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5 January 2010 8,731 views No Comment

As the cold winds of the New Year blow in, here’s a TBL news round-up collated from over the holiday period.

Gibson Custom has announced the Gibson Custom Jimmy Page Number Two Les Paul Limited Edition guitar modified by Jimmy Page himself apparently. According to the press release; The 1959 Les Paul that has come to be known as “Number Two” was purchased by Page in 1973 after trying for some time to acquire an exceptional second Les Paul. This was several years after having acquired his other legendary Les Paul–“Number One”, a ’59 ‘Burst with shaved-down neck profile and no serial number–from Joe Walsh. “Number Two” was essentially all original when he acquired it. Jimmy did have some modifications done to the neck shape so that it would more nearly match the feel of his “Number One”. The neck is certainly slim but not to such extremes as the now-ultra-slim neck on “Number One”. It had a strong, beautiful sunburst finish with a red element that had faded to a dusky amber-brown, along with a clear serial number dating it to 1959. Page played this Les Paul frequently through his days with Led Zeppelin, and in the early ’80s decided to make it an even more versatile instrument. Only 325 examples will be produced in total: The first 25 instruments are to be aged by vintage-reproduction master Tom Murphy then inspected, played and hand signed and numbered by Jimmy Page personally. An additional 100 guitars will be given the extensive aging treatment and 200 will be finished to Gibson’s VOS specs 


More Page news: Jimmy conducted a couple of UK press interviews to support the release of It Might Get Loud.Talking to the Independent he said that “It’s unfortunate that anything that I might want to do gets linked into whatever Robert Plant and John Paul Jones are doing,”. I intend to be making music next year and I’ve got lots of new music to present, okay? The only thing to say is that I should have started it a year ago. So I’m a year behind with what I’m doing ? that’s not too bad, is it? Some of these business things can get rather complicated, but I’ve managed to work my way through all that and see a way of getting on with it, thank God.”

In an interview in the Telegraph when questioned on the Zeppelin to reform rumours Jimmy said “You’d better ask Robert Plant what the future of Led Zeppelin is. Musicians can always play together but I don’t think you can go out with a band called Led Zeppelin if you haven’t got the original vocalist.”

Links for these interviews  at





Plenty of news sites picked up on the comments Robert Plant made in the recent Q magazine Artist of the Century interview. In response to the question if he could spend new years eve anywhere,where would it be Robert said:  ”In some warm, tantalizing arms.” Asked what does the next ten years  hold he said  “more attention to bladder control”.
He added: “I don’t think I’ve aged gracefully. When you can feel the breeze of the Grim Reaper, there’s nothing graceful about that fear, because I’m only a third of the way through the adventures I want to have.”


Anyone who missed the excellent BBC6 Music special over the Christmas, featuring Jimmy Page discussing the Led Zeppelin BBC Radio Sessions, should follow these links to the BBC iPlayer.

BBC6 Music Jimmy Page Part1

BBC6 Music Jimmy Page Part2


As Them Crooked Vultures prepare to hit New Zealand and Australia in two weeks, the band posted up on their web-site a live version of Elephant taken from the resent Cologne show. And while on the sibject of the fab three,belated birthday wishes for Sunday Janaury 3rd to John Paul Jones from all of us and no doubt you too  




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