As part of the 30th Anniversary Led Zeppelin 1977 USA Tour Tight But Loose activity, I am conducting a survey surrounding the various aspects of that celebrated final American jaunt. If you would like to contribute click below – fill in your answers and return to Davelewis.tbl1@ntlworld.com
The results will form part of the extensive 1977 retro coverage in the next Tight But Loose and will also be revealed at the April 28 Tight But Loose / Return Of The Destroyer London gathering
1977 USA Tour Survey
When assessing the set lists overall what would you consider to be Jimmy Page’s 5 set list performance highlights (ie Nobody’s Fault But Mine / White Summer / Ten Years Gone etc – track will suffice – does not have to be from a specific gig performance just in your opinion his best overall song performances)
And similarly Robert Plant’s set list top 5 performances :
And John Paul Jones set list top 5 performances:
And John Bonham’s set list top 5 performances:
Overall list your favourite 5 numbers played live on the 1977 tour:
Where would you place the 1977 tour in the scheme of their latter years overall touring standard:
Better or worse than 1975?
and state reasons
Better or worse than Copenhagen / Knebworth 79?
and state reasons
Better or worse than Over Europe 80?
and state reasons
What is your favourite visual performance of the tour as captured on the surviving cine film/Seattle footage etc
Finally list your favourite 5 bootlegs from the 1977 USA Tour: