Articles tagged with: 70’s
Dave Lewis Diary, TBL News »

Nick Kent with DL – Laughing off the matter of a 27 minute Dazed And Confused. Rough Trade Record shop Brick Lane March 3 2010 -Photo T. Zupancic
I have very rarely purchased an album on the strength of a positive album review but I can remember two vivid exceptions. One was a rave review in the Melody Maker in 1972 for the Jefferson Airplane album Long John Silver. ‘’This is the album that will brighten your weekend’’ it said. I duly laid out the slightly extortionate £2.70 (it had a deluxe cover) …
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At a special book signing event in London to launch his new book Apathy For The Devil, legendary 70s rock journalist Nick Kent reminisced about his days on the road with Led Zeppelin. ‘’When they got into their groove on things like Trampled Underfoot they were as good as it gets’’ he told Dave Lewis. ‘’I had some amazing times with them.’’
The book is a memoir of his life in the 70s as the most controversial journalist of the era – becoming as notorious as the stars he wrote about. …