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More Ups and Downs

12 April 2009 602 views 6 Comments

dloverAnother week of ups and downs.

The downers: well have to say I got it wrong with taking the Borders job.

After a few days it was evident to me that this just wasn’t going to work out. For a variety of reasons I have therefore taken the decision to resign from Borders.

I thought being back in retail would re-energize me – and I’d cope fine but it just opened up all the old Zavvi wounds.

The shift patterns of the job would also have adversely affected my work/life balance (ie family/TBL) which did not become really apparent until I started.

I guess I did not think it all through properly beforehand.

With no heart for it and it clearly affecting my well-being, I had to decide what was best for me and right now working in retail is not something I can do.

I’m working a weeks notice and my last day is next Friday April 17. Nothing at all wrong with the Borders store itself and the staff have made me most welcome and seem a real good bunch, but I know it’s not for me. Being a man who doesn’t likes to give-in it’s disappointing, and do feel very embarrassed after announcing I was back in work last week (and thanks to so many of you who sent best wishes) to now have to face up to this latest turn of events. All I can say is that it’s not a decision I’ve taken lightly (and I have to say Janet and Sam particularly have been incredibly supportive throughout the week and again have had to put up with it all) but in the current scheme of things I feel it’s for the best.

So it’s back to the drawing board.

The uppers: At the eleventh hour I managed to arrange an interview with John Paul Jones concerning his collaboration with Sara Watkins for inclusion in the new TBL. John rang me last Wednesday night and it was great to hear him as enthusiastic as ever as we discussed his production role on the album. The full interview will be in TBL 23 which we are now in the final stages of production.

It was also great to see the new issue of Record Collector. This has a cover feature I have written on the 40th anniversary of the release of the debut Led Zeppelin album. The eleven page layout and feel of it has come out really well and there’s some excellent use of Jorgen Angel’s first ever Zep gig photos, and the collectors items visuals which Martyn helped me on also look really good. Check it out.

So that’s about where we are on a rather downbeat Easter- to which the May 18th Earls Court version of No Quarter is supplying an appropriate soundtrack as I write. To paraphrase from Francis Albert….it’s John Paul Jones’ world….we just live in it – and he has certainly been a major inspiration during yet another rollercoaster week.

Does anybody remember normality? Not me mate…

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  • Phil said:

    Thinking of you buddy, it will all work out in the end

  • John McBride said:

    Hey Dave – the hardest decisions are sometimes around reversing positions on recent choices. And those require real courage. Which you clearly possess! And you fecking scored an interview with JPJ??!! Good luck – and here’s to the right job finding you…

    Go well,


  • Shayne said:

    Dave- you’ve a lot of worldly experience. Use your connections!! The answer may be right under your nose.

  • Graeme Powell said:

    Keep your chin up mate,I was made redundant last Nov and still no job on the horizon.Gives me plenty of time to watch the boys on DVD and you tube !

  • Jeff said:

    The worm will turn for you, my friend. Don’t worry. Being a fellow (now former) journalist, something is bound to come up that will fill not only your financial needs, but also, and sometimes more importantly, your spirtual/artistic needs. Chin up, my friend. Better days are coming.

  • Steve P said:

    don’t worry about the Borders job , I’ve made the same type of mistake before. I am also looking for my next job {hopefully next week . long story!!} There must be a good career for you within the ZEP world , with all your knowledge. I hope TBL brings in some cash for you. Can the boys at MOJO or Classic Rock not give you a break. Fingers crossed for you. Shit times but if Newcastle beat Spurs this weekend the world will look a lot better. !!!!!!!!!

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