Charities to gain from the O2 Show
Several high profile charities are set to gain from Led Zeppelins O2 Arena show in London on December 10th. The BBC’s Children In Need have been given a pair of tickets for the show as part of his Children In Need phone in auction. The price includes full hotel accommodation, a pair of tickets and a chance to see the rehearsal show. are running a similar auction, open from the 13th to midday on the 30th November. Three pairs of tickets are up for grabs and all profit generated from this auction will go directly to the ABC Trust and immediately begin to make a difference to the lives of young people in Brazil, this is the charity that Jimmy is a patron of. Follow this link for the Seatwave ticket auction
Jimmy Page has also given a pair of tickets to be auctioned on line via ebay. All proceeds from this auction go to Task Brasil, the charity, set up along side the ABC trust, Jimmy Page has been involved with and supporting the work of the charity for the last ten years and he is very keen to see this work continue and grow. “These tickets are intended to raise awareness of and aid the fundraising activities of Task Brasil and Casa Jimmy” explains Jimmy Page. Follow this link for the Task Brazil ebay ticket auction This auction ends on the 19th November.
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