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11 August 2010 9,701 views 13 Comments

Photo -Ross Halfin

An official Jimmy Page web site is being readied for launch soon. You can register interest now and sign up  at

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  • Jan Dowell said:

    I’m being patient, I’m being patient, I’m being patient. LOL Hopefully thats been imprinted into my brain so I can withstand the not knowing, and the long wait. Jimmy just HAD to be the greatest guitar player ever!! I’m rockin on outta here, Jan – US – State, Missouri, Pisces to the bone, ugh!

  • Kathleen Ford said:

    Jimmy’s Facebook page is up now and it’s great. There are so many wonderful comments on it that it must be really gratifying for him to read how much he’s revered and has inspired so many. (At least I hope he gets around to reading it! I’m sure he’s not administering it himself.) Anyhow, it’s cool that he’s got this and it’s definitely worth checking out.

  • John West said:

    Can’t wait for Jimmy to be up and runnin again it doesn’t matter to me
    who’s on board we just need the great man to be out there playin and thrillin us all. Bin toooo long a time! Got me son signed up too !

  • Jim Sloane said:

    Will he – wont he ?? Who can tell !! Cant afford the book thats for sure but some new music would be fine.

    Bet he still does some Led Zep stuff though.

  • Hunt said:

    patiently waiting… Jimmy is so mightily gifted, as a player and producer, but especially as a writer. Perhaps the months of rehearsals before the O2 gig released a flood if inspiration… patiently waiting…

  • Kathy Urich said:

    Ledhead you always seem to write, with more flare then I, my sentiments exactly. I think it was a month or so ago we we’re all chatting about “…Is this the year Jimmy will actually have a new project to share?” Yadda, Yadda. I said I thought it would happen when his book went public…well, new book, new website and could it be……new music? I have my appendages crossed.

    Jimmy always comes forth in style. I can’t remember which guitar mag I was reading at the book store recenlty but I loved the quote…The man in the Dos Equis beer ads has nothing on Jimmy Page; as HE is the most interesting man in the world.

  • steve hurd said:

    Great At Last

  • ledhed58 said:

    Looking forward to this… I think this will be Pagey’s year to rock us once again.. waiting for my copy of his book, waiting for THAT DVD and most importantly waiting to hear that GUITAR again, both on cd and HOPEFULLY live once again…as the song goes, “It’s been a long time since I rocked and rolled” Peace…

  • Kurt Anderson said:

    The man with nothing to prove looks like he’s got something to prove. He’s looking quite confident in that picture. This life long fan can’t wait for some killer new stuff.

  • Steve Edwards said:

    Let’s hope so!!

  • swin said:

    About time !!! surely the PAGE GUITAR ARMY will be on the march soon ?

  • Kathy Urich said:


  • Peter said:

    Surely the shape of things to come. New website must mean that there’ll be some news to report 😉

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