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It Might Get Loud Due For DVD Release

22 October 2009 3,355 views One Comment


Amazon’s on-line shopping channel are advertising It Might Get Loud, the film featuring Jimmy Page, Jack White and The Edge for pre-order and state that DVD and Blue-Ray copies will be available from December 22nd. As yet no official announcement has emerged from distributors Sony Pictures Classics. It Might Get Loud has had limited theatre showing in the USA though there is no news of a cinema release in the UK.

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  • Tim Davies said:

    Saw the film here (in Hannover, Germany) in an “art-house” cinema in the summer…can’t understand why it has not been shown in the UK. The film is wonderful, inspiring and 100% full-blooded blues/Rock n’ Roll.
    Wonderful clips of Zeppelin on stage, and rare archive footage of Jimmy.
    It is a great film….Jimmy sitting in the garden at headley grange playing mandolin to “The battle of Evermore”……..Go see it !!!

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