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1969 Unreleased Zeppelin film footage discovered

25 September 2009 4,970 views 3 Comments


US film archivist Bill Shelley has confirmed that he has in his possession a forty minute 16mm film of unreleased Led Zeppelin footage. The film was shot at the band’s appearance in Central Park New York in 1969 (see new TBL 24 magazine for extensive log of 1969 festival dates). Further details at of this find at

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  • markzoso said:

    Where is Jimmy Page?

  • markzoso said:

    Where in the good lords name is Jimmy Page? No Zepp needed just Jimmy playing away through his golden years. R E P R E S S I O N ; Enough is enough!

  • lee litif said:

    show that raw in your facade central park footage extremely please with white summer and pats delight on top please lee litif

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