover art work changed in any way?

DL: When we formulated the cover for the first edition we went through various proto cover designs. What we really wanted was a photo of all four on stage that projected their connection with an audience – an audience evidently enjoying this particular evening with Led Zeppelin at the Boston Tea Party in May 1969. We have retained this for the revised and expanded version. To differentiate from the first book the colour has been changed from a sepia toned tint to a sharp black cover with a b&w photo, red typeface, and a “Revised & Expanded Edition” splash.

AA: There are a number of Zep books due out this autumn  – how does this book differ and what does this book tell us that other Zep books don’t.

DL: I think the depth of information gathered offers a real perspective on what Led Zeppelin was really all about – which was playing live for as many people as possible. As I’ve said before, I’d like to think it reads as more than a mere list of dates. Within the format we adopted it does clearly illustrate all the peaks and troughs of their career: the great nights, the not so great nights, all the craziness of their travels across America and beyond.

MT: Since our book is focused on Led Zeppelin’s concert history in great detail, it’s different than many other Zeppelin books. It’s a book that’s not necessarily designed to be read from cover to cover, rather it’s a reference book to be enjoyed time and time again.

Whether it’s to check out a specific concert date on a landmark anniversary, or enjoy while listening to your favourite bootlegs, it’s geared towards repeated viewings – rather than reading once from cover to cover and having it banished to the bookshelf for good.

All that being said, my bookshelf is loaded with Led Zeppelin books and I welcome any new Zeppelin books that add something more to their incredible story.

AA: Being a major reference work, is this book just for the Zep die-hards or has it got a broader appeal?

DL: While the main appeal is obviously Led Zeppelin fans, I’d say it definitely has a broader appeal. For anyone interested in the heritage of rock music and its development during the 1960s and 1970s, this book reveals much about how the touring scene evolved. As Richard Cole, Zep’s tour manager notes in the Foreword, single-act stadium concerts were a rarity back then – until Led Zeppelin made the bold move into performing to masses of fans – and with no support act.

MT: I’d like to believe that it could be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates rock and roll history. The photographs of all the venues along with associated memorabilia, background information, and press reviews from specific concerts provides the reader with a virtual time machine to experience the shows. With over 3,100 images, there’s certainly plenty of material to review. Also, since Led Zeppelin performed on the bill with so many of their contemporaries, particularly during 1969, fans of others acts could appreciate the historical nature of the gigs.

DL: That is a very good point – my friend Dec is a massive Jose Feliciano fan and a world authority on the subject. He was fascinated and very impressed to see what we unearthed about the one occasion Zep supported Jose at a junior prom concert at Ohio University on May 17 1969. Mike searched out some rare images for that one and was able to include additional material for that gig in this edition.

AA: Which shows during their career stand out for you personally?

DL: Obviously the ones that I was lucky enough to be in attendance at – Empire Pool Wembley in 1971, Ally Pally ’72, Earls Court, Knebworth, five in Europe in 1980 – and the magnificent O2 reunion show which exceeded all expectations.  One thing I did not see that I wish I had was a US concert – which Mike did in 1977.

MT: From a personal standpoint, the answer to this question is quite obvious to me – it’s the one and only time I was able to experience the magic first hand at Madison Square Garden in New York City on June 7, 1977. The memories of this show are permanently embedded into my brain, as I was finally able to see them in the flesh. After the disappointment of missing them on the 1975 US tour, as I was unable to secure tickets, being able to acquire tickets via a New York Times ad for the 1977 gig was beyond exciting.  Listening to bootlegs of the show is one thing, but being able to experience and remember that opening night at the Garden so vividly, so many years later, is another thing entirely. Just the anticipation and excitement of Zeppelin’s return to New York was something to behold. It was truly magical.

AA: In going back and revising the book has it prompted you to reappraise certain performances and touring eras?

DL: Yes, it certainly has. For me the intensity of their early touring days has prompted a return to listening to some of the key 1969 concerts again – the recent Atlanta July 5 and Winterland November 7 tape finds highlighted the momentum they had during that period.  Any Zep fan reading the book will I’m sure want to revisit some of their bootlegs again as they wade through the book. In fact, that is another enjoyable aspect of the book – readers can dip back into it at will to reinvestigate certain touring periods.

MT: Led Zeppelin is rightly known and respected for their remarkable studio album output, but their live music has really kept the legacy alive for me. Because of the breadth and diversity of their live material – even from night to night – in terms of improvisation and approach, the music is still “fresh” after all these years.

While I always return to the studio albums and still enjoy them immensely, there’s something to be said for putting on a bootleg and not necessarily remembering what’s going to happen next in a given song. Listening to live Led Zeppelin is always an adventure, compared to many bands who predictably replicate their albums note for note onstage.

I probably lean most to their 1971 recordings, as I feel they were at their performance peak, but I still listen to all the other years, with 1969 coming in a very close second.

AA: Final thoughts?

DL: To say that this is a case of making a good thing even better is something of an understatement. What Mike has achieved in updating and expanding upon the first book is truly absolutely monumental. His depth of research always amazes me but this time he really has gone to extraordinary lengths. His quest to present this information in the best possible way has also been relentless. For my part, I have been a sounding board in Mike’s quest to make this book as good as it could be. I’ve also kept up a constant dialogue with Omnibus Press to ensure they were aware of our objectives – and the need to extend the book by 48 pages.

It’s also worth noting that the revised book update has been developed within the shadow of the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic and all the personal challenges that this very worrying situation has presented to both Mike and I.

I was also going through a number of personal issues, not least looking after my wife Janet after she badly broke her leg in late 2019. I’ve also struggled with ongoing anxiety and depression. I know Mike also has had a lot to deal with.

MT: To say the last few years have been personally challenging for the both of us is quite an understatement. Between the release of the first edition and now, I lost my beloved dad, left my corporate career, moved, and like all of us, faced the challenges brought on by the pandemic. In fact, in the final few weeks of completing this book, I even contracted the virus. Still, I powered through it all, and in so many ways being focused on the book was very therapeutic. Now I’m just looking forward to having it released and enjoyed by everyone.

DL: Given all those very circumstances I am incredibly proud of what Mike and I have achieved with this expanded update. This is no mere reprint – it’s a whole new version. I would say we have achieved the same effect as the expanded Zep reissued CD sets. In adding companion discs, Jimmy was able to tell the development of those albums in even greater detail. With the work that has gone in to the revised book, we have been able to relay the story with increased accuracy. I cannot understate what an incredible job Mike has done in applying himself to such an intense level of research. He has spent countless hours on perfecting the text and look of the book – and the end result is his triumph – I feel very privileged to have my name line up with his. This is without doubt the best Led Zeppelin book project I have been involved in.

MT: I’ve approached the revised and expanded edition of Evenings With Led Zeppelin with the same passion and intensity as the first, perhaps even more so. It was important to the both of us that this edition was not just another example of hitting the “reset button.” In fact, far from it. Every page in the first edition was examined to see if there was anything we could do to improve it.

We’re very grateful that we were given another opportunity to present all the additional information and images accumulated over the past three years with an expanded edition. So many people have been incredibly generous in sharing their collection and knowledge – all to the benefit of this edition.

Thanks for all the positive feedback we’ve received on Evenings With Led Zeppelin – it’s really meant a lot to us. Your continued passion for the band has been one of the primary motivating forces in making this new edition that much more special.

DL: With this revised and expanded edition of Evenings With Led Zeppelin we are able to tell the story of the band in a way we knew we always could – bringing passion, enthusiasm and a sense of clarity to what is a complex saga. If you already have the first book I would strongly advise any previous reader to make another space on the bookshelf for this one – and if you have yet to indulge in this complete concert chronicle – prepare to be amazed as you climb aboard the incredible journey this Evenings With Led Zeppelin Revised & Expanded Edition.

Evenings With Led Zeppelin –The Complete Concert Chronicle is out now via Omnibus Press

Dedicated to the late Andy Adams who sadly passed away on August 27, 2021




LedZep News

Here’s the latest Led ZepNews Update:

Upcoming events:

September 14 – The winners of the 2022 Americana Honors & Awards will be announced. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss are nominated in two categories.
September 27 – John Paul Jones will perform at the Taylor Hawkins tribute concert in Los Angeles.
October – The expanded edition of “Led Zeppelin – Five Glorious Nights” by Dave Lewis will be published.
October 19 – The French translation of “Led Zeppelin By Led Zeppelin” will be published.
October 25 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
October 27 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Cork, Ireland.
October 28 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Galway, Ireland.
October 30 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace at the Sligo Live music festival in Sligo, Ireland.
October 31 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Dublin, Ireland.
November 2 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace at the Wexford Spiegeltent Festival in Wexford, Ireland.
November 5 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Edinburgh, Scotland.
November 6 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Glasgow, Scotland.
November 8 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Aberdeen, Scotland.
November 9 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Perth, Scotland.
December 22 – The paperback edition of “Beast: John Bonham and the Rise of Led Zeppelin” by C.M Kushins will be published.
Early 2023 – “A Whole Lotta Music: Life To My Ears,” the memoirs of Tight But Loose editor Dave Lewis, will be published.
2023 – The remastered and expanded 30th anniversary edition of “Coverdale–Page” will be released.

Many thanks to James Cook 

The complete Led ZepNews email goes out periodically. To receive it sign up here:

Led ZepNews Website: Check out the Led Zeppelin news website at

It was 51 years ago…

TBL Archive:

51 years ago on September 13 and 14, 1971 Led Zeppelin performed two shows at the Berkeley Theatre in California/ Thankfully both these shows were captured by fans in attendance and have appeared on various bootleg releases.

Here’s something I wrote about the Berkeley Days The Second Night double album when it surfaced by in 2017…


Here’s my thoughts on the recently released on vinyl Berkeley Daze 2nd Night double album… 

Berkeley Daze – 2nd night: Yet Another Very Stoney 1971 evening… 

Dave Lewis welcomes a vinyl reissue of an old bootleg favourite…

I’ve been collecting bootleg recordings of Led Zeppelin since I was 15. It remains a great passion.

In recent years, the market has been somewhat saturated  with upgrades and reissues. I try to keep on top of the CD releases though I have long since dropped out of buying the really high end expensive packages that emerge – however, if it’s something previously unheard, I obviously check that out.

As many of you reading this will be aware, my overall collecting focus has switched to vinyl in recent years, I am therefore very interested in any Zep vinyl bootleg package. However, they have not been too well served in the modern area. Zep Vinyl packages have been fairly random – both in terms of track listing and packaging. It probably does not help that to capture a whole Zep show – the CD format has clear benefits over vinyl.

There have been some worthwhile releases – such as the admirable box sets from Virgin Vinyl stable presenting the Royal Albert Hall 1970 show and the Seattle March 17 1975 show. Also of note is the Fab Four Liverpool January 14 1973 box set, the Southampton ‘73 soundboard across a double set and the ‘Bob Presents’ white vinyl pressing of the Fillmore West January 9 1069 recording. Too often though, the song choices are randomly presented on a single disc such as Touch And Go which mixes performances from Toronto September 4 1971 BBC ’69 and Brussels ’75 and Teddy Bears Picnic, which has highlights of the Newcastle November 11, 1971 show.

When I heard that Led Zeppelin – Berkeley Daze 2nd Night – a new double vinyl presentation of the famous, nay brilliant, September 14 1971 Berkeley Community Theatre show was on the way, my hopes were definitely raised.

This is of course the recording immortalised way back as the seminal legendary Going To California TMQ bootleg. That particular double album on coloured vinyl first came into my life on Friday January 19, 1973 – these dates were important ones and all logged in the dairy so I know these things!

Following on from Live On Blueberry Hill which I had got in late ‘72, it was another revelation and upped my own enthusiasm for Zep bootlegs manifold.

Fast forward 43 years, on a similar cold Friday (February 10) and I took receipt of a new pressing of this fabled September 14 1971 show on the Casino Records Entertainment label in a limited edition of 400.

Boy, was I keen to get intimate again with a live recording that has been part of my Zep DNA for four decades.

So what we have here is a vinyl edition repackage onto vinyl of the CD set that came out via Godfather Records.

The first indication that this label means business is the packaging. An impressive heavyweight cardboard double fold out sleeve with full colour inners.

There’s accompanying explanatory sleeve notes about the recording of the show by one Paul De Luxe. The photos deployed on the inner sleeves are mostly 1971 period shots from the US tour and Empire Pool Wembley gig. There are two pleasing group shots from the autumn 1971 photo session that has them holding drinks and smoking – Page in the Zoso jumper.

Unfortunately, the 1971 mood is spoiled slightly by the dropping in of a colour shot of John Bonham from the 1977 US tour.

Overall though, a sturdy well thought out sleeve package and the records themselves are on 180 gram coloured yellow vinyl – individually numbered in a run of just 400. All very pleasing to look at.

In the very informative sleeve notes Paul reveals the story that the original tapes of this show were disposed of  – as he explains ”Having been lost in a fire, or even thown in the pacific ocean out of paranoia by the person who ran a bootleg label and was scared of an FBI raid’’. The bootleg release was overseen by the famous Dub of TMOQ. It’s likely he got the tapes from the original taper and then released them in early 1973. The fact they came out some two years after the show took place, hints that Dub did not tape them himself – his policy was to release any show he had taped as soon after the gig as he could manage.

It’s well worth noting that TMOQ also presented another bootleg from the same time and venue era – and very likely taped by the same guy that did the Zep show. This was a performance by David Crosby and Graham Nash at the Berkeley Community Theatre a month after the Zep visit on October 15 1971. It’s reported to have the same sound resonance and similar slight cuts as the Zep recording.

The Crosby & Nash bootleg album came out on the Trade Mark of Quality label under the title A Very Stoney Evening. It was issued in February 1973 – with a catalogue number of TMQ 72005 – the next inline after Going To California which is TMQ 72004.


I recently searched out the original mail order listing I received in late 1972 – the very listing I used to order Going To California – and sure enough under ‘New Discs’, it lists both the Zep and Crosby & Nash titles. Looking back I dearly wish I had ordered both as the Crosby & Nash album has gone on to be a celebrated notable bootleg release.

In fact due recognition was paid to it when in 1997 the Grateful Dead label officially issued an excellent multi track soundboard Crosby & Nash concert recorded at The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles, on October 10 ,1971, a mere five days before the bootlegged Berkeley show.

This official release (which I purchased when it came out on CD in 1997 – and I’ve recently acquired the superb double vinyl pressing)) went out under the title Another Stoney Evening – and as the sleeve notes explained ‘’The title of this release is producer Stephen Barncard tip of the hat to A Very Stoney Evening the celebrated bootleg of another inspired date on the tour released on the legendary Trade Mark Of Quality label.’’

Back to Led Zeppelin Berkeley Daze the 2nd Night and the music contained therein:

Well, put simply, what’s not to like?

For a start, this is one of those audience recordings that simply crackles with excitement. Slightly toppy but completely authentic – if a soundboard was to emerge of this night though much welcomed, it would be hard pushed to capture the sheer electricity of what was picked up by the enterprising fan who recorded this amazing show.

And amazing it is, right from the moment they kick in with Immigrant Song. One thing is for sure – Robert Plant’s vocal are at something of a career high – so flexible so confident so utterly self assured – he is literally inventing the rock god model with every song. The echo on his voice is also a sheer delight – none more so effective than on Heartbreaker.

On this track there’s that sudden shift of the sound to stereo just as they hit the line ‘’Annie’s back in town’’ and then Thwack!

Now we really are on a winner. Jimmy is captured right up front just ahead of JPJ’s bass – as for John Bonham, rarely has that Ludwig kit been so well captured from the audience. His snare drum resonates so decisively –it drives the whole thing on at a frantic pace. The entire set showcases the often wild but perfectly honed interplay between Bonzo, JPJ and Jimmy. The solo on Heartbreaker has that delightful run through 59th Street Bridge Song and Bouree – an amazingly fluid piece of guitar mastery.

‘’You should have come last night – last night there were several bowler hatted beatniks’’ . I’m not the only one I’m sure who can recite Plant’s inter song patter on this double set at will…

Since I’ve Been Loving You does have a cut at the intro but no matter as it soon flows with an assured authority and when Jimmy hits the strings for the solo..phew …we are talking Electric Magic here big time.

Black Dog has that Out On The Tiles intro, back in January 1973 that was still fresh in my memory having seen it played live just four weeks previous on stage at Ally Pally. John Bonham is a powerhouse of immense percussive skill throughout this fantastic delivery.

‘’There was a pollution alert today and I lost my voice. Here’s one from millions of years ago.’’

Incredibly it was only two years ago that they were romping through a mere seven minutes of the early anthem that is Dazed And Confused. By 1971 it had extended manifold and this twenty minute onslaught is a perfect example of how well crafted this number had become. There’s a great moment when Plant comes in with those ‘’I’m so glad I’m living in the USA’’ lines.

Side three presents the more acoustic side of Led Zep commencing with a slightly tentative rendering of Stairway To Heaven – tentative but sensitive and warmly received by the audience. There’s also another evocative Plant ad lib witness – ‘’You are the home of the children of the sun.’’

That’s The Way follows, the clarity of the audience tape captures JPJ’s mandolin sound perfectly and it supplements Jimmy’s acoustic picking. Robert is again totally immersed in the song living the lines ‘’why doesn’t everybody cry?’’

The tuning up prior to them easing into Going To California (”a sitting down song”) is another off the cuff highlight

Over on side four, the amps are back up to ten for a bruising compelling Whole Lotta Love. Jimmy teases the riff and you can clearly hear him on backing vocals on the chorus. Then it’s all manner of delightful medley fun: Let That Boy Boogie, the double early 60s throwback wammy of Rick Nelson’s Hello Mary Lou and Elvis’ Mess of Blues and on into a complete rendition of You Shook Me and back to the finale.

‘’Goodnight – thank you!’’

Goodnight – thank them…

Now it’s no secret that I am something of a 1975 man when it comes to loving Zep live, however my second favourite era is 1971. This double album is a prime example of the sheer exuberance of the band at that time.  Jimmy remarked that the audiences on these Berkeley nights were quiet sedate – though you would never really know it.

Some afterthoughts:

Being at the helm of all things TBL, the world of Led Zeppelin revolves for pretty much most of my waking hours. Keeping on top of all the social media demands, answering emails, regularly updating the TBL website, receiving packing and distributing orders (on my bike!) Writing TBL content, working on book projects, etc. – it really is never a dull moment…

Within all that, it would be easy to lose sight of what attracted me to this thing in the first place – which is of course the music. I always make a dedicated effort to not let that happen by frequently spinning fave LP’s and CDs. When something new comes around – particular on vinyl, I still have the hunger and passion to get immersed in it all again.

The arrival of this new double album has more than justified that belief. It’s been a wonderful reminder of the initial ingredients that sparked my insatiable appetite for this remarkable music.

The studio albums, brilliant as they are, were just the starting point.

Unconstrained by the limitations of a mere two sides of vinyl playing time, on stage night after night is where they really came into their own. Their creative juices were ever overflowing. Those evenings with Led Zeppelin were special…and no more so than this September night back in 1971.

It’s been the perfect inspiration as I get down to some intensive work with designer Mick Lowe on the book I am co- authoring with Mike Tremaglio which will chronicle the heritage of those 500+ evenings with Led Zeppelin

On Berkeley Daze and many other nights, Led Zeppelin really were something special.

This double album is more conclusive proof.

I love both the Soundtrack to The Song Remains The Same and How The West Was Won, but in my opinion ( and many others), some of their best live albums remain unofficial – and Berkeley Daze 2nd Night is truly one of the best….

400 lucky recipients of this double album are in for yet another very stoney 1971 evening…

Dave Lewis, February 2017.

Postscript September  15,2022 :

I’ve just played the album and it sounded every bit as impressive as it did five years back -it really is one of the all time great Led Zeppelin performances.


Jimi Hendrix Remembered – 52 years gone… 

I can remember exactly where I was when the news of Jimi Hendrix death came through on September 18, 197 70– 520 years ago this week.  I was listening to the Tommy Vance Friday What’s New programme as I did most Fridays back then eager to hear the latest single releases. Around 5pm the announcement was made on the BBC Radio One news and Tommy went on to provide a fitting tribute to the guitar legend noting the inconsistencies of his performances over the past year.

Across the water the next day Led Zeppelin were performing two shows at Madison Square Garden and Robert Plant paid his respects in the evening show.

”Before we go any further …yesterday a rather uncomfortable thing happened for everybody and a great loss for the music world…and we’d like to think that you as well as us are very sorry that Jimi Hendrix went. I spoke to a close friend of his about half an hour ago and he said probably he would have preferred everybody to get on and have a good time rather than talk about it. So we’d like to get on and try and make everybody happy”.

I’m just listening to that extract of that speech on the bootleg of the evening show I have titled Shout That Loud. They go on to do an absolute steller version of That’s The Way with Plant’s vocals sounding absolutely incredible.  ‘’I wonder how we’re gonna tell you’’ he sings slightly changing the lyrics. Behind him Jimmy strums away sweetly and JPJ adds mandolin totally complimenting the mood. That’s The Way performed by  Led Zeppelin one day after the death of Jimi Hendrix is an awesome performance. They were on fire during that sixth US tour – you can read Mike Tremaglio’s tour log of that exciting summer of ‘70 period in the forthcoming TBL.

I also know exactly where I was on the sixth anniversary of Jimi Hendrix  death in 1976. That was the day we were pitched up in Hyde Park ready to watch the free concert featuring Queen. One of the flags in the crowd that day proclaimed ‘’Jimi Hendrix Died 18 Sept 1970”. The pic here of the flag was taken by my very good friend Dec.

I had a real Hendrix fascination around 1972-3 and brought a fair few of his albums. I went to see the Joe Boyd documentary film in London and loved the soundtrack. Have to say haven’t really played much Hendrix for a good while but Ill be picking out a few choice Jimi faves,  including the excellent Hendrix In The West live album in tribute to this 52nd anniversary of his passing

Marc Bolan remembered – 45 years gone…

Bolan 2

Wednesday September 16 marks the 45th anniversary of the passing of Marc Bolan. Another of my all time heroes and one of the naturally great looking rock stars. Every Marc/T.Rex  single of the early 70s was an event and they still sound so fresh. Here’s a pic of Marc with Robert Plant circa 1976. I think this was taken backstage at the Cardiff Rock Festival.

Marc Bolan was the epitome of the word STAR – when I was a great coat wearing Zep head age 15, amongst all the teenyboppers Marc Bolan and T. Rex were still cool. His album Electric Warrior is amongst my all time favourites and his singles such as Telegram Sam, Metal Guru,Children Of The Revolution, 20th Century Boy etc always inspire great 1970s  memories. He was a wizard and a true star and his light shines ever brightly…









DL Diary Blog Update:

Saturday September 10:

Saturday is platterday and there’s a fair few at the VIP Victoria Record Fair…

Saturday September 10:

To the Victoria Record Fair yesterday…there was a chance it would not be on in the light of the Queen’s passing but it did go ahead and the plan to meet some like minded Zep comrades was fulfilled.
Predictably London was a strange subdued place to be – going over on the tube there were a fair few people carrying flowers getting off on Green Park to go to Buckingham Palace – our very good friend Richard Grubb stopped off to pay his respects.
In chronicling the world of Led Zeppelin through TBL etc one of the things I have strived to do over many years is bring like minded fans together.
This has occurred on many scales from the 1992 and 1994 UK Conventions Andy Adams and I co organised to TBL meets prior to various gigs ,the TBL gatherings at the Atlas pub in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and the past regular meets at the VIP Victoria Record Fair.
For many reasons – the pandemic ,the situation here etc I’ve not been able to attend the Victoria Fair for the past three years.
Yesterday finally I was able to do so again and prior to this, I galvanised various fans and friends to join me. It was at last an opportunity to meet and discuss our favourite subject, remember the much missed Andy Adams and so much more.
I knew Paul Sheppard was coming up from Somerset and it was great to see Jonathan Taylor from Cheltenham, Ian Avey, Cliff ‘the ticket man’ Hilliard, Alastair Chorlton (who has had some recent very challenging health issues), my very good friend Alan Stutz down form Newcastle (Alan was one off the first purchasers of TBL issue 1 back in 1979),Richard Grubb over from Wales and Simon Pallett co author of Led Zeppelin The Concert File book published in 1997.
I might add that all the above have been a fantastic support to Janet and I personally here as we continue to navigate through a lot of challenges of the past three years.
Many of these people I had not seen for a good while and it was heart warming and life affirming to do so. There have been many times when I thought such TBL meets would never occur again particularly when I was suffering from such low self esteem a few months back – so I am feeling well blessed that it was able to happen.
There were toasts for passing of The Queen and new King Charles and the much missed Andy who I know would love to have been here. The pic is taken in the excellent nearby Royal Oak pub.
Many thanks to all those who were able to make it along…
The Fair itself was excellent and it was great to see other record collecting comrades such as Hugh Gilmour and Steve Hammonds, ex Simply Led guitarist Phil Eldridge’s brother Simon and many of the dealers including Nick C.
A memorable day out where our shared enthusiasm for the music we love was well in evidence, creating a platform of communication to use an old TBL strap line.
As the late great Ahmet Ertegun put it ‘’It is a great life this life of music’’ and in amongst all the sorrow and loss we are all feeling right now, for a few hours yesterday, that is how it felt…

Sunday September 11:

it was great to see long time TBL subscriber and all round top man Jonathan Taylor at the TBL meet at the VIP Victoria Record Fair yesterday.
Jonathan has been a great support to us here in recent times and we had a heart warming chat and catch up on the usual subjects.
Jonathan is an excellent music chronicler himself and his reviews on his Facebook page of the gigs he attends is always captivating reading…

Sunday September 11:

It was great to see long time TBL contributor and all round top man Paul Sheppard at the TBL Meet at the VIP Victoria Fair on Saturday.
Paul’s knowledge of the Led Zep CD bootleg releases is second to none and his incisive features on the subject have lit up many a TBL magazine and continues to do the same on the late Andy Adam’s Celebration Days Facebook page.
We of course discussed the finer points of the recent Zep CD releases and much more – it was a joy to be in his company again….
Tuesday September 13:
It was great to see long time Zep fan, TBL contributor and all round top man Simon Pallett at the TBL meet at the VIP Victoria Fair on Saturday – pictured here with myself and Paul Sheppard.
Simon was the co – author with me on the Led Zeppelin The Concert File book published by Omnibus Press in 1997 incredibly all of 25 years ago.
This was our attempt in a pre-internet age to put together a log of every known Led Zeppelin concert together with extensive gig appendices of the post Zep solo years.
We had a laugh looking back to the archaic way we put that book together – no scanning or e-mail attachments in those days it was all actual photos and cuttings that were passed to designer Mike Warry to assemble.
Given those conditions, we came up with something very special and pioneering for the era and we both remain very proud of it.

Wednesday September 14:

A couple more from Saturday – great to see our very good friend and long time TBL supporter Richard Grubb who travelled over from Wales.

Also great to catch up with our very good friends Alan Stutz and Cliff ”the ticket man” Hilliard. Alan comes for Bedford and has lived in Newcastle for a good few years so it was great to see him -way back in 1979 Alan was one of the first purchasers of TBL issue number one.

Cliff is renowned as one of the leading Zep memorabilia collectors specializing in Led Zep ticket stubs of which he has a few hundred – Cliff is also a big collector of Jimmy Page session era LPs and singles and Robert Plant & John Paul Jones material

He has a deft touch in searching out rare finds at the record fairs. His Zep related find on Saturday was a South African pressing of Robert Plant’s Pictures At Eleven album. In the pic he has a copy of the 1971 album by Irish Coffee a cult Belgian hard rock band – original copies of this album command a five figure sum – Cliff was pleased to pick up this re issue pressing. One of my acquisitions from the fair can also be seen – a rather splendid Japanese pressing of The Song Remains The Same album

Update here:

Along with countless others across the globe, we have been deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II…

I’ve been privileged to be in close proximity with both The Queen and King Charles…here’s my stories…
On May 11 1976, The Queen and Prince Philip came on an official visit to Bedford. I was working at the WH Smith record department and on some days I was also called upon to work on the railway news and bookstall they had. As luck would have it on that day I was working at the station and was able to see the Royal train come in bringing the Royal party to the town.
All the station staff and us bookstall workers lined up to greet them and The Queen and Prince Philip duly emerged from the train and walked down the line greeting us.
It was of course a real thrill to be so close to them and I excitedly returned to the shop with tales of this encounter with Royalty. The pic here of The Queen and Prince Phillip was taken in Bedford on that day.
Fast forward to the night of July 21 1982. Robert Plant was amongst a number or artists performing at London’s Dominion Theatre in a concert in aid of The Princes Trust – a scheme set up by Charles to help young people.
As this was Robert’s first post Zep live in London appearance I of course needed to be there. I was very fortunate that Swan Song supplied a guest list pass.
The all star line up included Pete Townshend, Midge Ure, Madness, Kate Bush and Phil Collins. Robert performed an awesome version of Worse Than Detroit with Robbie Blunt on guitar and an all star backing – a track from the just released Pictures At Eleven album.
Prince Charles was in attendance and after the show he came backstage and greeted the musicians and staff and as I was with Robert and his entourage, I was in line to shake his hand as can be seen in the pic here – The Prince and now our King, did look a little tired with William having been born a month before.
Looking at this pic taken all of 40 years ago it’s incredible to think I was a mere 25 years old and the future King was aged 33.
Now here we are 40 years later – me aged 66 officially an old age pensioner and Charles now King Charles III aged 73…
Royal memories that I will be thinking of in the next few days as we say a final farewell to Her Majesty The Queen…


Thanks for listening 

Until next time…

Dave  Lewis – September 15  2022

TBL website updates written and compiled by Dave Lewis

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