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Spurs at Wembley / Zep 1 / Get back To Islington

24 January 2009 2,027 views No Comment

Dave LewisSo there we were me and Adam crouched around the radio listening to the second leg of the Carling Cup semi final between Burnley and Spurs.

 Three minutes to go Spurs are 3-0 down and going out…..I’m giving Adam the old Homer Simpson to Bart oratory: ”Son we’d have only lost in the final’’ followed by the less than hopeful ”But remember son it only takes a second to score a goal” (copyright Bill Shankly)… then fuck me we did through Pavlyuchenko and then another from Defoe!

6-4 on aggregate

We’re on our way to Wembley!

Lifes good again!

Ahh football bloody hell….but no doubt we’ll be back to earth with a bang on Saturday with the FA Cup fourth round visit to Man United also alas the team we play in the Carling Final on March 1

 Last week it was good to see Kerrang magazine hot off the mark with their Zep first album tribute which warranted a front cover feature.

Have to admit I’ve been something of a musical snob when it comes to Heavy Metal in the past (boy did I hate Zeppelin being associated with that unruly noise  back in the 1980’s), but I’ve always enjoyed Kerrang for it’s unrelenting enthusiasm. These days it caters for the new new wave of heavy metal (Leathermouth,Grave Digger, Devian anyone?)…but hey if a few of their younger readers went out and  brought Led Zep 1 (imagine the treat in store hearing that for the first time) then the job would have been done. Hopefully said new fans might even get to check out Tight But Loose.

 We are of course piecing together our own testament to the celebrated year of  rock that was 1969 and already there’s some fine stuff emerging all guaranteed to take you back to that period with renewed vigour. (Thanks so far to Lorraine ,Luis and Gerard for your input)

Playing the Paris 69 CD this week (thanks Tim!) the sheer ferocity of their performances back then was and is quite staggering They were just flying so high, musically often on the edge and nigh on out of control. There’s much to chronicle about that remarkable first 12 months in the band’s history and the next three magazines are planned to do just that.     

 Elsewhere survived another round of Zavvi closure roulette last week, but 19 more closed and 14 were sold to HMV. Milton Keynes trades on and with a substantial amount of stock from the closed stores and further price reductions we might last a few more weeks –though a lifeline looks thin now and the end is in sight. It’s the not knowing and uncertainty of it all that’s the worry, but we are trying to remain stoic and get on with it.

 On the player and pod during these extraordinary times…some old faves providing a measure of stability: Bob Dylan’s Desire (always an early month fave reminding me of another difficult Jan/Feb period in 1976 when my love life at the time was going a bit pear),The Who By Numbers, David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name, and Zep wise revisited some early 1975 gigs namely It’s Time To Travel Again the Brussels January 12 warm up and Detroit Just About Back.

Experimental and spirited performances in the face of adversity and a hint at the glory to come…also had on the John Lennon compilation that came free with the Mail On Sunday last week – proof if it was needed of what a great singer he was. The 1980 track Nobody Told Me with its chorus ‘’Nobody told me they’d be days like these, strange days indeed, most peculiar mama’ sounds most appropriate right now.   

 Next Friday (January 30) there’s a welcome respite when myself and esteemed ex Wallbanger FC players Max, Phil and Dec (the latter pair are also fully paid up members of the Bedford Earls Court 6 club) reunite for our annual day in Islington’s finest hostelries (pubs that is). There we’ll talk of wine, women and song from our glory years. No doubt topics such as how I once took a goal kick that travelled all of three yards as I fell arse over tit in the Wallbanger goal, and just how I let slip a shot by bruv JL in our 3-2 defeat of his team Stanley Arms in 1979 will be dissected.

 While we are on this nostalgic kick, we might even pop around to no 3 Saville Row London at lunchtime and gaze up to the rooftop of the former Apple Records HQ where 40 years ago to the very day The Beatles performed together in public for the final time as a part of their Get Back/Let it Be filming (and yes John you passed the audition)

 There’s just no getting away from 1969 right now…

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