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Jimmy Page & John Paul Jones appear with the Foo Fighters

9 June 2008 2,263 views No Comment

After weeks of speculation, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones returned to the stage on Saturday night as special guest of The Foo Fighters at London’s Wembley Stadium. After the Foo Fighters already impressive set two hour set on a revolving ‘in the round’ stage, Dave Grohl announced “playing Wembley Stadium is an honour, and if we didn’t take advantage of this opportunity, the greatest fucking night in our band’s lives… for all 86,000 of you motherfuckers, it isn’t gonna be any other show.” Then Jimmy and John Paul Jones came on stage to perform Rock ‘n’ Roll and Ramble On. Grohl switched to drums for Rock n Roll whilst drummer Taylor Hawkins took on vocal duties. Grohl and Hawkins then switched rolls for Ramble On. As Page and Jones left the stage before a final encore of ‘Best Of You’, an ecstatic Grohl shouted “welcome to the greatest fucking day of my life!”

Follow these links for a couple of shakey You Tube videos. Ramble On and Rock ‘n’ Roll

Thanks to Giles Waithe for additional reporting.

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