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Home » Dave Lewis Diary

New Email / Unsteady / Escala

30 May 2009 2,677 views No Comment

Dave LewisDon’t’ quite know what brought it on –maybe sitting through the dreadful Champions League Final (sorry Max!), but next day woke up with the nasty inner ear viral infection causing vertigo and nausea that laid me low back in 2006. Spent the day in bed and even had the Doc out who gave me an injection. (Did I not like that!). Those here know of my complete fear of needles and the like – when it comes to such things I’m the biggest wimp going – a fact confirmed by the Doc who remarked to the good lady afterwards ‘’I didn’t think he would make that much of a fuss’’

Did do some good mind as I was able to get up next morning. Which is just as well as we had the good folks from Virgin Media due at 8am to install a new broadband package. So NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

Still feel decidedly unsteady on my feet and need to keep taking the pills but this ain’t no time for illness – what with a book to finish and loads of other stuff going on here including Sam at long last being handed over my room as her crash-pad. This begins in earnest in the next couple of weeks which means a place has to be found for a zillion CD’s books and magazines. The loft beckons…

Apologies for the TBL web site having some gremlins this last week making access difficult. Hopefully the situation will be resolved and we should be back to normal very soon.

Some great stuff has come in for the Knebworth book in the past few days including some really excellent pics, plus an ‘I Was There’ account of the July 24 Copenhagen warm up date. And looking ahead some good stuff brewing for TBL 24 including an excellent Collectors Feature on Nick Anderson one of the world’s biggest collectors of Zep 45’s.

The FA Cup Final is today. I think I did a rant on last year’s diary how this once national event used to be the focal point of the season – now it’s been bumped to the very end of May. Here’s hoping it’s a better spectacle than the Champions League Final. The big event of the day will be the other final going on here – the final of ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent. Last year’s finalists Escala were on Tuesday’s semi final show zipping through their all violined up version of Kashmir.

A fitting blast of Zep on TV on the day after the 34th anniversary of the last Earls Court show. Proving you can’t keep a good tune down.

Right I’m off to take the pills.

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