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5 June 2015 3,410 views 6 Comments


test pressings 

Led Zeppelin – The Final Three Reissues:

Saving the best to last….

It takes just one announcement for them to be the most popular band in the word today…still…

That is how it was on Wednesday following the unveiling of the final three Led Zeppelin reissues. The reaction was completely overwhelming. It was another of those times when you realise just how much this thing means to so many people.

How pleasing too that the general consensus of opinion is a big thumbs up in terms of the Companion Disc content – particularly for Coda.

I think this summary from Tim Davies, long term  TBL contributor/supporter (and designer of Robert’s Shaken’N Stirred sleeve) summed it up nicely.

Coda is a now a mozaic of bizarre flashes from the Archives , twisting and turning from era to era , really like Led Zep III ‘ s “wheel of Karma” revolving artwork brought to life! but the mystery of the unreleased Swan Song remains….. Obviously the story isn’t finished yet……..and now the wait for some new killer live Zeppelin audio begins!

The pic above was  sent to me by John Davis who worked with Jimmy in a mastering capacity at Metropolis Studios on every album. The pic shows the complete vinyl test pressings – the one in the front is the Led Zeppelin III companion disc (spotted by Ken Winovich) – what a sight that lot is for sure!

The countdown continues to the July 31 release date – 56 days and counting…



Five Glorious Nights – Led Zeppelin at Earls Court May 1975 photo book distribution latest:

five glorious book pack 5

The Five Glorious Nights -Led Zeppelin at Earls Court May 1975 book is now very near to distribution. Mark Smith at Rufus Stone Limited Editions informs me this week that completed printed books are due very soon with shipping commencing June 16 week. If you have pre-ordered the book, you should receive further information via Rufus Stone Limited Editions in the next few days.

You can pre-order the book at this link:…/Led-Zeppelin-Earls-Court


Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters on tour in the US:

Latest news from Robert and the SSS US tour – this from Suzanne McElyea  – pic here is by Susan and some of her excellent YouTube clips can be seen below:

brooklyn suzanne one

Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters at Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas:

Robert Plant at Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas, May 28, 2015. Fun energy filled evening with the best voice in the business. Great mix of Robert’s new album, some fabulous Zep favorites and a nice tribute to the late BB King. Setlist : The Wanton Song – (Led Zeppelin song) Turn It Up Black Dog (Led Zeppelin song) Rainbow Going to California (Led Zeppelin song) Spoonful (Willie Dixon cover) The Lemon Song (Led Zeppelin),Little Maggie No Place to Go (Howlin’ Wolf cover) Dazed and Confused (Led Zeppelin song) What Is and What Should Never Be (Led Zeppelin song) Fixin’ to Die (Bukka White cover) Hootchie Coochie Man/You Need Love/Whole Lotta Love/Who Do You Love/Whole Lotta Love Encore: A Stolen Kiss, Rock and Roll (Led Zeppelin song)

..and this from Sean Hathwell:

Setlist for Robert’s show at the Greek Theatre June 2:
Wanton Song
Turn It Up
Black Dog
Robert pays tribute to Dennis Sheehan, who passed away last week.
Going to California
Robert introduces Liam and Justin on guitars. “Let’s go find Charley Patton.”
Spoonful>Lemon Song/Killing Floor
Robert thanks Jack White for reintroducing him to Lemon Song.
Little Maggie
Robert intros rest of band. “Let’s go see what Howlin’ Wolf says. You know about the Wolf?!?”
How Many More Years/Times>Dazed and Confused
What Is And What Should Never Be 

I Just Want To Make Love to You>Whole Lotta Love

Stolen Kiss
Rock and Roll


Robert Plant Radio Interview:

New Robert Plant interview with KCRW DJ Liza Richardson. See link at

Bob Harris Interview:

The previously mentioned unheard Robert Plant/Bob Harris interview can be heard at this link

Thanks to James Cook/LZ news


Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Trailer:

Whole Lotta Love is featured on  the soundtrack to the  new Mission Impossible Rogue Nation film



Led Zeppelin Gear by Jeff  Strawman:

gear book

This book has been in the planning for some time from Achilles Last Stand webmaster and TBL contributor Jeff Strawman.

I’m very pleased to hear it is now near to fruition as this is going to be an essential addition to all self respecting Zep fans bookshelves.

Here are the details:





 DES MOINES, IOWA LED ZEPPELIN GEAR: ALL THE GEAR FROM LED ZEPPELIN AND THE SOLO CAREERS is a 600+ page monster of a tome, filled with the instrumentation, amplification, effects and accessories that each member of Led Zeppelin used throughout their lifetime. Author JEFF STRAWMAN has written the book in a chronological format, beginning with the emergence of the piece of gear was used for each member.

Chapter One, Jimmy Page: The Grand Sorcerer, which comes from a description from Keith Relf, prior to performing Shapes of Things at the Anderson Theatre, in New York City, New York, on March 30, 1968. From a found Spanish guitar to the Martin D-28 Marquis acoustic guitar that was used by Page on his last live performance in 2011, the reader will learn about Page use of selected pieces of signature gear to create the sound he wanted.

Chapter Two, John Paul Jones: The Groove, lets the reader learn that Jones is much, much more than just a bass guitarist. He is a multi-instrumentalist that is not afraid to pick up any instrument or have any instrumented crafted to get the music out of his head and projected out through his fingers. Jones had never stopped evolving and transforming sound and was never stuck or felt comfortable in just one genre.

Chapter Three, John Bonham: The Thunder, chronicles a kid from the Black Country that went from rags to riches in his eighteen-year professional musical career. The world will never see another drummer with Bonham’s hard-hitting, technical expertise, being able to stay slightly behind the beat, showmanship and good looks.

Chapter Four, Robert Plant: The Lion, addresses that skinny, blond, head-strong Adonis who wanted to make it on his terms. He hasn’t been linked to only just one genre of music, while still appearing current.

Chapter Five, Three Hours of Lunacy, discusses the gear that were used to amplify Zeppelin at their gigs, from the earliest days up to their last performance.

Chapter Six, Magic Studio Days, is a song-by-song analysis of the gear that was used in the studio, both by the members of Led Zeppelin, as well by the engineers. Also included is a study of the tracks in each song, as well as a brief history on the songs.

LED ZEPPELIN GEAR will be released in hard cover, special edition leather bound and electronic formats on 6 October 2015.

Author JEFF STRAWMAN is the webmaster/editor of and He works in the information technology field by day, writer by night, and is the father of two children. He lives with his family in Des Moines, Iowa.


I’ll keep updating on this exciting project as more details unfold.


DL Diary Update:

Yesterday it was our Sam’s birthday today – 25 years old…

Thus it was 25 years ago when I saw Robert Plant upstaged for the only time – the evening gig at Hammersmith Odeon I attended was very good – but it was not in the same league as the afternoon events with the birth of my daughter Sam at 2.30 pm.

I should never have really been at the gig but somehow I managed to fit it all in. I’ve told the tale many a time and forgive me for relying it all again but it was a mad day for sure!

These are the circumstances Samantha Elizabeth Lewis entered the world 25 years ago in 1990.

25 years ago on Monday June 4th 1990 I awoke with the prospect of a couple of Robert Plant gigs ahead over the next two nights. These were the London dates Robert was playing in support of the Manic Nirvana album. Tickets were sorted, arrangements made – I was planning to hook up with the TBL crew in Hammersmith.

It’s actually worth mentioning at the time I was ensconced in writing the A Celebration book as well as managing the local Our Price record shop. It was as full on it is now…

The good lady Janet was pregnant and our first born was due in July. Well it didn’t quite work out like that. On that morning of June 4th twenty four years ago, Janet informed there were stirrings… and sure enough there were. So of we went to Bedford North Wing hospital where we were informed that our forthcoming bundle of joy was ready to enter the world. With all notions of the gig ahead banished (honest!) I steeled myself for a lengthy labour (well not me as it were!)

sam pic 2

Things moved quickly and at 2.30 pm with impeccable timing, our daughter Samantha Elizabeth was born.

A lot of you out there know the rest… Sam is tiny and beautiful….mother and baby are doing well…anxious new father will only be in the way and heads on the train for …yes you guessed it Hammersmith Odeon – arriving to the shock of the TBL crew…just in time for the gig.

As I mentioned this was the only time I’ve ever seen R. Plant upstaged – as good as he was he didn’t match the afternoon proceedings!

Pushing it a bit more – I was back the next night for gig number two celebrating Sam’s birth with a large intake of Directors ale. Later in the month I was at Knebworth with Mr Foy for the Robert & Jimmy’s reunion. What with the World Cup Italia 90, World in Motion at number one (Cue the John Barnes rap : ‘’You’ve got to hold and give – but do it at the right time – You can be slow or fast but you must get to the line’’) – that June of 25 years ago was some month….

25 years on, nothing much has changed around these parts!

It wasn’t too long before Sam realised this Led Zep caper was a little bit important to her Dad! Here we are together in 1991 on the publication of the A Celebration book –which was being written as she entered the world…

Happy Birthday Sam!


A pretty intensive week here what with the Led Zeppelin final reissues news to unveil plus on going work on TBL 39 and the impending publication of the Five Glorious Nights book. Lots of plates to spin as ever.

sticky fingers

Sticky But Loose…
Just read a brilliant review of The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers reissue in this month’s Mojo by long time TBL supporter Mark Blake. I’ll take Mark’s use of a very well known phrase around these parts as a huge compliment! This review is a masterclass of rock journalism and perfectly captures what this album is all about and why it stands up all these years later. Top work Mr Blake…


The joy of vinyl: latest DL vinyl acquisitions. In the light of the final reissues, I recently picked up a couple of very nice items –  Presence –South America pressing on red Atlantic label in unique single sleeve and an In Though The Out Door Yugoslavian pressing (than you Phil H). In my ongoing quest to search out the singles I would have originally bought between 1969 and 1972 if I could have afforded them then – these are the latest additions:

Family – No Mules Fool – 1969

The Moody Blues Question – 1970

Thunderclap Newman – Accidents 1970

The Nice – Country Pie – 1970

Mick Jagger – Memo From Turner – 1971

Mungo Jerry Baby Jump – 1971

The Rolling Stones -Brown Sugar/Bitch/Let It Rock  – 1971

Free Wishing Well – 1972

I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled to add to the list.

On the player here – the classic Led Zep Bonzo’s Birthday Party and Three Days After bootlegs remembering John Bonham on the occasion of his 67th birthday plus The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers and Alternate Sticky Fingers bootleg.

Weekend early summer playlist:

With the weather shaping up to be fairly ok this weekend (though not today – it’s raining!), I’ve lined up an appropriate playlist of songs for the sun if and when it shines as follows:

Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy reissue (always a great summer album as it breezes with good time positivity)

Terry Reid – The River (much underrated soul/rock classic)

David Bowie -Young Americans (his plastic soul period always sounding hot and authentic)

Little Feat – The Last Record Album (steamy laid back fare from the Lowell camp)

Loving Spoonful – Best Of (You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice/Daydream/Summer In The City – what’s not to like!)

Fleetwood Mac -Tusk (sprawling double album with much to admire)

Best Of Blue Note compilation (prime be bop and more from the premier jazz label)

Miles Davis – Mellow Miles (collates some of his finest mood music from across the years)

That little lot should provide an inspiring backdrop to the weekend before another busy week kicks in. Have yourselves a great one…

Dave Lewis June 5, 2015


YouTube clips:

Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters at Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas:

The Wanton Song:

Spoonful/The Lemon Song:

Fixin’ To Die

A Stolen Kiss 

Until next time…

Have a great weekend,

Keep listening, keep reading…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy –  June 5, 2015 

If you are reading this and have yet to link with the Tight But Loose Facebook page be sure to request/add us. The TBL Facebook is another key part of the TBL set up with updated stories/additional pics etc to keep you on top of the world of TBL.

To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783

 Also follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

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  • Bob Flux said:

    Christ, that ‘Wanton Song’ sounds awful! And am I the only one who finds Plant’s live gigs a tad boring these days? Bring back the wonderful days of Francis Dunnery and Michael Lee – fantastic stuff.

  • Paul Gross said:

    This is really bizzare!
    I just found out that Jeff Strawman (who is writing “Led Zeppelin Gear”) lives in Des Moines Ia.
    That’s where I live!!!
    Gonna have to try to hook up and Chat!

  • Richard Willis said:

    Viva the wanton song!

  • Mr T said:

    Love the Mission Impossible trailer, theres something about a young Robert Plant voice that seems to suit a car flying (artfully of course) through the air…
    Is Tom Cruise a Zep fan ? I now recall a tasteful and just about full airing of Ramble On in his “Oblivion” film…
    If so at least the man has taste.

  • Roger Berlin said:

    Thank you Dave, for the news.
    Roger Berlin

  • Michel said:

    Hi Dave, just to tell you that you forgot the letter L from worLd.
    My best wishes and thanks for your great job…Led Zeppelin forever

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