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3 September 2010 4,360 views 9 Comments

Robert Plant has announced a one-off show in New York on Sunday 12th September at the Bowery Ballroom, Delancey St., New York. Ticket go on sale noon today (Saturday) from www.ticketmaster

Following on from the successful show at The Forum in Kentish Town the next morning Robert appeared on the BBC 1 Morning News show, waxing lyrical about the Band Of Joy project and doing his best to ignore the Zepp to reform question. Check out the clip here from the website.

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  • Simon Webber said:

    I respect Robert’s wishes not to reform Led Zeppelin and to concentrate on his new music, but I do wish he wouldn’t keep justifying his decision by saying that there is no demand for Zeppelin’s music, and that nobody wants to listen to the old songs anymore. The demand for tickets for the O2 in 2007, when the Internet almost melted under the weight of the demand for tickets, clearly gives the lie to that. He also can’t expect it to escape people’s notice that he is more than happy to trade off his past history by including Zep songs in his solo setlist, even if they are increasingly removed from the original versions – if I never hear the vocal harmonising, finger-clicking version of Black Dog he did with Krauss on the Raising Sand tour again it’ll be too soon!

  • Bartek said:

    To say that Robert betrayed us all because he didn’t feel like Zeppelin in the 21st century was anything resembling a good idea is ridiculous. He makes his own choices, and whatever they are we should respect them.

  • Steve said:

    The Led Zep reform question always comes from the journalist who is fed by uninitiated researchers looking for a coup. If he wants to do it he will if not then look forward to the great stuff that all three former Zep-men are doing. I went to the Forum the other night (sorry late finish at work meant could not meet at the Assembly room pre-gig) . I have to say some mid range sound problems (1.5k hum) but wow what fantastic musicians. I thought Gallows Pole was the high-light.’ Houses of the holy’ & ‘Over the Hills ‘ were too far removed to equate a Zeppelin connection (apart from the opening vocal on ‘Hills’ –Light that spliff) but were well received. Great gig and looking forward to getting the album. Not ‘ROCK ‘ but bloody good stuff. Anyone know when Jimmy will play the Forum??

  • Swin said:

    Never mind robert,it’s about time jimmy took the guitar army into battle. Stop posing with the les paul & start playing it ! Can’t wait to see planty in brum.

  • Simon Cadman said:

    Well, Mr Plant near-as-dammit DID nearly go back on the road after the O2 show, before he betrayed us all – and in the years before that glorious show he moaned endlessly about being asked about a LZ reunion. So you can’t blame hacks for asking the question now. But I agree with Mark – any remaining hope of Page/Plant/Jones and Bonham Jnr getting back together has gone. No wonder Jimmy’s bitter…

  • tommy mcmichael said:

    Led Zeppelin needs Robert Plant, more than Robert Plant needs Led Zeppelin.God bless Robert for being a trailblazer and not living in the past. Keep doing what your doing, you sound better than ever. PEACE!!!!

  • Sean said:

    How about that DVD of the ’02 show???

  • Kathy Urich said:

    I do wish journalists would stop asking Robert about a Zeppelin reunion; considering the constant barrage of questions, I think Robert does handle this with grace. As much as I want to go back in time and have a chance to see them live, I realize that is not likely to occur. However, If they as a group, should decide to do another reunion gig I would do my best to be there.

  • Mark Harrison said:

    Oh WHY can’t Robert be left alone? I’m as tired as he must be! Tired of the seemingly never -ending “re-form” question. He clearly sees that as being behind him now and just does not want to do it. For me it cannot BE Zeppelin anyway. I don’t know why for the life of me he keeps getting asked the same question. Indeed The Qustion DOES remain the Same!
    I’m happy enough with all the amazing official releases and my bootlegs!

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