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Unledded 15 years ago / Howard / Bikes / Cars / Books / 1975

15 October 2009 3,336 views One Comment


October 17 is a date I remember well because I have an old T-shirt tucked away emblazoned with that date and nothing else. It’s a remnant from the old record company promotional era when all manner of goods were distributed to generate publicity. In this case, these T. shirts were handed out for us to wear at the Our Price shop the day boy band East 17’s Steam album was released on October 17 1994.

With respect to E17, I had a more pressing evening engagement that Monday of 15 years ago. It was the world premier of the Jimmy Page/Robert Plant No Quarter Unledded film on MTV. Now this was a big deal back then. Non satellite householders had to find someone to watch it. According to TBL 10, Phil Tattershall took out a trial satellite dish installation offer to make sure he saw it (and I’m sure he wasn’t the only one). Grant Burgess in Canada where it wasn’t being screened until November, crossed over the border and rented a hotel room to tape it. Eric Sachs flew from Tokyo to Honolulu to see it. As I put it back then ‘’This once again illustrates the lengths taken in appreciation of these musicians who continue to dominate our lives’’

That night Gary Foy, Terry Boud and I ventured over to Kam’s house (he had the correct satellite connection ) in Elstow in darkest Bedfordshire (birthplace of John Bunyan I might add), to relive the memorable events we had been lucky to witness at the London Studios the previous August. It was a fantastic evening – the stand out moment being the way Jimmy’s opening chord in Friends shook the foundations of the house. It was the first time I’d heard digital TV sound and boy did it sound good.

I have a photo somewhere which I’ll have to dig out taken that night. Terry I recall wore a Pink Floyd ‘’Which one’s Pink’’ t shirt and as we are due round his and Marian’s for a meal on Saturday night, I’ll have to ask him if he still has it 15 years on. Might even search out my East 17 promo shirt to wear in tribute, though I’m pretty certain the date will look somewhat stretched across the now ageing DL torso.

I was very concerned yesterday to hear from Howard Mylett’s wife Anita that Howard is poorly with a chest infection. I’m sure I speak for all fans in wishing them strength and support at this difficult time.

Last few days have been spent on the Nick Drake feature, transcribing the Eddie Kramer interview and planning TBL 25. Don’t often have the inclination to watch films, but did catch the brilliantly acted 2001 Brit flick Last Orders on TV on Sunday night.

All star cast: Michael Caine, Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Tom Courteney Helen Mirren, David Hemmings and a storyline right up my street that resonated deeply. A reflective and movingly observed elegy of the ties that bind friendship.

On the domestic front, my trusty old trackattack bike finally gave out (a crank shaft problem keen cyclist’s note), and had to invest in a new model. Our car is also playing up right now and even the good lady Janet has had to resort to pedal power to get from A to B (well our house to the hairdressers). It’s the first time she’s been on a bike in 20 years and was somewhat shaky – In fact I’ve finally found something I’m better at than her (it only took 27 years). No doubt she’ll be hoping the mechanic due round today to sort out the car, will negate the need for her to resume her two wheeled experiences.

Also trying to get my head around the stack of Zep books that are just out

(Illustrated Biography/Good Times Bad Times/Shadows Taller), more on all this soon, though it’s worth directing attention to one of the lesser high profile volumes just out namely Led Zeppelin And Philosophy which has a foreword by yours truly (see available via Amazon)

And finally sometime over the next few days I’m going to fully indulge in the newly surfaced Zep Long Beach Californication soundboard CD that has come my way, as it’s high time it felt like 1975 around these parts again. Twenty nine minutes of of Dazed And Confused from the glory era? Now you’re talking…

‘’Just a little world to get lost in occasionally ’’ as the singer once put it.

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One Comment »

  • Franchise said:

    October 17…also the date where the mighty Zep were to start over again in North America. Montreal, Canada in 1980 to be exact. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be…

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