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16 November 2011 5,511 views One Comment

Glenn Hughes Leicester Square Theatre –  November 14 2011 -photo by Peter Chow

Tuesday’s Evening with Glenn Hughes offered up the opportunity to see the BCC frontman in a soul baring acoustic setting. The run of acoustic UK gigs Glenn is undertaking this week are acting as book launches for Glenn’s similarly  soul baring (could it be anything else) autobiography. In the confines of the warm and cosy Leicester Square Theatre, Glenn performed two sets that encompassed songs from all parts of his career. He supplemented this by reading out extracts from the book randomly chosen by members of the audience shouting out a number, for which Glenn would find the relevant page. More often than not the content matter was of a dark nature – hearing such tales from the singer himself only added to the stark artist stripped bare nature of this event. ”This is my truth” he stated and he really wasn’t kidding.
As for the songs which included Trapeze favourites through Deep Purple cuts and more recent BCC compositions, Glenn performed them with a passion and verve, accompanying himself on acoustic guitar  (and boy he is no slouch on that instrument). Here’s the set list and song sources –(with thanks to Terry Boud)
It’s Only A Dream – Trapeze – Trapeze,
Seafull – Trapeze – Medusa,
Coast To Coast – Trapeze – Your Are The Music, We’re Just The Band
Will Our Love End – Trapeze – Your Are The Music, We’re Just The Band
What Is A Woman’s Role – Your Are The Music, We’re Just The Band
Holy Man – Deep Purple – Stormbringer
You Keep On Movin’ – Deep Purple – Come Taste The Band
I Found A Woman – Solo – Play Me Out
From Now On – Solo – From Now On
This House – Solo – Music For The Devine
Frail – Solo – Music For The Devine

Too Late To Save The World – Solo – First Underground Nuclear Kitchen (FUNK)
Imperfection – Solo – First Underground Nuclear Kitchen (FUNK)
Satellite – Solo – First Underground Nuclear Kitchen (FUNK)
Crossfire – BCC – 2
Little Secret – BCC – 2
Faithless – BCC – 2
I Don’t Want To Live That Way Again  Solo- Addiction
Cold – BCC – 2

Photo by Peter Chow

This was a performance that not only cleansed the soul of the artist but likewise everyone in attendance. It was one of the most honest rendering of an artist’s catalogue I have seen in a long while. Afterwards there was time for a quick word with him at the book signing (he signed my book ‘’To our Dave’’ bless him ). I’ve said it before but in my post retail incarnation, Glenn Hughes along with his manager Carl Swann and PR Peter Noble have been truly inspirational to me in many ways.
Tuesday was another occasion when it was an absolute privilege to be amongst such company. The man is awesome and the book is going to be a compelling read.
For ordering details go to

”Can I take your coat sir?” Glenn signs the books – Leicester Square Theatre November 14 2011

It was good to see Steve Way,Dave Ling (who’se beloved Crystal Palace were name checked by Glenn onstage) Billy Kulke from Letz Zep and Peter Chow (thanks for the pics!). Earlier in the evening in between a pint or two with seasoned Glenn gig goers my good friends Terry and Kam, there was a stop off at Fopp music store in Charring Cross where another book launch was underway. It was a pleasure to meet Baron Wolman the legendary much acclaimed photographer and recent recipient of the VIP Award at the Classic Rock Roll of Honour. Baron was signing copies of his fantastic book The Rolling Stone Years. It includes that iconic photo taken by Baron of Jimmy’s guitars lined up at the side of the stage at their Oakland gig on July 23 1977. I was able to conduct a quick interview with Baron for the next TBL magazine. He was affable and illuminating and a joy to talk with – he told me the only rock star he was ever fazed at meeting was George Harrison ‘’a session I did up at at Apple Core” said Baron ‘’I mean I was in the presence of a Beatle…!’’
Baron took quite a time to sign the book I purchased and the thoughtful inscription read ‘’To Dave – We are still here relaying tales of Led Zeppelin and more – wishing you a whole lotta love -Baron’’. I’ve put the book away to have as a Christmas present and I am looking forward finding some seasonal time around then to soak up the contents.

DL with Baron Wolman at an appropriate page – Fopp music store – Charring Cross November 14 2011

It was my second audience with Baron as the previous Wednesday night I had been in attendance when he received the aforementioned VIP Award from Ross Halfin at the Classic Rock Roll of Honour staged at London’s Roundhouse. This really was an A list affair with a virtual who’s who of classic rock swanning around – ie Roger Taylor, Brian May, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover,Ian Paice, Jeff Beck, Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, Gene Simmons, Lemmy etc etc .
The highlight for me was a chat with Roy Harper before the ceremony. He was in great spirits after his 70th birthday gig at the Royal Festival Hall.

With Roy Harper – Classic Rock Roll of Honour -The Roundhouse London November 9 2011 -co incidentally 43 years to the day Led Zeppelin performed there in 1968. The photo was taken by Steve Hackett -it was that sort of night!

During the evening it was also good to catch up with Geoff Barton the erstwhile rock writer (still very active on Classic Rock magazine) who I collaborated with in the summer of 1978 in a four part ”Ten years of Led Zep” commemorative feature in Sounds. It was the first time I had something printed about Zep and the reaction was a key driver in me formulating the TBL magazine – the payment for the piece funding the printing of the 200 run of hand written issue number ones . Geoff was on great form as we laughed about those days down in Covent Garden and the difficulties Sounds encountered with dealing with the Zep organisation back then. Geoff as you may know is massive Kiss fan and did much to garner interest in the the band in their early days in Sounds . He told me Kiss Alive is still his favourite album and his top three all time gigs are all Kiss performances. It was also great to see Liz Barnes at Planet Rock plus Dave Ling, Mick Wall, Pete Makowski and Ross in an action packed evening that ended with a scintillating Jeff Beck performance.

Before all that, there had been the epic Saturday night at the Royal Festival Hall. It was indeed a thrill to see Jimmy on stage acoustic guitar in hand – may I offer thanks to the visiting from Australia Michael Rae and the just down the road Ian Avey for supplying the great photos used on the site .

Before the Roy Harper gig, I made a trip to Carnaby Steet to view the Who Quadrophenia exhibition staged in the basement of the Pretty Green clothes shop owned by Liam Gallagher. It’s a superb showcase with artwork, lyrics, tape boxes,original notes  and a couple of Vespa scooters on display. The album plays non stop and you can also soak it up on state of the art headphones –which sounds stunning. If you are in that part of London be sure to check it out – it’s a class exhibition celebrating a landmark Who album. It runs to the end of the year.

Down in the basement at Pretty Green Carnaby Street London viewing The Who Quadrophenia exhibition –  November 5 2011

It was very encouraging to hear that Conservative MP Louise Mensch has made a proposal for Jimmy Page to receive a knighthood and here’s hoping it comes to fruition. Official recognition that he is the true Lord of the Strings would be just reward for a lifetime of creating a catalogue of work that continues to influence and enhance all our lives.

Other stuff: As ever the various Remembrance services in memory of the victims of war proved incredibly moving. The two minutes silence on Armistice day on Friday ,the Remembrance service Sunday and the silence held before Adam’s match on Sunday afternoon all left me with a lump on the throat. May we never forget…

On TV, the BBC2 Imagine documentary on Simon & Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water was an excellent unravelling of the complex relationship of the legendary duo. Listening to how they recorded the percussive led Cecilia, it struck me how similar that intro is to the slap effects to be heard on the opening of Boogie With Stu. My late sister was a big Simon & Garfunkel fan and hearing the likes of El Condor Pasa, The Boxer, The Only Living Boy In New York, So Long Frank Lloyd Wright, Song For The Asking and the still timeless title track, took me on a nostalgic ride right back to 1970. Great songs then – great songs now….. I also caught a little of the George Harrison Living In The Material World documentary which was screened on BBC2 in two parts last weekend –I am saving that one for the DVD. What I saw looked excellent….. Good to see England ending the year unbeaten with victories against Spain and Sweden….. I am still having problems with toothache  and generally haven’t felt 100% for days– a visit to the dentists last week proved inconclusive – it’s still painful on one side and I fear dental stress ahead as its going to need sorting.

Following their Led Zeppelin app the This Day In Music team have come up with a similar app for Pink Floyd -for details visit

The Led Zep IV feature for Record Collector has been wrapped and now in design for publication in the Christmas edition. Next Monday will mark the 40th anniversary of my  first ever Led Zeppelin gig – the amazing night of Electric Magic at the Wembley Empire Pool on November 21 1971. I’ll be marking the occasion with a full run through of  the surviving Saturday tape. The process of formulating TBL 31 is also well underway with the collating of various text pieces and it’s all looking good.

Christmas is coming up fast and as mentioned before, let your loved ones know what you want for Christmas or you will end up with those novelty socks and boxers again. Much more advisable is all the great TBL products on offer – be it a TBL 2012 subscription or the loving crafted Led Zeppelin Feather In The Wind –Over Europe 1980 book. Be sure to make it a TBL Christmas – a splendid time is guaranteed for all…

Next week I am planning on going up to the Leicester area to visit Alan J, a long term Bedford pal ( he videod our wedding in ’84)) who has sadly not been in the best of health of late. I last saw him when he and his lady Emily came to the Birmingham Band of Joy gig last October.

November has proved to be a full on month of events  following  weeks of relative quiet.  In between all the nights out (the good lady has suggested I may as well move to London!) here’s what’s been going down on the DL playlist:

DL Top 10 Vinyl Playlist:

1:  Led Zeppelin IV- Led Zeppelin  -40 years of class
2:  You Are the Music, We’re Just The Band – Trapeze  – Glenn’s early days
3:  Golden Eggs –The Yardbirds – brilliant compilation from the seminal pre Zep band
4:  Forever –Roy Harper – at his most fragile
5:  Blues Anytime Vol 3 –Jimmy Page/Eric Clapton etc – recently aquirred for £2 on the Immediate label
6:  A Song For Me –Family  -original on the Reprise label
7:  Winwood –Steve Winwood – another Classic Rock award winner
8:  Déjà vu –Crobsy Stills Nash & Young – this was playing before the Glenn gig
9:  Quadrophenia – The Who -as purchased in 1973
10: Sings White Light – Terry Reid – includes the superb Highway 61/Friends medley

DL Top 10 CD Playlist:

1:  All That Glitters Is Gold –Led Zeppelin -the other side of Zep IV
2:  O2 Rehearsals – Led Zeppelin – on peak form five days before that night of nights
3:  Living In The Material World  -wonderful  CD of 1970 demos –thank you GF
4:  Old Friends –Simon & Garfunkel – great songs standing the test of time
5:  Empire  Strikes Back -Led Zeppelin  -remembering that night of Electric Magic 40 years ago
6:  Song To The Siren –Alfie Boe/Robert Plant – another powerful version of Tim Buckley’s lament
7 : Dark Side Of The Moon –Pink Floyd (bonus disc) – the other side of the moon
8:  Rough Mix -Pete Townshend/Ronnie Lane – lovely laid back and reflective 1977 collaboration
9 : Live In Japan 1971 -Led Zeppelin  – Mr Bonham!
10: High Flying Birds – Noel Gallagher – new music ooeeer! some good tunes on here from the ex Oasis songwriter

All roads now lead into Greenwich for the Led Zeppelin IV Exhibition at the Flood Gallery on Thursday – more on this to follow.

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One Comment »

  • Michaela Firth said:

    Wonderful read Dave …. And you’ve inspired me to seek out some of the Glenn Hughes tracks.
    I also saw the S&G Programme which reminded me of how lucky we were to see Paul Simon at Glastonbury this year. At the time I was struck by how timeless and recognisable the songs were The old tracks motivated over 100,000 people to sing along , young and old. Even my 10 year old knew some of the old tracks !
    Lots going on in London then …..Guess we are so lucky to be so near and have such wonderful
    music history , events , venues and gigs so accessible !

    Enjoyed you sharing your top tens … And have to agree with the mention of the stunning version of Song to the Siren … Haunting , beautiful and able to move me to tears
    What would we do without music?

    Huge thanks for bringing this to our attention

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