‘It Might Get Loud’ set for US cinema release
The guitar documentary “It Might Get Loud,” starring guitarists Jimmy Page, Jack White and The Edge, is finally set to get a theatrical release after it was announced that the film was purchased by Sony Pictures Classics for distribution in North America, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Sony said it intends to “open the film next summer.”
The documentary was directed by Davis Guggenheim, best known for his directorial role for the Academy Award-winning “An Inconvenient Truth.” It has been screened three times to date, all during the Toronto International Film Festival in September.
Sony Pictures Classic says in a press release: “It Might Get Loud” is a music lover’s dream. The film covers three generations of guitar players (The Edge, Jimmy Page, Jack White) and our plan is to attract the three generations of fans when we open the film next summer. We are pleased to be in business with director Davis Guggenheim and producer Thomas Tull, who’se obsession with the subject has brought so much to the high quality of the film.
There is no news as of a European release date as yet.
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