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Charity Auction Update

11 September 2009 536 views 2 Comments


This summary from ABC Trustee Graeme Hutchinson…

Charity Auction Update from the Knebworth 30th Anniversary Lytton Arms Celebration Day

Through the raffle, charity auction and the sale of memorabilia, we were able to raise an impressive £1147.69 for ABC Trust at the Lytton Arms event. A BIG THANK YOU to all the fans in attendance who supported our cause. For more information about ABC Trust please visit our website .

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  • Body Scrub Recipes said:

    i love auctions, i think joining an auction and bidding is also an addictive habit ~*:

  • Luke Jackson said:

    I love to attend and buy some stuffs during Auctions, you can really get some nice stuffs in there.`;:

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