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3 November 2010 5,403 views 3 Comments

The current issue of the bi –annual US arts magazine Lid (issue 11) has a superb spread of photos from the Genesis Publications Jimmy Page By Jimmy Page book plus an interview with Jimmy conducted by picture researcher Dave Brolan. There’s also insightful comment from Kate Simon and Michael Zagaris, two of the photographers featured in the book.

This issue is available in a limited edition cover image taken from the Jimmy Page By Jimmy Page book –ordering details at

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  • Linda Adams said:

    Okay, well, I can afford the magazine. 🙂 I couldn’t get the book, much as I wanted it!

  • Hunt said:

    The excitement continues to build around Page’s upcoming… something. The book is unprecedented, but it will immediately be outdated when Mr Page releases his long hinted at and highly anticipated album… Unless the release date of the book has been deliberately pushed back to include photos from the album studio sessions and perhaps a gig or two surrounding the release? It would also seem that Mr Page is awaiting the proper moment so as not to steal any thunder from the amazing Band of Joy phenom being enjoyed by Mr Plant… Such drama! A whole lotta fun.

  • Kathy Urich said:

    It’s very nice, it also comes with a 5 X 7 add for Jimmy’s book in my view suitable for framing. Worth the coin.

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