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10 February 2010 5,469 views 5 Comments


Suddenly it’s’ February and there’s a lot to do. To get it moving I’ll take inspiration from this piece of advice I read somewhere.

 ‘’January is a 31 day hangover but February brings lambs, daffodils and the air fills with a magical quickening that tells you spring is on the way.
”February is short so whatever you’re trying to stretch, whether it’s your salary, your calorie intake or your booze units, February’s unique compactness helps you spread it just that little bit thicker. A good enough reason to raise a glass”.

Reason enough indeed.


The above photo (courtesy of the G.Foy collection) of the complete catalogue of Tight But Loose magazines has been another inspiration. Looking over these 25 covers prompted an array of memories. The collation of each of these magazines have been mini soap operas in themselves. Examples: One of them nearly lost all the exclusive photos to be used when a representative of Swan Song spilt coffee all over them as they were spread out on the floor in the Swan Song office…another did not benefit from me managing to knock off the intended Page and Plant logo due on the cover as I was taking it to be printed on my bike…. another issue turned up on matt paper instead of gloss and had the middle centre pages printed upside down (guess who had fun putting them the right way round?)…and I still carry the tiny scar on my thumb where I punctured it with the stapler I was using to manually knit together that hand written first issue.     

Oh yes they have been some trials and tribulations in bringing together this mighty catalogue of Zep wordiness.

Sometime it’s good to redefine and reaffirm why I have committed so many man hours of my waking life to this mission. Looking over these 25 covers all grouped together, it makes me realise how important this thing has been. Each one has taken on a life of it’s own and has been put togther with a passion and enthusiasm that I’m proud to say has never wavered.

The 26th issue is now in its initial stages. 32 more blank pages that need filling and in the coming weeks I’ll relay the progress of the ongoing quest to add another issue to the line up. I’m pleased to say that the excited air of expectation and trepadation in approaching this task is as strong now as it was when I (literally) put pen to paper to create the first issue over 32 years ago.

Have a look, if you haven’t done so yet, at the TBL 2010 Admin Looking Ahead Bulletin 1 post which has a number of important points on the plans ahead.   


There’s no real let up on the news front with both Robert and the Vultures announcing cancer related charity gigs within hours of each other. Robert’s unique link up with Beth and the choir looks a very interesting – the bidding for tickets though is well out of reach around these parts right but it will be fascinating to see how it all turns out. If you are lucky enough to be going I’d welcome a first hand report.

Them Crooked Vultures gig in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust down at Albert’s place will also I’m sure be as stormer. The announcement of that show ties in nicely with the forthcoming TBL Archives Extract which looks back to the somewhat bizarre separate performances Jimmy Page & Robert Plant gave at another Teenage Cancer Trust night back in 2002. My musings on a memorable and somewhat controversial night can be viewed on the TBL Archive Extract next week.


The man who never goes down like a Led Baloon – Happy Birthday Gary!


That particular show in 2002 coincided nicely with Gary Foy’s birthday – and next Tuesday the erstwhile TBL news editor reaches into his latter 40’s. Have to say he more than anyone, has carried myself and the TBL workload of recent months through a difficult period. He really has been, and continues to be an inspiration and cornerstone of the whole TBL set up. He does it with a calmness and humility that constantly humbles me. I’m sure I speak for all the Tight But Loose fraternity in wishing him a very happy birthday. 


The scarves remain the same – not sure about the greying and thinning hair…

Wallbanger 5 Islington last Friday afternoon…life was good. 



Survived the Wallbanger day out last week which went very much to plan. Beers were drunk, life observed and a late night curry consumed to round it all off. A hangover was assured but bearable and after a round of more melancholy playlists, the sound was cranked back up by Monday.


Very pleased to see Spurs progress into the next round of the FA Cup beating a spirited Leeds side 3-1. Mr Boud and Mr Wade can take consolation in the fact that on current form and potential, Leeds will soon be back amongst the Premier big boys.     


Sticking with the Leeds theme (sorry Terry!)

It’s ever onward here with a variety of plates spinning – one bearing the name The Who will come to prominence soon as I undertake a freelance feature concerning the band’s famous live album of 40 years back. I recounted the true story around the Wallbanger table to much merriment last week, of the dialogue I had with a certain young female part of the Bedford entourage who was sat next to me as we watched The Who’s exhilarating live show at the old Wembley Empire Pool on October 23rd 1975.


In a high tec for its time feature, a series of images were flashed onto a screen above the PA before the band came on. One of them was a photo of The Who’s Live At Leeds album sleeve.

The aforementioned young female turned to me and asked in all innocence bless her, the immortal question ‘’Do The Who really live at Leeds?’’

‘’Oh Yes’’ I replied not wanting to correct the embarrassing error of her ways.

‘’Right next to Elland Road home of Leeds United FC’’


What else could I say to spare her blushes – it was the only address in Leeds I knew!




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  • Kevin Hewick said:

    ..Robert and Jimmy Royal Albert Hall 2002 *sigh*.. I was there – and remain baffled to this day as to who refused to appear with who!It time’s like those you want to have a stiff word with the lads backstage like “Come on fellas it’s for the Teenage Cancer Trust SO DO IT TOGETHER!”

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Make that Simply Led sorry Eddie – a senior moment! (DL)

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Yes it certainly was at one of the Eastern Monk one day gatherings -good days those with Chris Welsh showing his 1970 German tour cine film, Simple Led on stage and Earls Court footage on the big screen. I think we supped a few beers as well! (DL)

  • Dave Linwood said:

    Gahh! That offensive picture of Foy-Boy “avec Blimp”.

    Correct me if I’m wrong Dave but wasn’t that at one of the Zep conventions in the Eastern Monk? I remember being in the lead with the bids for that Blimp when the man from Sarf-end did me with a last minute bid. Swine.

    Should have been mine Foy-Boy. D’ya Hear?

  • Michael Brazee said:

    Ah Dave, You wear it well!

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