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1 September 2016 2,979 views No Comment

beeb uncut

The Complete BBC Sessions Uncut Magazine Review:

Never mind red snappers and trashed hotel rooms – in Britain, Zeppelin’s vertiginous rise had more to do with transistor radios…

It’s the story of a young band making a dramatic entrance onto the late ’60s rock scene. If you’re curious to know how led Zeppelin were able to leapfrog virtually all their British competitors in the space of a handful of radio appearances, their turbocharged versions of Communication Breakdown, How Many More Times and Eddie Cochran’s Something Else will provide you with a convincing answer .

They’re well recorded, amped up, razor sharp and explosive. the effect is like hearing mono versions of songs form their first two albums that stretch out and improvise, visiting new places via unfamiliar routes. And the energy of them!

It’s clear that Zeppelin were impatient to kick down doors and build a word of mouth reputation.

David Cavanagh

uncut mag

Read the full review in the excellent new issue of Uncut magazine.

More details at:

The Complete Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions are coming – 15 days and counting…

Dave Lewis,


Sunshine Woman Preview:

Here comes Sunshine Woman – virtually made up on the spot. Opening with a barrelhouse piano from John Paul Jones, it leads into a rollicking rock’n’ soul rumble with Robert Plant playfully telling the tale of his ‘sunshine baby’ throwing in a line or two of classic bluesolgy and then talking to the harmonica. Jimmy delivers the cascading riffs relentlessly throughout and John Bonham is the steadfast anchor that drives it all along.

The playful spontaneity of the four is more than evident – this is the sound of a band who not only know their capabilities but are all for expanding them. That, they would empathically do on the subsequent sessions they would record for the BBC.

UK link via The Guardian here:

Here’s the US link via Wall Street Journal:


LZ News:

Led Zeppelin News Update:

In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.

Here are some highlights from the fifty-first Led Zeppelin News email. The complete version can be accessed by signing up at the link below. be sure to sign up for this excellent news service.

Hello! Welcome to the fifty-third Led Zeppelin News email. We email out a summary of the week’s news every weekend so that you don’t miss anything.

Led Zeppelin
•The remastered version of “Sunshine Woman” has been released online. It’s from the upcoming “The Complete BBC Sessions” release on September 16.
•”The Complete BBC Sessions” is reviewed in the latest issue of Mojo Magazine and Jimmy Page is interviewed about the release as well.

Jimmy Page
•Jimmy Page said in his interview with Mojo Magazine that he’s “really keen” to revisit his work with The Yardbirds. “I’ve been working on that,” he said. “I am in touch with the guys in The Yardbirds and I want to make sure that material comes out because those guys were so good and I really want that stuff out there, so let’s see.” (That quote comes via Tight But Loose editor Dave Lewis)
•Speaking of The Yardbirds, new footage of the band performing has been posted online. Here’s the full 47-minute video, and here’s an 18-minute clip of Jimmy Page performing with the band in 1967.

Upcoming events:
September 16 – “The Complete BBC Sessions” will be released.
October 8/9 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Festival of Disruption in Los Angeles.
October 15 – Robert Plant’s “Austin City Limits” performance will be shown on PBS.
October 28 – Robert Plant will performa at Bill Wyman’s 80th birthday celebration in London.

The Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:


TBL Archive:


As the sometimes hot August nights drift away here – a glance back to a hot August night of 45 years ago…

Hot August Night in 1971:

As it’s that time of year, it was good this week to pull out the August 23 1971 recording from Fort Worth – all of 45 years gone. Here’s some thoughts on this fantastic performance sourced from TBL issue 30:

Going to Fort Worth…A Hot August Night of Electric Magic in 1971…

By comment consent the go-to recording for evidence of the Zep prowess on their seventh US tour is Going To California the famous audience recording from Berkeley September 14th. Alongside that undoubted gem, I have great affinity for the less profiled audience sourced tape that captures part of their set live at the Tarrent County Convention Center Fort Worth in Texas on August 23rd 1971. This surfaced around the late 1990’s on a two CD set titled Hot August Night via the Diagrams Of Led Zeppelin label (TDOLZ042).

The story behind this recording came to light in an interview with the taper published in Hugh Jones’ superb Proximity magazine in the summer of 1997.It revealed how the taper had used a Sony TC110 recorder –rather foolishly he only took a Sony C120 cassette to record on –thus when he turned over the tape he began recording over the opening segment of the show he captured on the first side of the tape. For that reason the recording kicks off just as Jimmy is getting into the violin bow solo during Dazed And Confused. The good news however is that from a vantage point of being in the fifth row right in line with Jimmy – the sound quality of the guitar resonates loud and clear. As an example of the aggressive virtuosity the guitarist effortlessly achieved that night–this is a riveting recording. Stairway To Heaven is captured in its intense embryonic live setting while Celebration Day comes reeling out of the traps in a full on double neck bombardment.

The taper is so close to the action you can her several off mic comments from Plant and Bonham. ‘’Can I have a cup of tea’’ says Robert before a perfect delivery of What Is And What Should Never Be. The version of That’s The Way is thrilling in it’s intimacy with JPJ’s mandolin shining brightly. An edit of Moby Dick showcases the usual Bonzo stampede.hot_august_night_r

Whole Lotta Love opens with one of those improvised muscular choppy riff exercises that Jimmy often slotted in eventually forming the riff that ate the world. Following a stirring medley, the taper took a stroll backstage and bumped into Plant as they awaited an encore – he was quite a way back in the venue for the taping of Communication Breakdown which abruptly cuts.

hot_august_night_r 2

It’s a shame this Fort Worth recording only exists in a series of set list highlights. However, what is here in my view, is as at times as good as anything captured from the entire 1971 era. With Robert’s vocals being slightly low in the mix, this is an absolute primer in illustrating the instrumental side of the band. Page, Jones and Bonzo are on fire here locking in to some incredible musicianship time and time again. Put simply, as a live band Led Zeppelin at this period were just breathtaking in their ambition.

There are certain audience recordings that genuinely capture the pure authenticity and intimacy of Zeppelin in full flight. Hot August Night is one of them. It remains one of my favourite remnants of this era. What might be dubbed as Going to Fort Worth, is a scintillating Zep audio experience right up there with Going To California. It’s what the term ‘Electric Magic’ was invented for.

Dave Lewis August 9th, 2011.



With my 60th birthday mere 4 days away, the countdown is nearly complete… Every day up to September 5 I’ll be posting a countdown (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER) of my favourite 60 singles , favourite 60 albums and gigs …the 60 at 60 DL faves…

The Gigs:

Number 7…



One of the small club gigs Robert Plant undertook with the pick up The Honeydrippers. His first post Zep performances . An absolutely storming show on a Bank Holiday Monday with the singer enjoying re-inventing himself on a very different level. The pic here shows a young DL (with ‘tash!) looking up at a man who was now less a rock god and more a human being…

The Albums…Number 7

Another of my favourite musicians – this album is stock full of melodic songs including the studio versions of Show Me The Way and Baby I Love Your Way. I got this on a visit to Brighton a few years back. Superb stuff.

The Singles: Number 7…

Great version of the Bruce Springsteen tune – I heard this in early 1978 and I was so keen to have it I bought it on import single ahead of its UK release. Towering performance and production…

The Gigs: Number 8…

JPJ&Dave Lewis at Borders



A wonderfully relaxed early evening in the company of Ms Felix and the man with the mandolin Mr John Paul Jones. I did an interview with Julie beforehand for TBL. JPJ playfully ran through a Led Zep medley on the aforementioned instrument with just me for an audience. Shivers up the spine. I actually acted as John’s roadie carrying his mic and amp gear out – I’ve had worst jobs! All in all a fantastic occasion.

The Singles: At number 8…


Here’s another lovely story of how I came to own this single. When I launched my Led Zep at Knebworth book at the Olympia Fair in November 2013, the stall next to the TBL stall, on Sunday morning I heard the plaintive sounds of the rare single on Fontana by the legendary psych rockers The Misunderstood titled Never Had a Girl (Like You Before). I’ve loved this since hearing it on the complete John Peel show from June 29 1969 that featured Led Zeppelin in session. It features some truly incredible guitar. I enquired how much it was and at a high end price of £60 it was well steep and a bit out of my league -however unbeknown to me, my good friend Gary Foy did a trade with the guy for some LP’s he had and acquired the single on my behalf and duly handed it over – have to say I had a lump in my throat… what a lovely gesture …now that’s what I call TBL friendship….thanks mate…

The Albums: Number 8…


Sandy Denny and co on a truly majestic album that totally defined the folk rock genre. Richard Thompson’s contribution is also absolutely masterful. It includes the beautiful Who Knows Where The Time Goes…and who does? But it goes and all too soon…

The Gigs: Number 9…


bowie ec set list

I had hoped to see the Station To Station tour in 1976 but missed out – so when this date was announced in the February of 1978 I made it a mission to get tickets.I went to this with Dec Hickey Yvonne Salim and Barry Farnsworth. This was the tour that would be chronicled on the Stages album. All sparse tubed lighting and low …key spotlights. Of course he was fantastic – it was actually the first ever rock show that I attended that had an interval. And what a return to the stage for the second half. Six straight numbers from Ziggy Stardust…and an encore of TVC15, Stay and Rebel Rebel. A truly wonderful night…and an ambition completed. I had finally seen David Bowie live on stage… this is the set list notes I wrote out the next day to preserve the memory of the occasion…I miss David Bowie being in our world everyday….and there will always be a Starman waiting in the sky…

The Albums:  number 9…

More like never a duff moment. Rod’s formula of combining sparse acoustic and electric guitar accompaniment with shape incisive song writing and a deft choice of cover songs made for one of the most satisfying record in his now vast catalogue. One of THE great vocalists…

The Singles: number 9…


I saved up money from my paper round to send off all of £1.25 for the import US single. It’s arrival though the post in early 1972 was such a thrill.

The Gigs: number 10…


Day 2 of the glorious hot August nights…22 years ago tonight

Quote from my TBL review of the time
‘’Where to start? I mean, how do you begin to describe it all . . . The shivers down the spine when they did Rain Song with an orchestra . , . Robert’s dedication to Bonzo before Four Sticks on Thursday . . . the spontaneous applause for Jimmy’s solo on Friday’s version of Since I’ve Been Loving You . . . The running good natured banter between Robert and the audience throughout the event . . . the emotional intensity of the new Wonderful One . . . the last five minutes of Kashmir on Friday which was as good a section of live music I’ve been privileged to watch in my entire life .. .
So many highlights … so many disbelieving highlights at that. A clear seven days after it all, my mind is still reeling. Did it really happen? I mean, I’ve dreamed it enough times. But incredibly it DID happen. And what happened proved to be entirely in keeping with the legacy of what Led Zeppelin represented’’

22 years gone..the memories are ever glorious…

The Singles: number 10…


Fantastic track – love the descending refrain –the clip of this on the Smothers Brothers TV show is also a classic – Mr M you were cool.

The GIgs: number 11…


The first of two astonishing nights…22 years gone today – here’s a quote from my TBL review of the first night:

” Predictably there’s a buzz in the air as we disperse – a buzz so strong you can almost touch it. It recalls to mind the afterglow present as we all deserted the Knebworth site after the first night, fifteen years back. It’s a buzz that signifies that tonight has been another very special night – a night that truly encapsulated the affinity Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and its audience still has for the music of Led Zeppelin.
And, incredibly, there’s more to come tomorrow …’’

The Albums: number 11…


The evolution continued – the soundtrack to those hot August nights… 22 years ago tonight and tomorrow

The Singles: number 11

Class soul dance tune from the late great Luther – a record that reminds me of the days when we sold truckloads of dance 12 inch singles at the WH Smith record department I managed.

The Gigs: number 12…


An all star line up that included Pete Townshend, Midge Ure, Phil Collins, Japan’s Mick Karn, Madness, Kate Bush and Robert Plant…

This was the night Robert performed on a London stage for the first time since the demise of Zep. My good friend Tom and I were there on the evening of July 21st 1982 to witness him romp through a spirited delivery of Worse Than Detroit from the still very fine Pictures At Eleven album with Robbie Blunt on guitar and all star line up that included Midge Ure and Phil Collins.

The night was made very memorable by the attendance of his Royal Highness The Prince Of Wales. As the photo shows, at the aftershow reception the TBL two were duly introduced to Prince Charles himself. Shame I didn’t have any TBL magazines on me as I could have passed one for the Prince to read in between the feeds of the then month old Prince William. All in all it was another very memorable occasion.
Here’s the pic:
”One publishes a splendid Led Zeppelin magazine doesn’t one” – The TBL 2 meet HRH, July 21st 1982.

The Albums: number 12…


So much quality here spread over four sides – Lindsey Buckingham’s finest hour (and a bit). Highlights include Over & Over, Think About Me, Sara, That’s All for Everyone and the title track – like all great double albums, it becomes a total listening experience as one track rolls into another. I’ve been playing it this morning and boy does it sound good on this hot and sunny day…


DL Diary Blog Update:

bike 2

Friday treats at the Vinyl Barn last Friday – at a very sunny Vinyl Barn a bit of Average White Band with Ben E.King on US Atlantic and the sublimely brilliant A Man Alone by Frank Sinatra on German Reprise plus one or two singles…well quite a few actually! Thanks Darren
The pre birthday bike ride pub crawl with my good friend Max went very well – we visited seven pubs in the afternoon then met up with the ladies in the evening for a meal – and then back to the pub – a 12 hour stretch! I did actually have a minor tumble off the bike – luckily it was not in the Richard Branson league and I only grazed my arm slightly – hey you gotta be careful out there!

We had a fabulous day in London to celebrate the good lady Janet’s birthday. This included attending   Exhibitionism – The Rolling Stones exhibition and a lovely meal out with Sam.

Janet birthday one

The Stones Exhibition:

Janet birthday twoWe nearly missed this as it ends on September 4. John Parkin prompted me to do something about it when he was down to see it a couple of weeks back. Janet and I both loved it. It was superbly done and covered every aspect of their career – from the early days, the recording sessions, the rare stuff, the films, the style, the staging – all done with immense flair and creativity. Watching a lot of it was quite moving, as it occurred to me that I’ve been aware of The Rolling Stones for longer than any other musical act. Since 1964 when I heard Not Fade Away right up to now – that’s a staggering 52 years. This exhibition was a timely reminder of what an effect The Rolling Stones have had me for so many years. It was absolutely magnificent.

The Pink Floyd are next up for the exhibition treatment with their recently announced V and A event neat year. A similar styled Led Zeppelin exhibition would be most welcome – although as the good lady Janet remarked, we could just open our house for viewing as there’s an amount of stuff here!

The birthday weekend beckons and it got off to a great start.

krys one

On Tuesday  it was great to see my good friend Krys Jantzen who bought over some rather fabulous early birthday presents,including this wonderfully appropriate T shirt and a rare Japanese edition of my A Celebration book – I’ve known Krys for over 26 years – at one time he was my area manger when I was at Our Price – he has been incredibly supportive and inspirational to me throughout that time. Thank you Krys!

Dec is arriving from Ireland to say the weekend and we have various birthday related things going on – including a reunion with fellow ex Wallbanger football team mates tomorrow night. Sam is back with is for the weekend and Gary and Carol Foy are popping over Saturday. On Monday evening, we are going over the local White Horse pub for a gathering of friends that features excellent local musician Matt Roberts hosting an open mic night. As can be seen by the clip below, those in attendance will hope there is no call for D. Lewis on vocals…

So 60 is nearly here – may I take a moment to thank Mick Lowe and Gary Davies for their input on some of the birthday preparations that has been going on here.

More of all this on Monday…

Dave Lewis, September 1, 2016. 


YouTube Clip:

Dave Lewis rocks Knebworth..sort of…

Until next time…have a great weekend,

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy – September 1, 2016.

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To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783


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