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19 June 2020 2,359 views 9 Comments


Howard Mylett Remembered : Nine Years Gone…

hm 1

Friday June 19th, marks the ninth anniversary of the passing of Howard Mylett, the legendary Led Zeppelin collector and original author.

He wrote the first ever biography of Led Zeppelin published in 1976 and went on to write a series of superbly researched Zep books. .

Howard Mylett had an engaging dry wit, incredible enthusiasm for collecting all things Zep, and above all, was always so generous in sharing his passion. He could be a cantankerous old bugger at times but that was all part of Howard’s make up.

It was way back in 1973 when I first began corresponding with Howard after seeing a ‘’Zep Photos wanted/for sale’’ ad in the NME. My collection of photos and cuttings improved manifold thanks to Howard’s generosity. For a mere few pence he would send me batches of cuttings. I can still recall the thrill of seeing a package postmarked from Brighton landing on my doormat.

I knew it would bring forth more unseen Zep images and foreign and overseas cuttings from the likes of the US Circus and Creem magazines and French magazines such as Rock And Folk. Howard also had unimpeachable Japanese contacts and it was through him that I first obtained the series of rare Japanese photo books.

It was always a pleasure to visit him and his lovely wife Anita in Brighton.

in 2010 Howard and Anita attended the Jimmy Page Genesis book launch in London and Jimmy personality acknowledged Howard’s work – it was a wonderful to witness that. 

I will never forget the final time I saw him early in 2011. Gary Foy and I travelled down to see him and I conducted an interview with him for the TBL mag. Despite his failing health, Howard’s passion for the world of Zep was burning bright as ever. It was an incredibly emotional afternoon as I think deep down, Howard knew we would not get many more opportunities to discuss our favourite subject again – and sadly that was to be the case…

Howard’s enthusiasm was infectious. He was a massive influence on my desire to put words into print about Led Zeppelin.

Since his passing, it has become even more evident how important Howard’s pioneering work was to me as a young impressionable fan.

Howard-Mylett 3

Howard would have course loved all the Led Zeppelin reissues and book activity – and there have been plenty of moments when I dearly wish Howard was still around to see it all…

Howard Mylett will always be a much missed part of the Zep fan fraternity.. but never forgotten and there will be countless fans across the world who will be  thinking of him on the ninth anniversary of his passing… rest in peace Howard – you shared it all with us …

Dave Lewis – June 19, 2020


Led Zeppelin Over Europe 1980 -40 years gone…Feather In The Wind – Led Zeppelin Over Europe 1980 book re-launch:

This week marks the 40th anniversary of the first dates of the final Led Zeppelin tour – a low key 14 date trek taking in Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria and Switzerland. I was lucky enough to attend five of those gigs. This is all chronicled in my Led Zeppelin Feather In The Wind Over Europe 1980 book

Here’s is an extract of chapter three, my on the road account written at the time and first featured in TBL issue 5.

 Extract – Chapter Three: Rejuvenation Over Europe 1980 – Up close and personal: Cologne, June 18, 1980.

Raymondo straps on Jimmy’s Gibson. The audience are already in near frenzy as he steps on the wah-wah pedal and tunes up. Robert, straight to the right of the stage with both arms held aloft, is holding the microphone lead in that usual outstretched pose. Jimmy Page continues tuning up and eventually this becomes the chords for the opening bars of Train Kept A Rollin’, an old Yardbirds number and a track that was used as the set opener on the first Zeppelin US tours all those years ago.

As Jonesy and Bonzo crash in on cue, Robert, at once, is alive and totally immersed in the song. Let me tell you, it was a moment that crystallised the essence of rejuvenation this band has obviously undergone. The power, even for them, is awesome.   Train Kept A Rollin’ stops and Nobody’s Fault But Mine starts. Minus the sonic intro but including some marvellous Plant phrasing (“Nobody’s fault but maahyyne….”) and harmonica wailings and with the now expected cry of “Oh Jimmy….Oh Jimmy…”, before a shuffling, twirling, twanging solo from James Patrick.

Two songs in and a further shock. Jimmy Page speaks! Yes folks, it’s true. For the first time I can recall, Jimmy greets an audience. A bit muffled, but it’s there alright – “Good Evening! Gonna do an old one, it’s called Black Dog.”

Yes Jimmy, an oldie but goodie. Robert is outstanding on this one. All the old poses – my it’s loud. It’s obscene, it’s beautiful. But Jimmy too, more than I’ve seen, wants to share the spotlight. No longer content to confine himself to the left of Bonzo’s kit – no – he’s everywhere.

I’ve never seen him move so much. Playing up to the crowd, cringing, grinning – you know the stuff. I mean, we’ve already got one amazing front man, but this time around Jimmy is almost playing off him. The spectacle of the two is something else. Hey, John Paul Jones too, seems to be more upfront these days. No longer slipping into the shadows next to Bonzo. No, he’s more prominent, nearer the front of the stage, not moving too much of course, but jigging a merry dance up there with those amazing fluid bass runs that undercut Jimmy’s slippery guitar work.

“Since we came here last, many things have happened, one of the most important being the album called In Through The Out Door.”

In The Evening is played next, with exceptional intensity. The drama of the intro itself is masterful. Spotlight on Bonzo as he rolls on the tympani, Jimmy crouched over his blue Strat clawing at the tremolo arm to achieve that drone and Robert, arms upheld, slowly walking up to the microphone and holding the opening line for several bars until the moment all four crash down collectively on that cascading riff. Taken at a slightly slower tempo than last year’s gigs, it still rates as a classic in the Zep stakes and as a testament to the power of the new Zeppelin sound. Another magic moment is, of course, the point where the song slips into the slower passage, guided by Robert’s outstretched arm in the direction of John Paul Jones, who plays a beautiful keyboard passage (not featured on the studio version) over Jimmy’s jangling out-stretched tremolo chording.

“This is one from the Houses Of The Holy period” Robert tells the audience and a blue spotlight picks out Jimmy playing the opening chords to The Rain Song – a song that has some of Robert’s best lyrics (“you are the sunlight in my growing”) and also features some controlled tympani from Bonzo.

“That was a song about a love that went right, this is one about a love that went wrong.”

Cue for the hillbilly cat workout of Hot Dog for which Jimmy switches to red Telecaster. Funny old track this. As much as I find it undistinguished on record, on stage it always delights as a fun clapalong. It also gives Robert the opportunity to hoedown with some delightful foot stepping.

The next song is also from the last album. Unannounced, it still gets one of the best receptions of the night, the moment Jonesy plays the opening string symphony notes of All My Love. As on record, this is beautiful. Jimmy plays some memorable chords on the Telecaster and Robert’s singing is full of sincerity. When John Paul Jones gets the middle classical solo off to a tee, Robert looks over and gives him a knowing smile. It was just perfect, and the outro too, with Robert extending the “ I get a bit lonely, just a little bit, oh just a little bit lonely” lines to maximum effect.

“That song featured J.P. Jones on keyboards, so does this track, Trampled Underfoot.”

Complete with side stage revolving beacons, this remains a definitive high energy Zeppelin improvisation number. On that extended solo Jimmy seems to reap forth the most incredible guitar lines and Robert does a delightful two step strut across the stage shaking his head back and forth until he swings round and screams “Push!”, “Push”, “Push yeah.” Vibrant stuff indeed. (“Eye Thank Yew”).

They slow the pace with the next track, Since I’ve Been Loving You, where naturally Jimmy leads the way with some amazing smooth lead guitar. Robert’s vocals too, soar out this painful tale, holding and bending the notes in all the right places. John Paul Jones aids the mix on electric piano.   Towards the finish Robert really excels, “Ah I get down on my knees for you, fill my heart with pain, don’t make me lose, don’t make me lose…..” We got the booze, they got the blues remember?

From there it’s another high-spot. White light and smoke (one of the few effects employed) greet the intro of the epic Achilles Last Stand. Jimmy uses feedback to great effect, throwing his arm out in tune with the sound. Robert, meanwhile, is at his preening best unleashing the tale of where it all meets. “Where the mighty arms of Atlas hold the heavens from the earth.” For the “Ah-ah ah ah” repeat refrain, Robert and Jimmy cluster together in classic rock ‘n’ roll pose, swinging their heads back and forth showering in each others sweat.

Raymondo brings on a chair for Jimmy’s White Summer/Black Mountain Side segment, where he sits down with the Dan Electro. He gets so carried away that at one point he even drops his pick. On cue, the last refrain of Black Mountain Side is the moment when the band collectively leap back into action via a couple of flash explosions stage front and we are into Kashmir.

This is glorious. Robert does some incredible spontaneous choreography with Jimmy who is crouched menacingly over the Dan Electro guitar. Towards the end Bonzo leads the way out with a series of unbelievable drum fills, each one just a little more frenzied that the last, beating up to an incredible climax.

Just about the only song that could follow that is our anthem. Unannounced the opening chords of Stairway to Heaven get the expected response. Robert’s phrasing is, as ever, spot on and the tempo of the song is just slightly more speeded up than usual. He sings “Do you remember laughter, laughter,” and takes up a classic tambourine pose for Jimmy to weave the way out with a soaring double neck solo.

“Goodnight – It’s nice to be back on the road again.”

With that they’re gone. Ten minutes later they’re back with a rousing encore. “Good Evening! Never fails does it?” smiles Robert, adding the statement – “So this is what it’s like to be in a rock ‘n’ roll band! Then Bonzo thrashes the intro of Rock And Roll, which has Robert doing his pogo bit, and Jimmy leaping around the stage firing the Gibson at the audience.

After that, there is more than enough response to require a second encore, which they get. A compact, no nonsense Communication Breakdown remains faithful to the version on the debut LP, clocking in at no more than three minutes of energetic action.

“Not bad for a bunch of dinosaurs!… Goodnight Cologne… ”

That’s Robert’s final statement. That’s the second night of the tour. That was hot.

So how do you sum that one up? Folks – I’d say Led Zeppelin have gone full circle. Tonight in every aspect of their performance it was almost a ‘back to the roots’ approach. From the use of an old Yardbirds number to open with, right through to the choice of a twelve year old cut that still sounds good, to close with. In between was what I would consider to be just about the best set I’ve ever witnessed Zeppelin play.

There was a definite lack of self indulgence. A lack of excessiveness too. Five years ago it was exciting and relevant to include marathon numbers, the bow episode, the lasers, the effects, etc, but really they took that trip as far as it could go. The pendulum has swing in the other direction now. The throwback of the compact set Zeppelin performed tonight still had enough spice and vitality to satisfy and I applaud their conviction to do it that way.

It’s also a much needed return to feeling audiences again. By reducing the scale of the whole operation, Zeppelin have once again regained contact with the people. With the stage only six feet away from the nearest punter, it was a true platform of communication.

Another point – Knebworth was a magic event last year, there is no doubting that, but the size, grandeur and emotional experience of them appearing on a stage again, maybe glossed over the true spirit of their musical presence a little. Judging by the smiles on the faces of Robert, Jimmy, Jonesy and Bonzo all through the Cologne gig, that spirit is well in evidence on this tour and that’s an important aspect. The fact that they’re really enjoying playing together again. I mean, I’ve never seen Robert sweat so much on stage! They really want to please and it’s a great feeling to witness that.

Led Zeppelin have impressed me in many different ways over the years. As musicians, as performers, as writers, as people. Tonight they impressed me as a working rock ‘n’ roll band – above everything. That’s important.

Tight but loose? – you ain’t joking… And this is only the second night of the tour…

Extract from the book Led Zeppelin Feather In The Wind – Over Europe 1980 by Dave Lewis.



Coming soon…

Feather In The Wind Led Zeppelin Over Europe 1980 – 40th Anniversary Limited Edition

TBL designer Mick Lowe and I are working on a 40th anniversary package of the Feather In The Wind book.

As with my Knebworth book last year, this 40th anniversary limited edition will have a glossy newly designed book jacket plus a new 3,000 word interview insert with the author. Each insert will individually numbered and signed by the author -as will the books. This will be in a strictly limited edition and when they are gone they are gone…more on this to follow soon.

Here’s some photos from the book:

Far left Jimmy ,Peter and Phil Carlo arriving at the Inter Continual Hotel Cologne June 18 1980 – me by the gig posters late afternoon June 18 -Robert checking his messages at the hotel – me just in front of John Bonham who is checking in.


LZ News:

For all the latest Led Zeppelin News check out the LZ News website at:




Mark Harrison:

I was very concerned to hear from my very good long time friend and TBL contributor Mark Harrison last Sunday.- He informed me he was in hospital after a fall the previous day and has broken his hip – he had an operation that day. I have spoken to Mark a few times this week.  His determination to overcome this is admirable to say the least. He is in very good spirits all things considered.

I know many reading this know Mark and I am sure he would appreciate  anyone getting in touch – his email is:

I am sure I speak for all reading this in wishing Mark a very speedy recovery.




Vera Lynn RIP:

It was very sad to hear the news of the passing of Vera Lynn aged 103..

Chris Welch revealed in his book Peter Grant The Man Who Led Zeppelin that rather than anything Led Zep related, at Peter Grant’s funeral Vera Lynn’s iconic We’ll Meet Again ‘was the music chosen to accompany the service…


On The Player…

June 12:

CD Sanctuary – from the DL CD archive…
Loading up on the CD player here – Paul Weller …inspired by some great reading matter:

Ahead of his forthcoming new album there’s an excellent Paul Weller career overview in the current issue of Record Collector by Lois Wilson. It inspired me to dig out this superb 4 CD set Paul Weller At The BBC

I purchased this from the Zavvi/Virgin megastore in London in November 2008 on the way back from a stay over after attending the previous days Led Zep mini fan convention/ gathering at the Croydon Fairfield Halls.

There are some great cover versions here including Weller interpretations of Ronnie Lane’s The Poacher and Gordon Lightfoot’s Early Morning Rain. The aforementioned Lois Wilson contributed the excellent sleeve notes…




June 13:

Saturday is platterday – on the player after watching last night’s excellent BBC4 The Beatles Merseyside documentary,the superb Mersey Beat double album compilation with tracks from The Beatles, The Searchers, The Big Three, The Swinging Blue Jeans etc…the sheer exuberance of these performances still hits home 55 years on…

Saturday is platterday – on the player the brilliant Bad Company album Straight Shooter – this is the original UK copy on the Island label I purchased the day it came out in March 1975 from WH Smith where I worked…I of course have various pressings on Zep’s Swan Song label where it was issued in the US….what an album – what a band…




June 14:

Remembering the late great Rory Gallagher 25 years gone today…on the player the brilliant Rory Gallagher Live! In Europe…


Dave Lewis Diary Blog Update:



Some anniversaries…

June 18:

It was 50 years ago today…

50 years ago today on Thursday June 18, 1970 I went to the Granada cinema in Bedford to see The Beatles’ Let It Be film. We had the day off school as Britain was going to the polls to vote in a general election that saw Edward Heath gain a shock Conservative win over Labour’s Harold Wilson. I went with my school friends Sean D’Arcy and Matteo De Martino

It was also Paul McCartney’s 28th birthday.

The film was a poignant portrayal of the Fab Four – the final footage of them performing live on the on the Apple HQ rooftop was simply awesome.

Seeing The Beatles up on the big screen on that June day was an incredible thrill for this than 13 year old – it made up a bit for the disappointment of England’s shock exit from the Mexico World Cup at the hands of West German the previous Sunday. Like millions of others I watched in horror as England gave away a 2-0 lead to lose 3-2.

1970 was a year of immense musical discovery for me and seeing Let It Be along with the arrival in October of the Led Zeppelin III album were among the highlights of a truly amazing year of enlightenment that has shaped my musical passion ever since – all of 50 years ago…

June 18:

It was five years ago today…

On this day five years ago in 2015 I went to Olympic Studios in Barnes to interview Jimmy Page for the TBL magazine. Jimmy was promoting the final three studio reissues namely Presence, In Through The Out Door and Coda.

The interview was taking place 35 years to the day that Led Zeppelin had performed at the Cologne Sporthalle on the second night of their Over Europe 1980 tour – a performance I was lucky enough to be in attendance at.

At the end of the interview I reminded Jimmy of this and showed him a photo I had taken along from my Feather In the Wind Over Europe book -this was the photo of Jimmy speaking into the mic introducing Black Dog – a nightly custom on that tour.

He very kindly personally signed it for me, inscribing it: “Dave -Thirty Five years to the day and we are still speaking – Rock on!’’

Here’s a pic of Jimmy and I on that day with us holding up the aforementioned 1980 photo – it was taken in front of the giant framed Led Zeppelin I turquoise cover that adorns one of the Olympic Studios corridor walls.

I vividly remember Jimmy looking at that photo of him introducing Black Dog on stage for a good few seconds and I could see his pride in it all… and then he said to me “Thanks Dave, keep flying the flag.’’

It was some moment…

40 years on from that night extraordinary night in Cologne and five years on from my enlightening interview with Jimmy at Olympic Studios, I continue to do my upmost to fly that flag…

Dave Lewis -June 18,2020.

From my Facebook page Wednesday June 17…

Update here: Wednesday treats at the Vinyl Barn:

I’ve had my fair share of anxiety and depression issues these past few months as many have and in these challenging times there’s a balance to be had in keeping safe and trying to go about our everyday lives.

My big passion of buying records is well known. Locally that would normally lead to visits to the excellent Slide Records and Darren Harte’s Vinyl Barn. Warren Alsop and Nerys at Slide are operating an online ordering and collect service as they admirably consider how best to move forward with a potential shop re-opening.

Outdoor markets are now permitted for the first time since March so the Vinyl Barn in Bedford Market is back. I did visit the stall two weeks ago when it was first back but felt overwhelming anxious and did not last long -no disrespect to Darren.It was another example of my inability to enjoy the things I once did due to my anxious state.

In a quest to enjoy the buying experience again, support Darren, do something I love with a passion and face my anxiety head on, I tried again today.

The Vinyl Barn day has switched from Friday’s to Wednesdays so early today at 7.30am I ventured out to the stall.

I used a face covering which did help me feel a bit more confident in feeling safer. For his part, Darren has hand sanitizer ready and I used that before and after flicking through the records. Being there early there were very few other customers – another one did join the stall and was very respectful of the two metre social distancing rule. The stall looked great with plenty of new stock on album, CD and single.

I also saw my fellow record collecting enthusiast Steve Livesley– he had very kindly agreed to meet me to offer encouragement and support – thanks mate.

The whole time I was there I felt safe. However, it’s worrying to hear the reports this week that Bedford has one of the highest infection rates in the East Anglia area so I was taking an element of risk in doing this. Buying records is clearly not an essential task though I did combine it with some food shopping.

Like I said, the whole time I was at the Vinyl Barn I felt safe and it was similar when I went to shop in the nearby Lidl –fellow shoppers respectfully observing social distancing.

Of course, being out anywhere is exposing oneself to risk of infection and it would be very distressing if that happened. It‘s evident we all now live our lives with an element of risk every time we go out.

Today I had to balance that risk with my sense of well being. I can say that being back at the Vinyl Barn has inspired me greatly and I feel a great sense of achievement that I faced up to my previous anxiety.

It won’t solve everything on going and my battle with anxiety and depression continues, though I am fighting hard. As ever, my commitment to supporting the good lady Janet with her broken leg recovery ongoing is at the centre of everything here.

Overall, it does feel very good to have gone out and enjoyed something that I once took for granted – and faced some demons. Yes, it involved an element of risk but that is something we are all facing up to and it’s a choice we have to make. This morning,taking every percussion I could, I made that choice.

Having been somewhat hermit like recently, for my own wellbeing it has really lifted me today. The fact I am now working on some text for a TBL project ahead is further solace in trying to get away from what has been a consistently anxious state.

Oh and the vinyl LP record acquisitions: The Rolling Stones first album mono pressing on the red Decca label

Original mono copy of The Beatles Help!

Let It Rock German Atlantic Records sampler with tracks from Led Zeppelin (Communication Breakdown) , Yes,Curved Air,Family etc.

Otis Redding – The Soul Album UK 1966 mono pressing on the plum and orange Atlantic label

Frank Sinatra Songs For Swinging Lovers original EPs on the UK Capital label

Now they are very good for the soul…

Thank you Darren  – the always excellent Vinyl Barn is at Bedford Market today and Northampton on Thursdays – if you are in the area be sure to check it out.

Thanks for listening.

Stay safe and well you very lovely people…

Dave Lewis – June 17,2020

Since then…

The buzz of facing up to my demons Wednesday morning did wear off a bit. I’ve been feeling incredibly melancholy – particularly today. June 18 is always quite a significant date in the calendar of my year – as can be seen above…for many reasons it made me quite tearful thinking about some of those events.

It’s good to see the Premier League football is back – albeit in a very restrictive way. We have no Sky or BT so normally for tonight’s Tottenham v Manchester United I would be down the local Fox and Hounds to watch the live coverage. Sadly that cannot be. It’s another stark reminder of how they way things are now or as the media would have it ”the new normal.”

But as the song goes ”we have no choice by to carry on.’ There is always a lot to be thankful for – with the love of people around me particularly the good lady Janet who continues to be amazing in every way – and the distraction and consolation of all the great music that surrounds me and I love to share…

And finally…

Some inspirations this past week:

The new issues of Uncut and Record Collector dropping through the letterbox…

Watching the excellent David Bowie Five Years documentary on BBC 2 with the good lady Janet last Saturday…

A very touching gesture from Yvonne Hickey who posted something to us from here home in California…

An uplifting e-mail from Ian Dixon..

Inspiring phone conversations with Krys Jantzen and Barry Farnsworth

Keeping in touch with Mark Harrison who is so incredibly stoic it humbles me greatly…

Mike Tremaglio helping along with the latest TBL project…

A surprise package from long time TBL contributor Larry Bergmann jr – thanks Larry!

Thanks for listening – stay safe and well you very lovely people…

Dave Lewis –  June 19, 2020

Until next time, stay safe and stay well…

Website updates written and compiled by Dave Lewis

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  • Jim farmer said:

    Hope you are doing well these are difficult times. I to Have been suffering from similar anxiety issues due to loss of work and dealing with virus. It seems like a gamble every time you go out the door. I remember Howard ,he was a generous guy and it sure was sad to hear of his passing.I remember sending away for his book and it became a bible in those early days of collecting.Then I started to trade with him and a whole new world opened for me and it was always a thrill to see a package with his handwriting. He was all about trading and not the money pit it has become.when I visited him in Brighton in 1983 and stayed with him and Anita’s little cottage in the country with all their animals. I remember the beautiful Brighton train station and travelling to his house and looking through thousands of photos and negatives till I passed out. Once I understood his humour ,we went back and forth as I have a dry wit as well. These were wonderous times, if you see Anita please send her my best wishes

  • Rich Farquhar said:


    Excellent update – as always! It is us – your admirers – who owe you a debt of gratitude. We could all fill the O2 arena. Hang in there. I totally empathize with your current situation. Life is a marathon full of little sprints and some speed bumps. Great to see Straight Shooter on Island – I have managed to purchase the first 2 Bad Co vinyl on Island, both treasures. Thanks for the Weller update, will purchase the Record Collector edition and can’t wait for the release on 7/7. We are ALL behind you, Dave!!

    All the best,
    Rich from Atlanta

  • Roy JOHN Watson said:

  • Hiroshi said:

    FTR Ritchie Yorke’s The Led Zeppelin Biography preceded Howard Mylett’s book by a few weeks (both published in January, 1976).

    I bought an import copy of Howard’s book when it came the first time around. While I was certainly delighted by a chance encounter with the book on the band I loved so much (that was almost non-existent those days!), I vividly remember I cringed when I read that The Yardbirds toured Japan twice in the Sixties (they never did — the group set foot on the country’s soil in 2011 for the first time), and that Led Zeppelin first played in Japan in 1970!
    With due respect to Howard, the book suffered from a fair share of misinformation — in a way a testament to the fact that he was a pioneer.

  • Matt Bridger said:

    Howards paperback was the first Zeppelin book I ever purchased! Great read!

  • Friso Halbertsma said:

    Touching tribute to Howard- never doubt the efforts you have both made to keep the flames stoked go unappreciated.

  • We all dream as dreamers do said:

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been down Dave. All this hasn’t been easy for anyone but, like Ahmed said, ‘ Its a great life, this life of music’.
    We don’t need much else apart from love and music and you have both in abundance. You’re the Godfather of the Zeppelin tribe.Stay strong

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Andy many thanks and you share that torch too and do so brilliantly …

  • Andrew Adams said:

    Hi Dave, great tribute to Howard who will always be a legend in our World and rightly so. It feels that the torch has been passed from him to you and you keep it burning brightly magnificently my great and true friend… best wishes and thoughts as ever

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