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John Bonham Tops Drummers Poll

15 October 2009 3,861 views 2 Comments


The monthly magazine Drum & Drummer has conducted a poll of the top 50 Greatest Drum Albums of all time and unsurprisingly John Bonham via Led Zeppelin dominates the chart with five albums in the top 50.

The Led Zeppelin fourth album tops the chart above Abbey Road. Physical Graffiti is at number 3 while “the TBL album of the month” Led Zeppelin 2 comes in at number 6. Led Zeppelin first album is voted number 14 in the chart with Houses Of The Holy clocking in at a respectable number 28.

Drum and Drummer said of John Bonham “At a very young age, before I even knew who John Bonham was, I recognized that the drum parts of Led Zeppelin songs stood apart from other music on the radio. Bonham’s raw power, sense of feel, precision, aggressively thundering attack and musicality attracted me to Led Zeppelin’s music before I even understood why. The feel of the drum part that transitions the soft and loud passages of “Stairway to Heaven” still gives me goose bumps after the billionth listen. Bonham’s signature style always stood out (in the best way possible) even with Jimmy Page’s virtuosic guitar playing and Robert Plant’s distinctive vocal style.

John Bonham tops the list of most drummers’ influences for very good reason. His playing was always original, passionate, and he cared much more about feel than mere technique. His playing, of course, displayed astonishing hand and foot technique. But it was the powerful musicality and pure feeling expressed by his playing that made him truly original.’’

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  • jonny b said:

    Great tribute to the greatest rock drummer of all time. Just wish he was still here to laugh at the polls/comments.

  • andrew said:

    go Bonzo. what a tribute to the man , his ability and his musicianship….would it be rude to scratch your head over Abbey Road at no 2 though? Great album but im not sure i remember it for the towering force Ringo was. swap Abby Road for Presence and you got a deal

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