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9 January 2011 7,640 views 23 Comments

Jimmy Page is 67 today.

In a career that has spanned six decades, he has written the rule book on the art of rock guitar. From monolithic riffing to blistering solos. From acoustic beauty to vast instrumental guitar orchestration. Eastern tunings, Blues, 50s rock’n’roll psychedelic and full on riffs – his catalogue mirrors all those styles and much more.

He remains the true lord of the strings.  We think it won’t be too long before he is out there proving that fact once again.

Here’s a round up of clips that vividly illustrate his unique genius. Watch and be amazed…again.

Happy birthday Jimmy from us to you…

Jimmy Page & Paul Rodgers-Who’s to Blame

The Firm-Radioactive

Jimmy Page – Wasting My Time

Coverdale/Page – Pride And Joy

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant – The Rain Song 1994

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant Babe I’m Gonna Leave You 1998

Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes – The Wanton Song

Foo Fighters with John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page – Rock Roll

Jeff Beck & Jimmy Page ~ Beck’s Bolero / Immigrant Song

Led Zepppelin at the O2 – Stairway To Heaven

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  • Big Bear said:

    Dearest Jimmy,

    Happy belated birthday Dr. Page! It is so wonderful to see you’ve made it through all of the craziness we called the 70s not to mention the 80s!

    We’ve been out of touch for too long, give a call next time you’re on this side of the pond, that is if you haven’t lost my number!

    Big Bear McCoy

  • stephen white said:


  • Mike MacLennan [aka Dino] said:

    Belated birtday greetings JP.
    My #1 music man, you and your band have been rockin my music world since 1970 and keeping me young with so many music and life memories ever since – your music, and articles and photos were the soundtrack to my life and I Thank You.
    All the very best
    Mike MacLennan
    N Ireland

  • Jose Rameriz said:

    Dearest Mr. Page.

    Thank you ever so much for all that you do for the children here in Brazil. Without you behind us so many more children would needlessly suffer. You truly do more than you will ever know through your personal contributions and ties to the masses. You are a gentleman, a saint and a lifesaver to those who need it most!

    Jose Rameriz

  • paul webber said:

    happy birthday james patrick page , you are the most important mucisian in my life……..please keep rockin…and when you tour please play the hall for cornwall………rock on .paul.

  • Chris Wright said:

    Rock royalty

  • Judi Molinari said:

    ~Happy 67th Birthday Jimmy~ Your work is absolutely amazing, thank you for the music!

  • alex said:

    Happy B-Day! Hope to hear some cool music soon!

  • Steve "The Lemon" Sauer said:

    Happy birthday, Dr. Page!

  • Pete Leigh said:

    Thankyou Jimmy

  • Kathleen Ford said:

    Happy Birthday, Jimmy Page. Some people just get younger as they get older and he’s one of them.

  • Annie said:

    Happy Birthday, Jimmy
    Your music justifies my life.
    Thank you, you’re the best.

  • Michael Brazee said:

    Musical Genius, ’nuff said.
    Happy Birthday James Patrick!

  • Debby said:

    Happy Birthday Jimmy. Thank you for your contribution to music and the world.

  • Jez said:

    Happy Birthday to the master. Just watched all the clips, just majestic. Fingers crossed for some significant Page activity in 2011. Oh and
    thanks Dave & Gary for keeping the fires burning.

  • ledhed58 said:

    What can I say about this pivotal man in the music world and in in my own life?? God Bless you, James, thank you for all the music, which has been the soundtrack to my life. Thank you for inspiring me and countless guitarists to pick up the instrument.. looking forward to holding your book in my hands knowing that you have held it with THOSE hands…many more birthdays for this truly legendary guitar player and for God’s sake, Jimmy, keep on ROCKIN !!!!

  • Marcel Gootjes said:

    Boxed set 1 & 2 on my headphones to celebrate the 67th birthday of Mr. Page, one of England’s best guitarists, if not the world’s!!

  • Paul Lawrence said:

    Happy Birthday Jimmy – can’t wait to receive your book, and look forward to the next record

  • hobst said:

    Happy Birthday Jimmy.
    Thanks for many years of aural delight.
    First saw you at Earls Court in 75.
    Was gobsmacked then and still am now.
    Have a good one.

  • Michel Vecchi said:

    A great man for a great day…Happy Birtday my dear Jimmy Page…please, come back soon, the music’s world is getting colder without your presence…
    Michel Vecchi

  • Jim Sloane said:

    Happy Birthday Jimmy – have enjoyed the music so much over the years.Am looking forward to your next record and tour !

  • John and Ben West said:

    Happy birthday Jimmy, may you continue to inspire us all with your guitar and muse.Love and light to youX

  • Kathy Urich said:

    Happy Birthday Jimmy, best wishes to you and yours; and my you continue to create the magik through your music that we all love so much. Namaste

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