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Dick Carruthers and Chris Phipps talk on The Song Remains The Same

17 October 2008 2,236 views No Comment

A special showing of The Song Remains The Same is to be stage at The Sage in Gateshead 20th November featuring lectures by Dick Carruthers and TV producer Chris Phipps. Billed as The Song Remains the Same: Led Zeppelin – 40 Years Gone, a special event to consider the roots, influences and un-paralleled self-indulgence of four musicians who didn’t need singles, live TV or sleeve notes to captivate generations. The event will include a screening of Led Zeppelin’s legendary concert film ‘The Song Remains the Same’. and Carruthers and Phipps taking part in a talk and question and answer session. 

With the tag line “Forty years on from its near-anonymous emergence, Led Zeppelin remains as perplexing and addictive as ever….”, this one could be worth catching. Tickets are £6

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