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5 October 2010 4,753 views 4 Comments

Above: DL with Jason Bonham – Black Country Communion album launch London September 20th 2010

Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience  36 date tour commences this Friday at the Encana Events Centre Dawson Creek BC.

As Jason reveals in the new issue of  the TBL magazine he is very keen to make this a very memorable show.

”I started planning the whole stage show, getting it into context and into a timeline –this is my life story not just the Zeppelin story. It’s how it was for me as a kid with the images but then concentrating on periods. Then there’s the issue of what to include in the set. Part of me really wanted to start with the Albert Hall and Were Gonna Groove –all that element. There’s so many versions of things I can look back on. There’s all those bootlegs out there so it’s like ‘What about the version of How Many More Times they did at the Texas Pop Festival in 1969?’’  Then something like Babe I’m Gonna Leave You, that’s something that has to be in to be in the show -that Danish TV kind of vibe where my Dad plays amazingly. I’ve also got plenty of film, my mums given me permission to use some things like cine film from our last holiday and photos of me and him together. Its like try not to make it too sad, but there will be moments I guess of high emotion. Ultimately I want to make it a celebration of his life.”

If you are planning to attend one (or more) of the shows, TBL welcomes your tour reports set lists, and feedback for posting on the TBL site and possible use in the TBL magazine. Email your first hand tour reports and photos to Gary Foy at ….. We are particularly keen to have an early report/photos  of the opening show on Friday.

We look forward to chronicling what is shaping up to be a very special tour.

Further details at

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  • ledhed58 said:

    Just saw the video of SIBLY and was blown away !! Just when I thought I was stoked to see the Houston show as it was,now I have had a glimpse of that old Zeppelin magic in action again…Jason is doing his dad and Zeppelin proud…Why is it that this band has refused to fade away after all these years ??How come they find new fans every day and thier music sounds as good now as it did when it was first released??? Name another band as talented and loved by it’s fans…do not say the Beatles….Peace from the U.S.A. …

  • Kathy Urich said:

    I got on you-tube this AM, to see if anyone had downloaded something from Jason’s first show. They had AMAZING!!!! They were playing “Since I’ve Been Loving You” absolutely brilliant. If you haven’t gotten your tickets for the show, the cats out of the bag, tickets are sure to sell quickly now. Don’t miss this show; lets help Jason truly honor his father in style. Well-done Jason and all the band members, I closed my eyes and was transported back to the 70’s!!!

  • Simon cox said:

    Dave, we have met a couple of times. Once at an LZ convention when I was at radio lollipop and recently before the tcv gig at the Albert hall. Went to steve miller tonight at rah and was totally blanked by Dave Gilmour , but also bumped into a very healthy and tanned looking jimmy page. Thought Gilmour was going to perform but he didn’t , maybe a bit of a rock gods night out! Best regards Simon

  • ledhed58 said:

    I will be seeing him in Houston on the 16th of November and already know that it will be emotional but also it will be exhilarating to be with all those people who will be celebrating the life and music of the greatest drummer of the last 50 years and also the music of one of the truly unique bands in popular music bar none,will be sharing my review the morning after of this one-of-a-kind event….RIP Bonzo,the Hammer of the GODS…..

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