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Jimmy Page at the Hall Of Fame

5 April 2009 5,833 views One Comment

beck1As reported here two months ago Jimmy Page appeared at this years Rock & Roll all Of Fame held in Cleveland to induct guitar virtuoso Jeff Beck into the famed Hall Of Fame. During his speech remembered his friendship with Beck going back to when there were 13 – 14 years old and into the Yardbirds.

He also said of Jeff solo work “Jeff started making solo records, and I carried on with the Yardbirds for a while, and we both started to continue in our own sort of way. I sort of had Led Zeppelin, and Jeff kept going, and I’ve gotta tell you — I’ve gotta tell you that you’d sort of listen to Jeff along the way, and you go, ‘Well, he’s getting really, really good, Jeff.’ And you’d hear him a few years later, and he’d just keep getting better and better and better, and he still has all the way through, and he leaves us mere mortals, believe me, just wondering. …

beck“I have so much respect for him because Jeff’s whole guitar style is just totally unorthodox to the point that anyone was taught, and he’s just developed a whole style of expanding the electric guitar and making it into something which was just sounds and techniques totally unheard of before, and that’s just an amazing feat, believe me. But, you know, he’s done some amazing sets, some amazing fusion records , Blow by Blow, for a start, was just a solo record that established him as the most incredible soloist of our time. And he just doesn’t stop! He gets better and better and better.

“I tell you, I’m really honoured to be here to induct Jeff into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because he’s done so much for rock ‘n’ roll, and he always will.”

beck2After Jeff Beck acceptance speech, he took to the stage with his current touring band and began playing ‘Becks Bolero’, the famous Beck/Page collaboration from 1967, half way through Jeff introduced Jimmy as “a big chunk of Led Zeppelin, right here, Jimmy…PAGE” they then ripped into an incredible version of Immigrant Song with Jimmy playing a Fender XII as Jeff played the vocal lead on his ever present white Stratocaster, the song then sequenced back into Becks Bolero. Later in the evening Jimmy joined Jeff Beck, James Hetfield, Kirk Hammet, Joe Perry, Ron Wood, Jason Newsted, Lars Ulrich, Flea and Robert Trujillo for an all star jam of Train Kept A Rollin’. A one point Jimmy’s white Les Paul Gibson strap came undone and a guitar tech had to come to his aid.

Check out the following clips via You Tube for highlights of a wonderful night.
Gary Foy


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One Comment »

  • Deepinder Cheema said:

    Can someone tell me what is the point of a hall of fame? I might understand if a great band like ..Mighty Baby need the exposure, for they are famous to me. Is there a hall? Is there a waxen effigy of Jimmy Page?? does Mr Page need the publicity. What is the point. Boo to Halls of Fame.

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