8 December 2009
The highly renowned original Zep author Howard Mylett has been suffering poor health for some months now. Following heart problems and breathing difficulties, his latest set back has been the after effects of a cataract operation which has severely affected his vision. I know many of you have been in contact with Howard over the years and I’m sure you share my concern. If you would like to contact Howard to offer best wishes and support his email address is
His mail address is 122 Victoria Road, Portslade, East Sussex BN4 1 XB.
I know he would appreciate it. I’m sure I speak for all of the Zep fraternity in offering Howard and his wife Anita our thoughts and support at this difficult time. (DL)
I have known and spoke to Howard numerous times in the 70’s, but life being as it is i lost touch with many of my valued Zep mates, but the feelings remain the same. Howard, I wish you well,you and Dave Lewis are an inspiration.
I will sign off as you always your own words.
“Your Friend ”
Cheers mate
Stuart Whitehead.
Howard is a legend.
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Tight But Loose Website edited by Dave Lewis and Gary Foy.
Tight But Loose Magazine created by Dave Lewis 1978. TBL/Web launched by Dave Linwood 1995. TBL logo by Mike Warry.
All written material and photographs are copyright © Tight But Loose. Not to be reproduced without prior permission.
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