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17 July 2012 5,375 views 6 Comments

From a Whisper to a Scream, the all new complete guide to the music of Led Zeppelin published by Omnibus Press is available now.

From their 1969 debut album through to the Mothership compilation, this is an album by album, track by track analysis of every official Led Zeppelin recording. Additionally there are chapters on Compilations and Live Collections, Bootlegs and Outtakes including a guide to 30 key live bootlegs recordings plus an overview of the 2007 Ahmet Ertugen 02 reunion show.

However familiar you may be with their albums, this guide to all aspects of their output is designed to take you back to the music with renewed perspective. This is Led Zeppelin – from blues to rock, light to shade, loud to soft and from a whisper to a scream.

Consider this as your one stop, easy access companion to their timeless catalogue of work.

The special TBL edition includes a four page individually signed and numbered insert featuring an interview with Dave Lewis about the writing and collation of the book and all copies of the book are personally signed by the author.

The From a Whisper to a Scream book surrounded by some its subject matter…

Here’s a review of the book:

Dave Lewis has brought out yet another extremely well researched, documented and well written book. This one deals with every song on every album released by Led Zeppelin. Track by track for each album, every song has details of when and where it was recorded, what the influences were for its writing, and if and when the song was performed live by the band. The activities of the band for each time period that the album was recorded are detailed, which helps to put the music into its proper context in the band’s timeline

 That is attention to detail on a very high scale, and it is indicative of his vast knowledge of all matters Led Zeppelin. In the middle of the book is a selection of colour photos. The official DVD and The Song Remains The Same DVDs and soundtrack are also covered. This is followed by a 2 page summary of essential (unofficial) live CD releases, and then details of the outtakes that have slipped out to the fans

Finally the O2 Arena reunion concert on 10th December 2007 closes the book. For £8.95 it is a complete bargain. Whilst at my local newsagent yesterday I picked up Uncut magazine’s The Ultimate Guide To Led Zeppelin, costing £6.99. It is OK, but there is no comparison to Dave’s book. Thank you Dave once again, and hopefully the Earls Court book will be your next project! (Jules McT Via Underground Uprising website )

In effect this is the perfect Zep summer read – compact, lightweight paperback, easy to carry and perfect to read as you listen to that timeless catalogue on your iPod on holiday –or if you are at home, perfect for re discovering those original vinyl LP’s.

Whichever format you choose, one thing’s for sure – you will enjoy listening to this book…

You can order the special signed by the author TBL edition of From a Whisper to a Scream via this link:

Let me know what you think of it…(DL)

The author at work: He writes them, he signs them, he packs them, he sends them!

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  • Kev Slater said:

    Got it last week, finished it tonight. A brilliant analsis of the work of Zeppelin. I now plan to start back at page 1 but accompanied by each track as I re-read it. Thanks Dave – hours of pleasure to come.

  • Kirk said:

    Ordered! Looking forward to it Dave.

  • Andrew Tipple said:

    Hi Dave,

    Received mine last week and had my first chance to take a look last night.
    It’s the usual high standard as per your other publications I have the privilege of owning and enjoying.
    Many thanks and what did you say is next…02 arena wasn’t it ? Can’t wait!!

    Many thanks again,


  • andrew R said:

    A total bargain at the price! If you haven’t got a copy theres a huge hole in your Zep experience.It surely must be time to consider Dave the “sixth” member of Led Zeppelin.Keep up the good work young man!To everybody else-buy it buy it buy it buy it.

  • Michael Sherlock said:


    Can’t wait to receive my copy. Always enjoy your perspective on the world’s most gifted band. For anyone who hasn’t purchased one of Dave’s publishings before, do yourself a favor and start your collection now. You won’t be disappointed!

  • Lif Strand said:

    Can’t wait till mine gets here!

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