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Birmingham Mail reports on Plant Guest Appearance

7 December 2008 2,916 views No Comment


The November 21 edition of the Birmingham Evening Mail reported on a guest appearance by Robert as follows:

Robert Plant tries to avoid questions about his role in the proposed Led Zeppelin reunion tour – but Hancock managed to steer him in that direction at Bilston’s Robin 2 club. 

Robert made a surprise on-stage appearance to mark singer Ricky Cool’s 30 years in music and confirmed to Hancock he would not be joining Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham on the road. He said it was partly because he’d be busy working on the follow-up to his award winning Raising Sand LP. 

“In January, I’m starting to record a new album with Alison Krauss and T Bone Burnett,” he revealed, before adding “but I understand that everyone’s got to eat,” implying that the Plant-less Led Zep has his blessing. 

But before he joined the Big Town Playboys on stage for a couple of bluesy numbers, he imparted one piece of significant information: “They won’t be calling it Led Zeppelin!”

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