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19 June 2011 11,844 views 40 Comments

Howard Mylett’s funeral will take place at Woodvale Crematorium in Brighton at 1.30pm on Wednesday June 29th 2011.

Here are the details :

Wednesday June 29th 2011 – at 1.30PM

Woodvale Crematorium

Lewes Road entrance -North Chapel


See link

Flowers and enquiries may be sent to  Baker & Sons, 60 Church Road, Portslade -Tel 01273 418464

TBL Floral Arrangement:

There will be a TBL floral arrangement in tribute to Howard – representing Led Zeppelin fans worldwide. If you would like to contribute a donation to the TBL floral arrangement this can be done as follows.

By  cheque payable to Graeme Hutchinson

Send to:

Graeme Hutchinson, Pankhurst Farm Cottage, Bagshot Rd, West End, Woking, Surrey. GU24 9QR, England.

Or raise a pay pal ‘send money’ payment to this email

All contributions received will be gratefully acknowledged.

Howard Mylett 1947 -2011

The response to Howard’s sad passing has been truly overwhelming – this display of affection has vividly illustrated the esteem Howard is held in by fans across the world. I know Anita has been deeply touched by this.

Many thanks to all that have taken the time to offer their condolences and share their respect for a man who will be so sorely missed…

Dave Lewis – June 23rd ,2011


I and thousands of Led Zeppelin fans across the world will be deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Howard Mylett, age 64.

Howard had been in poor health for some time and was admitted to hospital again last week. He left hospital on Thursday but sadly died at home on Saturday.

Howard Mylett’s influence on generations of Led Zeppelin fans can never be understated. He was the first chronicler of their work and the original author. A true pioneer in unearthing their story and a huge influence on me personally.

Howard developed a passion for music from an early age beginning with the music of Elvis Presley, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Howard’s enthusiasm for Led Zeppelin began in 1969 when he heard Whole Lotta Love on a French radio station. He quickly amassed a large collection of photos and cuttings on the band via trading with collectors both in the UK and overseas.

Howard’s first printed work on Led Zeppelin appeared in the issue of the NME published prior to their Earls Court shows in May 1975. This featured a fascinating double page spread collated by Howard with journalist Roy Carr under the title ‘’Everything You Wanted To Know About Led Zeppelin ”– it was a prelude to the publication of his first book ”Led Zeppelin” published in paperback by Panther in the autumn of 1976.

This book was a huge influence on myself and thousands of fans across the world. It concisely unfolded the Zep story. Through diligently combing his cuttings collection Howard unearthed countless little known facts. The second edition was published in 1978 and there was a third edition published in 1981. It was rightly described at the time as ‘’A bible to the Zeppelin legions.’’

Howard was recognised by the band as a leading chronicler of their story and enjoyed a good rapport with the band and management. After seeing their show at the Brighton Dome on December 1972, Howard was invited by Jimmy to his then house in Sussex. Such was the extent of his collection, Peter Grant often sought out Howard’s help.

When there was an issue over the ownership of the Swan Song name, Howard once told me the story (one of so many ) of how Swan Song sent a car to his Brighton home to bring him to their London office with a key news clipping Howard had unearthed that would verify their intention to use the Swan Song name.

He was also invited by Peter Grant to The Song Remains The Same premiere in Brighton and the Chislehurst Caves Swan Song UK launch.

Above -Howard with Mark Harrison early 1980s

Howard further chronicled their story with the publication of the books ”In The Light” (with Richard Bunton Savoy/ Proteus 1981) and the brilliantly titled Jimmy Page biography ”Tangents Within A Framework” (Omnibus Press 1983). He also self published two photos books – ”On Stage Action” and ”From The Archives”.  In 1993 he compiled the large format book ”On Tour With Led Zeppelin” (Mitchell Beazley) which combined a series of NME and Melody Maker archive features with a host of rarely seen Led Zeppelin photos.

Led Zeppelin photos… when it came to collecting photos of Led Zeppelin Howard Mylett was quite simply in a league of his own. I cheekily dubbed him the ‘’Brighton Magpie’’ because every time I visited him his archive would have grown – he had an astonishing collection with countless rare photos from all eras of the Zep saga. Again his vast collection was consistently deployed as a source of reference officially by the band – from the photos that formed the ageing process in Jimmy’s Song Remains The Same fantasy sequence, right through to his collection being a primary reference source for the Jimmy Page By Jimmy Page deluxe Genesis book.

I first began corresponding with Howard in 1973 after seeing a ‘’Zep Photos wanted/for sale’’ ad in the NME.  My collection of photos and cuttings improved manifold thanks to Howard’s generosity. For a mere few pence he would send me batches of cuttings. I can still recall the thrill of seeing a package postmarked from Brighton landing on my doormat. I knew it would bring forth more unseen Zep images and foreign and overseas cuttings from the likes of the US Circus and Creem magazines and French magazines such as Rock And Folk. Howard also had unimpeachable Japanese contacts and was through him that I first obtained the series of rare Japanese photo books.

Above -Howard with Anita in Brussels for the Led Zeppelin Forest National gig June 20th 1980

I first visited Howard and his wife Anita at his Brighton home on a cold weekend in February 1978. They were always such welcoming hosts as the many Zep fans who visited them over the years will testify. I already had the seeds of the idea to publish my own Led Zeppelin magazine and that visit was a huge inspiration for me to go ahead and do so. Howard’s enthusiasm was infectious. He was a massive influence on my desire to put words into print about Led Zeppelin. It’s no understatement to say that without the influence of Howard’s pioneering work, I could never have gone on to formulate Tight But Loose and follow on from his great work. For that I owe him a great debt.

Howard was always a regular at the various Led Zeppelin Conventions and fan meets I was involved in. His stall would always be bulging with all manner of rare Zep posters and photos. I recall one such event where Howard brought along countless 10x 8 photos – all spares of course as his collection knew no bounds.

I don’t think I am talking out of turn to state that at times Howard could be a cantankerous old bugger and we had some ups and downs over the years. Mostly though he was an incredibly warm and witty man – I can vividly remember the overnight coach journey we shared back from the Page & Plant gig in Paris in June 1995 – an hilarious journey that whizzed by thanks to Howard’s dry wit. He joked about us opening a store we would dub ‘Zep R Us’. He always said he and I would have been millionaires had we been born in America.

Another memory of Howard springs to mind. In 1999 Janet and I were on a weekend break in Brighton and on spec attended the Brighton Record Fair. There was Howard sat behind a stall – I hadn’t seen him for a while but he had clearly been checking out the TBL web site DL Diary page. I had recently commented about Janet’s late Dad being in ill health –before any Zep talk he asked how Janet’s Dad was. Such a lovely gesture and one I’ve never forgotten.

Howard was also an incredibly generous man –always happy to share his archive – indeed his collection greatly benefited the ”Led Zeppelin Feather In The Wind -Over Europe 1980” book.

In recent years, despite his failing health, his enthusiasm for all thing Zep never waned. It was a joy to see him at the 02 reunion concert, and an even greater joy to see him in attendance at Jimmy’s book launch last November.

He had a wonderful conversation with Jimmy who very graciously sent him a hand written personal note afterwards which said ”Hey Howard -great to see you at the event! Rock on! Jimmy Page”. Howard told me how much of a lift this had given him and it’s of some comfort that on that esteemed evening Howard was acknowledged so enthusiastically by the guitarist who he so diligently chronicled over so many years.

Above -Howard with Jimmy Page at the Genesis book launch November 4th 2010

Gary and I visited Howard in January of this year. Despite so many ailments, he was in very good spirits and we had a lovely afternoon reminiscing about so many great times shared in our love for this band and pouring over countless photos (as usual). We were all quite emotional when it was time to go.

I think we all knew why….

A lovely afternoon – Brighton January 18th 2011

Howard’s wife Anita told me afterwards what a lift our visit had given him. Howard had recently emailed to ask if a few of the TBL crew would like to come over to have what he wittily described as a bargain hunt sale of some his spare photos etc. With the Zep Fest due at the time I was hard pushed to get a date set but had planned to organise it for July. I am so sad that I did not do something about it earlier.

A couple of weeks ago Howard emailed me to say he had had a heart attack but was now back home. Anita then informed me he had gone back in hospital last week and was very poorly. I spoke to Anita and she was clearly concerned for his failing health. Howard desperately wanted to come home and he did so on Thursday. I was planning to go and visit him next week. Again I am so deeply sad I did not get the opportunity.

Gary Davies had it absolutely right when he said this today.

”I found out today, Fathers Day, and I always looked on Howard as being the father figure of the Zeppelin fan community.  He still is, and always will be.”


Howard Mylett was a pioneering chronicler of Led Zeppelin and his enthusiasm and love of the band remained undimmed to the end. His influence on me personally was immense and I owe him so much. The Zeppelin fan community has lost one of the true legends and is diminished by his passing – he will be so sorely missed.

A leading light has faded – he will never be forgotten…

Our thoughts and prayers are with Anita at this very sad time.

Dave Lewis – June 19th 2011

Cards /messages of condolence can be sent to

Anita Mylett,  122 Victoria Road, Portslade, Sussex BN41  1XB







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  • Luis Rey said:

    It is just by chance that I’m getting the sad news that Howard has died. I am very sorry it has been this late. Back in the early nineties he was always gracious and generous enough to help me in everything he could while making Led Zeppelin Live.
    We had great exchanges (some of them quite humorous and uplifting)… his dedication as a fan of Led Zeppelin was always unquestioned.

    My deepest condolences.

  • Gary Morris said:

    Such a shock to hear of Howards Passing. In the days before the internet, Howards books were the only source of information for fans, written in such a warm style – truly bibles for the Zeppelin Legions.
    My deepest condolences to the family and such a sad loss to all of us who appreciated his writings from the very begining.

    Thanks Howard

  • JoannaZee said:

    Oh no! I had the privilege of meeting Howard at the Led Zeppelin O2 gig in December 2007. It’s one of my most treasured memories – a bunch of us lucky Zep fans gathered in Starbucks prior to the gig, chatting and laughing and trading stories and just generally getting excited about the gig to come.

    A more gracious, dedicated, generous soul you couldn’t hope to meet. He very kindly gave me a press clipping about a visit he’d made to Jimmy Page’s house in the 1970s, which I have to this day. I even asked him to sign it, and he did! To a (relative) young ‘un like me (too young to catch Zep in their heyday, anyway) he was one of the legends, a real Super Fan. His knowledge and passion for all things Zeppelin was unsurpassed, and I’ll never forget him.

    Requiescat in pace, Howard. Condolences to your wife and family. Keep rocking it up in heaven. xx

  • Dan Terrell said:

    Such a moving and fitting tribute, Dave. Howards book “Tangents Within A Framework” was my first Zep related book when I found it in the back pages of a Cream magazine for order in 1980 when I was just bareley 13, and it still holds a most esteemed place in my collection, always will. Howard seems to have been a hugely wide influnce on this community of good people. I wish I’d had the oppurtunity to cross the water and meet him. Godspeed Howard, and Condolensces Anita. Dan Terrell, S.L.C., Ut.,USA

  • Steve said:

    In the pre internet days,his book was the Bible, nuff said.

  • Tim Davies said:

    Very sad to hear about Howard.
    He was a lovely guy.
    I remember chatting with him a lot at the first Zeppelin Convention back in 1992, when I first got to know him well.
    I remember a lot of laughter, jokes and some very funny comments and that’s the best memory to have!
    Cheers Howard 🙂

  • Pete Leigh said:

    First zep book i ever bought was “tangents within a framework” – thanks Howard

  • Eddie Edwards said:

    Some time in 1977 I placed an advert in some publication or other seeking a copy of an obscure mag that contained a Zep feature. I was quite surprised when somebody phoned me to say that they had a copy, and then my surprise turned to amazement when I discovered that I was talking to the author of the book that I’d been reading forwards, backwards and sideways for the last few months. I was an awestruck teenager at first, but Howard was such a natural and friendly person that I soon found myself at ease chatting to him. Howard sent me not only the mag I’d been looking for, but also a big wad of Zep clippings which kept me happy for weeks.

    It was always a pleasure to see Howard at record fairs, conventions and fan gatherings (when he was able find his way to them). No Led Zeppelin fan could ever have failed to be impressed by his enthusiasm for the band, his vast knowledge about them and his legendary collection of photos.

    I last saw Howard at the Jimmy Page book launch last November. It was a little sad to see him in less than good health, but great to talk to him as always, and heartwarming to witness Jimmy’s genuine fondness for him.

    I’m very sad to hear of his passing, but happy to have known him and to remember him as an extraordinary Zep fan, a warm, witty man and a good friend.

  • steve raynsford said:

    Howard was my personal friend for 37 years and I feel like I,ve lost a brother. Dave lewis I want to thank you personaly for such a beutifll tribute to a lovely man and a special friend in howard .We,ve been through so much together and I,m sure anita (howard,s wife)say,s thank you for a fitting tribute to her husband of 30 year,s. Once again dave thank you from the bottom of our heart,s.

  • Peter said:

    Any soul that’s shines the light of truth is sorely missed. And what an inspiration to you Dave. Howard Mylett will not be forgotten during the midsts of the cosmos of music and for everybody that cares for life, emotion, feeling, and freedom. RIP.

  • Ian Avey said:

    Really sorry to hear about Howard.
    I only met him twice at Zep conventions in recent years, but found him very approachable and a really good guy.

    Sincere condolences to Anita and his family.

  • Kevin Tubby said:

    Very sad news and a very moving tribute from you Dave.

    My condolences to all his family

  • Steve Livesley said:

    Very sad news to read about Howards passing.

    Great tribute Dave.

    RIP Howard.

  • Mark Archer said:

    I was very sorry to hear about Howard. When I put out the first edition of the fanzine Wearing & Tearing years ago, Howard phoned me up out of the blue and gave me lots of encouragement. We traded a few things over the years and I met him a few times at gigs and events in London. I bought and enjoyed all of his publications and his enthusiasm for the band was inspiring. It`s great that he got to speak to Jimmy so recently. We will miss him.

  • Matt Bridger said:

    Howard was THE man to know when I first started collecting Zepp stuff. Met him on a couple of occasions. He spoke softly & his enthusiasm for the band always shone through. He will be sorely missed amongst the community. Condolences to his wife & family. The several signed books I have will always be a treasure!

  • Chris Welch said:

    When Howard told me he’d been invited to Jimmy Page’s book launch last year, and how kind and courteous Jimmy had been towards him, I was so pleased for him, as he had been such a loyal fan and supporter of Led Zeppelin for so many years.

    I was saddened and shocked to hear the news of his passing, although when we last spoke it seemed his health was failing without much hope for improvement. Even then he could afford to make a few wry comments, typical of his warm and wonderful sense of humour. Howard had been a good friend for thirty years and we never tired of discussing all things Zeppelin whenever we met. As Dave has pointed out in his moving tribute, he was always very generous with his help and enthusiasm whenever it came to assisting desperate scribes and researchers. I can hear his voice now, chuckling and revealing some astonishing nugget of news that nobody else in the world seemed to know – except Howard. ‘Apparently Zeppelin are getting together to play at the 02’…..If anybody deserved a front row seat and a back stage pass it was Howard…

  • Lorraine Robertson said:

    So very sad to hear this news Dave anad Gary…beautiful tribute from the heart ♥

  • Steve Jennings said:

    Deeply moving tribute. Very much appreciate you sharing these private and personal Led Zeppelin related stories with the world.

  • Peter & Jan Mulder said:

    Our sincere condolences to Howard’s wife Anita, his family and all of his (Zep)friends. Farewell, Howard, rest in peace. Thank you for everything you have done for the Zep community.

  • Alan Cousins said:

    Dave great tribute to such a great man and Zeppelin fanatic, he will be missed by us all it was a pleasure to have known him and shared his company,I am sure Howard is up there sharing photos and stories with with other lost Led Zeppelin fans. Rest in Peace

  • Keith Creek said:

    A very moving tribute Dave to a warm and friendly man. He will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of his company over the years. It is a very sad day indeed. Thoughts are with his family.

  • Simon Cadman said:

    Sad, sad news. Thanks for this tribute, Dave. It couldn’t have been easy. And thank you Howard for helping it all make sense…

  • André Cruz said:

    My sincere condolences to his family and all friends. I`ve got “In The Light” since the mid 80`s and it was (and still be) a really precious Zep book to an overseas fan like me.
    Great tribute Dave. Howard had a great Zep related life and this certain bring us something good in this very sad moment.
    Rest In Peace Howard.

  • Denzepp58 said:

    So sorry to hear of Howards passing… my deepest condolences to his family and of course to the rest of us, we are family in our shared love for the four men who have had such an influence on our lives. God bless you, Howard and may you rest in peace….sincerely, Randy Jones.

  • Philip Tattershall said:

    A tragic loss to the Zeppelin community. Howard was a gentle, modest and unassuming man who was always good company. It’s a great pity he can’t read these tributes; he’d be proud to witness the high regard in which he was held by us all.

    We’ll miss him.


  • John Webster said:

    It is difficult to put into words how much I will miss Howard. I met him first at a Brighton record fair in the 90’s whilst I was pouring over Zepp bootlegs. He said don’t buy those I have loads of tapes,CDS you can borrow. He have me his phone number and address and our friendship started. I would be the driver/companion as we went to TBL gatherings around London and Northampton. He obtained a ticket for me to accompany him to the 02 night.

    I visited his house usually with Luis Reys book in hand to see if he had such and such a show and most times he did. I remember his excitement on the phone when he got hold of an Earls Court video and said I must come over to view.

    Many happy memories of being with him at his home with Anita.

    Goodbye Howard you were a wonderful person.


  • russell ritchin said:



  • Mark Harrison said:

    I’m just too sad to say anything coherent really. I scoured London’s West End with Howard for all things Zeppelin back in the 1970’s/80’s. Photographs and clippings were his “thing” The Vintage Magazine Shop being a regular haunt. We used to go to a small place off Carnaby Street where you could buy hundreds of photos. There were books posters everything. Great times never to be forgotten. I’ll never forget him. My heart and thoughts are with his lovely wife Anita who on my frequent trips to Brighton always had a smile, even when I took different girlfriends! I attended their wedding. I was so looking forward to going back to see him with you Dave.
    Mark Harrison

  • Gary Wade said:

    The importance of Howards first biography cannot be understimated, for those of us in the late 70’s just getting to grips with the band there really wasn’t anything else. Howard did such a great job at collating the rare info without doing a ‘Hammer of the Gods’ type hatchet job. His and Clarence Clemons passing makes it a sad day for rock fans.

  • Steve A. Jones said:

    Howard Mylett, a gifted author of several Led Zeppelin books and a terrific friend. A man of great humility who offered boundless goodwill towards all whom he encountered, particularly those that shared his life-long enthusiasm for Led Zeppelin. It was truly a pleasure for me to visit with him and his lovely wife Anita at their home, where she would prepare a delicious dinner and discussions with Howard about the band would literally go until sunrise. I shall remember him in years to come as a kind, caring and sharing sage. Indeed, he’d become a genuine father figure for me. I’m glad to have told him so along the way.

    Steve A. Jones
    Nishi-Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

  • Graeme said:

    A fitting tribute Dave. Howard was a top bloke and like many here, I was inspired by his writings about Zep. He will be massively missed by all of us. My sincere condolences to Anita and family.

  • Steve Harrison said:

    I always hit TBL website when i log on and this is the shittest start to a day ive had in a while ,very ,very sad to read this ,spoke to Howard a few times years ago on the phone ,always a great bloke ,sadly missed he will be

  • Kathy Urich said:

    Dave & Gary what a touching tribute to such a great man and Zeppelin fan. Howard was and remains an inspiration to you and Zeppelin fans throughout the word. What a testament to his character, and hard work that the members of Zeppelin recognized the work and honored him. I love the picture of he and Jimmy at Jimmy’s book launch. My condolences go to his wife Anita and all who have called him a friend. It’s a sad day in TBL land.

  • Hunt said:

    Dear, dear Howard ~ May his memory be eternal! After your January visit with him, Dave, I sent Howard an email to reminisce over my brief correspondence with him back when I was one of the top Zep bootleg collectors in the midwest USA. This was in the late 1970s, early 80s. Howard was such an encouraging man, never quashed us youngsters’ hopes. We swapped a few emails, as I say, in january (he sent me some prized jpegs, just great stuff), and I promised to dig out my 1977 Zeppelin concert photos which I took at Louisville KY on April 25. Couldn’t find the negs or prints (which has me quite concerned!), and never could follow through for him. When I do find them, I’ll send them to you Dave, in loving memory of our dear mentor and friend, Howard Mylett.

    And Anita, please be assured of a fervent outpouring of love and prayers from all of us who were touched by your dear husband. (He always signed his emails from the two of you.)

    Hunt Sidway
    Louisville KY

  • Eddie said:

    A very nice tribute Dave. In The Light was the first Zeppelin book I ever bought as a young Zeppelin fan. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

  • Gary Davies said:

    Howard was a sweet guy, and I’d known him off and on for 35 years…the father figure of the Zeppelin fan community. Through his 1976 biography “Led Zeppelin” he formally introduced me to the world of Led Zeppelin. Before that, it was the albums only…I knew nothing about them, not where they were from, their influences etc. Howard was always humble and respectful of the band and its members…never a sycophant. I remember visiting his house in 1983 and he and Anita (his wife) very kindly put me up for the night. I felt like I was in the presence of royalty…his collection (especially the Carl L. Dunn photos) was amazing, and he brought out more and more stuff to show me, including his collection of vinyl and early recordings. It quickly dawned on me that I was not THE biggest Zeppelin fan in the world… was a sweet humble unassuming guy who resided in Brighton UK.

    I’m gonna miss you ‘old man’.

    Cheers to you,
    Gary & Debbie Davies

  • Chris Wright said:

    Very sad news indeed and my sincere condolences to all concerned.

    Howard Mylett was a name known, and very respected, by every long-term Zeppelin enthusiast.

    A man who made a terrific contribution in ensuring that many Zeppelin photographic treasures were enjoyed by legions of fans.

    A collecting legend, if ever there was one.

  • Julian Walker said:

    As always Dave, you express our thoughts and feelings perfectly, a wonderful tribute to a remarkable man, whose photo collection was probably the best in the World. Howard, Clarence Clemons is playing the saxophone for you up in Heaven. He passed away the same day as you.

  • Marcel Gootjes said:

    My condolonces to family, friends and Zep fans around the world…
    May his soul rest in peace…

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