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Thoughts on the ‘Will they or won’t they’ saga…

5 October 2008 1,851 views No Comment

With so many rumours and counter rumours floating about, it’s been a job to keep up with the ‘’Will they or won’t they’’ saga in recent weeks. It was therefore something of a relief when official word came through via the Robert Plant web site of the singer’s own intentions.

Given the comments Robert has given in various interviews since the 02 reunion, perhaps it was no real surprise that he has made the decision not to re group with Jimmy JPJ, and Jason.

The big issue now of course is what plans the latter trio might have in the future. If rumours of another singer being drafted in are true then there is every possibility they will go out on tour – though surely not under the Led Zeppelin banner.

The way I see it is that if they did decide to work without Robert, there are ways and means of doing outside the structure of it being a Zep revival fest in all but name.

What would be more fascinating for the real Zep connoisseur would be a live presentation and celebration of the players involved that encompasses their 40 year plus careers.

In rather like the way Jimmy formulated the set on his 1988 Outrider tour as a career overview, I’d like to see them wade through Yardbirds numbers such as Think About It and Little Games (which of course JPJ did the string arrangement for)…. Solo numbers such as City Sirens, Blues Anthem and JPJ’s Crackback from Scream For Help and indeed tracks such as Grind and Tidal from Zooma which could sit alongside the expected Zep numbers. That way it becomes more of a presentation of the individual musician’s careers than a pure Zep revival show. For Jason’s part a compact arrangement of say Bonzo’s Montreux would be a fitting tribute.

If they did tour together in such a format, maybe the ‘’I have to see Led Zeppelin to say I as there’’ brigade might be less enthusiastic at shelling out for tickets…leaving real fans to indulge in a show that celebrates the music of Led Zeppelin and much more.

Of course such a career overview presentation might leave the door open for Robert to guest on The Only One, Paul Rodgers to romp through Midnight Moonlight and dear Sir David Coverdale to scream through Shake My Tree (‘’Here’s a fucking song for yer!’’), hey and maybe and then they could all regroup on stage for a finale of With A Little Help From My Friends..

As Robert himself might put it – that would be ridiculous!

But seriously, if it has to be the fab three then a large measure of integrity is surely called for.

That’s my thoughts anyway.

Elsewhere here we’ve been getting used to Sam being away (Sam’s settling in ok and rocked out at The Foals gig at the UEA last Monday ) and sorting all sorts of things we’ve been putting off in the summer like getting new bath taps (phew rock’n’roll !)… on the player’n’pod plenty of good autumn fare including Led Zep 3, The Who By Numbers, Bob Dylan Hard Rain, latter period Jam notably Weller’s great track Shopping),Robert Plant Far Post, and the Hendrix In the West LP.

It’s me and the boy Adam on our on this weekend as the good lady enjoys a weekend away with her girlie cousins in Bournemouth, which of course should greatly benefit the takaway trade around these parts.

Next Thursday I’ll be venturing out to the annual Bedford Beer Festival for some dark and mysterious ales as is traditional this time of year. All guaranteed to warm the heart (and bring on the hangover!) as the cold nights kick in.

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