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Presence Again / Real Ale / Reading matters

17 October 2008 2,157 views No Comment

There are sometimes (most times) when only Led Zeppelin will do.

That’s the way it was last night. Coming back from an intensive fourteen hour day at work, an inspired soundtrack was required. Hitting the wheel of the iPod to albums…there was only one thing for it. Presence by Led Zeppelin and fuck did it hit the mark.

At the right time and in the right mood these seven tracks sum up what this band means to me more than any other record they made. From the sheer exhilaration of Achilles (just imagine being in the studio when Jimmy was constructing those overdubs!), the venom of For Your Life, the lighter touch of Royal Orleans (‘’Whiskers!’’), the sonic thrust of Nobody’s Fault (surely their greatest ever intro), the knockerbout fun of Candy Store Rock, the uplifting swing of Hots On For Nowhere (John Henry you were the one), and the downbeat blues of Tea For One.. ..this is an album dripping with a raw emotional quality that at the time signified triumph over adversity.

It still does.

I can go a few days, maybe a week or more away from the Zep catalogue…but then the moment will be right, and coming home on the bus listening to Presence last night was reaffirmation of how vital they still sound, and total justification why I’ve spent a large part of my waking hours chronicling their music over these past 30 years and more.

It’s Led Zeppelins’ world.

We just live in it….

Elsewhere – I survived the beer festival – highlights of which were Black Dog (‘’3.6% Reddish brown black mild with liquorice, rounded by hints of roast malt and a growing dry bitterness’’) and Nirvana (‘’5.7% strong IPA with masses of hops and well balanced malty sweetness’’)

Hey it’s only real ale but I liked it!

Also bumped into Jerry Bloom who runs the Richie Blackmore magazine and had a biography of the man in black published last year. He is about to publish the Nick Hornby-ish memoirs of one of our Bedford mates in which a young DL figures frequently.

More on that subject soon.

Sam came back at the weekend and it was great to see her, though she was suffering from what I think is termed  ‘freshers flue’. Home comforts, TLC and a big roast dinner was the required medicine.

Loads on at work where we are preparing to do battle with the credit crunch and hopefully take some big money over the next few weeks despite all the apathy – the new AC/DC album is one that looks like doing some strong biz. TBL 22 is ongoing with deadlines looming. Reading matter here…plenty of Zep books (another photo volume has appeared Led Zeppelin Revealed – yours for a fiver at Zavvi) and the excellent Paul Weller The Changing Man by Paolo Hewitt.

Right … It’s time to get back to the album with the original catalogue number SSK59402. ‘’Where the mighty arms of atlas hold the heavens from the earth’’

Vital Led Zeppelin music then…vital Led Zeppelin music now. 

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