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23 February 2010 11,940 views 3 Comments

In an exclusive interview with Dave Lewis for the forthcoming TBL magazine, Glenn Hughes has revealed the future plans for Black Country, the new group featuring Glenn together with Jason Bonham, Joe Bonamassa and Derek Sherinian.

‘’This is the real deal, a big rock statement and the right thing to do at the right time’’ said Glenn.   

‘’We have recorded six songs and reconvene in March to work on another seven. We’ve worked really hard on this, changing arrangements, working on lyrics, we’ve really gone to boot camp with it. The album should be ready for release in September. We are looking to play some showcase gigs to announce the band around that time and then head out on a full tour next year.’’

‘’You might think with Joe involved its going to be a bluesy record and while there are elements of that, it’s developed into a classic modern rock album.

There’s a real groove to it all but with a Bonham involved that’s to be expected!  Jason’s drumming is amazing. He really feels the music and knows exactly what’s going on in the songs. This is his best playing on an album ever in my view.

It’s an honour to be in a band with him. His father helped me so much in my early days in Trapeze and was a real mentor to me. He really championed my music. It’s amazing to think back and remember being at John’s house and seeing him tutoring Jason when he was really young and now I’m playing in a band with him ’’

Talking about recording the album, Glenn recalled the sheer buzz of performing in this line up.

‘’I remember we were recording the second track One Last Soul on January 3rd, it was a Sunday. We were doing it all live and I had this overwhelming feeling that this is the way it should be now. This is what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m back in a band and I feel totally rejuvenated. I need for my own sake to be involved in this. I love the variety we have and there’s a real focus that allows us to grow musically.’’

‘’It’s a real black country sounding album too –Kevin Shirley’s production is typical of his style, there’s a rawness and lots of live solo’s and not a lot of overdubs. There’s a light and shade there too but as I said, it’s also a very gutsy vocal record. This is me singing rock again and I’m loving it. I think Jason and I were destined to play together and there’s no finer Hammond organ player than Derek. As for Joe, well we already know he is the new top guy and he’s going to continually bowl people over.

As a live band this is going to be pretty unstoppable’’   

The complete full length interview, in which Glenn talks about the making of the Black Country album and reminisces on his early days in Trapeze and being in the company of John Bonham and Robert Plant, will feature in the new issue of Tight But Loose –issue 26 due out in April.

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  • Daviv Kamore said:

    Hey I like Joe B. as much as the next guitarist. But wtf Jimmy Page should be the guitarist for this band. He would bring better/more riffs and songs and a reputation that would take this to the highest levels… but oh well. Maybe both guitarists? This will rock anyways!

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    I think Glenn was referring here to the musicians he has played with in recent times – his respect for Jon Lord and the rest of the Deep Purple line up he played with was very evident during the interview (DL)

  • Michiel Blijboom said:

    “There’s no finer Hammond organ player than Derek”? Come on Glenn, think back. Way back, to 1973-1976…

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