Articles tagged with: New Order
Dave Lewis Diary, TBL News »
A rather action packed week to say the least, which started last Thursday with the interview over the transatlantic telephone with Glenn Hughes. He was an absolute joy to talk to – his enthusiasm for the new Black Country line up was quite infectious and his memories of John Bonham sincere and touching. In between all that we had some good banter on the fact that his Wolves team had triumphed over Spurs the previous night. He was also somewhat surprised I was calling from Bedford, for it was the …
TBL News »
For once the spotlight has been away from Zeppelin slightly here, as I got down to initial research for the feature I am collating to mark the 40th anniversary of the Who’s Live At Leeds album. It’s already turning out to be some story –I spoke with one of the Ents committee members at Leeds University who was involved in organizing the gigs there in the 1970s including the historic Who show on Valentines Day all of 40 years ago. He had some great tales from the times including seeing …